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Member Count: 95,096
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April 23, 2024

Item updated: Blood Bag : AB+

Description: "A blood bag filled with type AB+ blood. Only compatible with recipients in group AB+." to "A blood bag filled with type AB+ blood. Only compatible with recipients in group AB+. This rare type is found in just 3.4% of the population, a figure that closely matches the percentage of annual boat deaths caused by people pissing over the side."

April 23, 2024

Item updated: Blood Bag : A+

Description: "A blood bag filled with type AB+ blood. Only compatible with recipients in group AB+. This rare type is found in just 3.4% of the population, a figure that closely matches the percentage of annual boat deaths caused by people pissing over the side." to "A blood bag filled with type A+ blood. Compatible with recipients in group A+ and AB+. Approximately 35.7% of people have this blood type, which is roughly equivalent to the proportion of your home's daily water use consumed by your toilet."

April 21, 2024

Item updated: Blood Bag : B-

Description: "A blood bag filled with type B- blood. Compatible with recipients in groups B-, B+, AB- and AB+." to "A blood bag filled with type B- blood. Compatible with recipients in groups B-, B+, AB- and AB+. The percentage of people with B- blood is 1.5%, which is also the reported accuracy level for the statistics posted in these blood bag item descriptions."

April 21, 2024

Item updated: Blood Bag : A+

Description: "A blood bag filled with type A+ blood. Compatible with recipients in group A+ and AB+." to "A blood bag filled with type AB+ blood. Only compatible with recipients in group AB+. This rare type is found in just 3.4% of the population, a figure that closely matches the percentage of annual boat deaths caused by people pissing over the side."

April 21, 2024

Item updated: Blood Bag : B+

Description: "A blood bag filled with type B+ blood. Compatible with recipients in group B+ and AB+." to "A blood bag filled with type B+ blood. Compatible with recipients in group B+ and AB+. 8.5% of human beings contain this type of blood, and this directly correlates with the number of solitaire games that are said to be unwinnable."

Full List

If you have any questions or problems, please contact IceBlueFire on Torn or contact him on Discord.

Any individual player's data will not be reviewed beyond security or maintenance reasons.