How to Move Data from to Forums (And Make it Look Good)
If you are the Faction Leader or Co-Leader, sign in to and create your Faction. Go to Faction Headquarters and click on Copy Link. Send that Link to the entire faction and tell them to apply for the Faction ON If you are the Faction Leader or Co-Leader, you can jump ahead to €œOn the first day of Chaining€.
If you are the stats guy or gal for your faction, you will need to click on that link in the email and apply for the Faction ON The Leader or Co-Leader should allow you to have all of the permissions that are listed. At some point you will need to put in your API Code. Then you are able to go about making the stats sheet with results that can be posted on Forums.
On the first day of chaining, go to and sign in.
Click on Factions
Click on Headquarters
Click on the Start Chaining button on the left hand side of the page
On a Weekly you will need to do this, to update the data, as the data is not saved that far back, you will need to click Factions, Headquarters, and click on Stop Chaining. Then Press F5 and click the Start Chaining button once again. If you do not do this, you will not have any data to pull when you go back a week later.
At the end of the first week of chaining (and every week of chaining after that), go to and sign in
Click on Factions
Click on Chainbase
Click on Newsfeed Hit Report
Click inside the first box
Type in the date of the first training: d d / m m / y y and 12:00:00 AM
Click inside the second box
Type in the date of the seventh day of training: d d / m m / y y and 12:00:00 AM
Click in the third box
Assign a title to the report (week X of Name of Month and Year)
Click on Create Report
A new page will appear
Click on the bottom link
A new page will appear
Click on the Attacks Total, to reorder the table.
Press Control and A on the keyboard
Right click and click on copy
Open up an untitled spreadsheet
Right click in cell 1 - A
Click on Paste
Click on row 2 and drag it to row 4 (This will highlight rows 2 through 4)
Right click on the highlighted space and click delete rows 2 - 4
Click in cell 2 - A
Click on the paint roller (Paint Format) button at the top section of the page, just under Edit
Click on row 1 and drag down through row 8 (this will change the header to printable format)
Click on Cell 4 - A
Click on Format
Click on Number
Click on Date
Click in cell 6 - A
Click on Format
Click on Number
Click on Date
Click in cell 9 - A and press the Period (this will serve as a space holder)
Click in cell 10 - A and press the Period (this will serve as a space holder)
Right click on column D and click on Delete Column
Select B - 4 through F - 6
Right click and scroll down to Delete Cells, and then Shift Left
Right click on column G and click on Delete Column
Right click on column H and drag it to column S and click on Delete Columns H - S (This will make what you are pasting into forums small enough to fit in the Forum window.)
Scroll down to near the bottom of the page to the first faction member that had 0 hits
Right click in column D in the cell behind the first name of the faction member with 0 hits and drag it down to faction member 100 on the list, it should be cell 111 - H
Click on Delete Cells and then click on Shift Left
Scroll back to the top of the page
Right click in cell 1 - A and drag down to the 100th faction member and over to column H
Click Copy
Open up a new Untitled Document
Right click in the space for text
Click Paste
Adjust the columns so that there is room for the longest name in the faction and that all numbers are on one line
Press Control and A
Right click in the shaded area and click Copy
Go to faction Forums
Click on New Thread
First Time, you will Name the Thread (week X of Name of Month and Year), the following weeks, you just need to Paste it in Reply.
Right click in the text area and click on Paste
Click on Post
If you have any questions or problems, please contact a staff member on Torn Stats' Discord.
Any individual player's data will not be reviewed beyond security or maintenance reasons.
If you are willing to help keep this site running, please feel free to donate to the developer. Anything is always appreciated, but never required by any user.