Torn Rackets

Territory Racket Level Reward Created Changed Faction
HZB Protection Racket V 5 $80,000,000 daily 26/01/20 05:57:03 AM 04/09/24 07:00:20 AM Lex Wolverines
THC Cannabis Factory I 1 25x Cannabis daily 12/06/20 01:00:02 PM 09/09/24 08:00:17 PM Maiden Voyage
IFE Bootleg Distillery V 5 160x Bottle of Moonshine daily 14/06/20 05:00:02 PM 20/08/24 01:00:27 PM Monarch Research
ICF Cannabis Factory IV 4 200x Cannabis daily 04/07/20 07:00:02 AM 03/08/24 10:00:19 PM Carbon
OAE Arms Dealer IV 4 200x Smoke Grenade daily 27/07/20 06:00:02 PM 10/09/24 10:00:15 AM HAKA
DJC Street Surgeon III 3 20x Melatonin daily 16/08/20 07:15:02 PM 11/09/24 08:00:22 PM WTF
KXD Money Launderer III 3 $40,000,000 daily 31/08/20 05:00:02 PM 13/09/24 11:00:20 PM Nuclear Blast
SKB Street Surgeon V 5 400x Morphine daily 08/09/20 02:00:02 AM 05/09/24 07:00:19 AM JFK - Future Killers
EOF Truck Stop IV 4 80x Can of Red Cow daily 29/11/20 02:00:02 AM 10/09/24 08:00:14 AM Natural Selection II
TDF Drug Lab IV 4 200x Xanax daily 18/12/20 09:00:03 PM 07/09/24 11:30:19 PM Natural Selection IV
WZD Bordello V 5 80x Erotic DVD daily 09/02/21 08:00:03 AM 14/08/24 05:00:21 AM The Next Level
RDF Drug Lab III 3 100x Xanax daily 20/03/21 01:00:06 PM 07/09/24 05:00:19 PM Natural Selection III
LBC Arms Dealer IV 4 200x Flash Grenade daily 07/04/21 12:00:05 PM 22/07/24 02:00:21 AM JFK - Misfits
JND Street Surgeon IV 4 40x Melatonin daily 02/05/21 09:00:25 PM 19/07/24 01:00:41 PM Too Sober for this Shit
PJB Drug Lab II 2 50x Ecstasy daily 18/06/21 07:57:19 AM 30/08/24 02:00:23 PM Ruthless Reborn
JQD Drug Lab III 3 100x Ecstasy daily 24/06/21 07:01:00 AM 15/08/24 03:00:23 AM The Wolverines
KFE Point Broker I 1 500x Points daily 02/07/21 05:00:13 PM 07/09/24 03:00:25 AM Monarch Research
UAB Drug Lab II 2 50x Ecstasy daily 20/07/21 04:00:14 AM 16/09/24 02:00:18 PM Desert Eagle
ZDE Arms Dealer IV 4 200x Flash Grenade daily 28/07/21 06:00:13 AM 04/09/24 02:00:19 PM Horizon
SIA Point Broker IV 4 4,000x Points daily 16/08/21 11:00:14 AM 23/08/24 12:00:19 PM Vulpes Vulpes
NHE Money Launderer II 2 $20,000,000 daily 26/08/21 04:00:14 AM 23/08/24 08:00:19 AM WTF Healers
PJE Illegal Casino III 3 $100,000,000 daily 06/09/21 05:00:16 PM 07/09/24 05:00:19 PM Natural Selection III
JBA Bordello II 2 10x Erotic DVD daily 02/10/21 04:00:17 AM 13/08/24 04:00:17 AM Rabid Chihuahuas
QCF Cannabis Factory V 5 400x Cannabis daily 21/11/21 04:00:13 PM 14/09/24 03:30:20 PM Nuclear Armageddon
LNC Street Surgeon V 5 400x Morphine daily 27/11/21 05:00:21 PM 04/08/24 03:00:23 PM SMTH - Concord
CDE Cannabis Factory IV 4 200x Cannabis daily 10/01/22 06:00:15 AM 08/09/24 05:00:20 AM The Sick Bay
HPD Bootleg Distillery IV 4 80x Bottle of Moonshine daily 14/01/22 06:00:23 PM 03/09/24 02:00:20 PM Lithium
KBD Arms Dealer IV 4 200x Smoke Grenade daily 22/01/22 08:00:19 AM 20/08/24 11:00:20 PM Destructive Anomaly
WSD Protection Racket IV 4 $40,000,000 daily 28/01/22 04:00:21 AM 15/09/24 08:00:24 PM The Wolverines
TSB Protection Racket I 1 $5,000,000 daily 08/02/22 08:00:18 PM 14/09/24 05:00:26 AM Nuclear Armageddon
VRE Arms Dealer V 5 400x Tear Gas daily 12/02/22 05:00:15 PM 16/09/24 12:30:18 AM SMTH - Healing Pulse
RKD Truck Stop III 3 40x Can of Munster daily 08/03/22 11:00:23 AM 16/09/24 04:30:17 PM Monarch HQ
QZE Bootleg Distillery IV 4 80x Bottle of Moonshine daily 04/04/22 05:00:26 PM 04/09/24 11:00:20 AM The Next Level - Forge
RQD Cannabis Factory I 1 25x Cannabis daily 20/04/22 01:00:20 PM 11/09/24 01:00:20 PM The Resolute
YCD Arms Dealer III 3 100x HEG daily 28/04/22 07:00:18 AM 31/07/24 08:00:21 PM Evolution
KSD Street Surgeon III 3 100x Morphine daily 03/05/22 04:00:20 AM 27/08/24 04:00:16 AM Dead or Alive
OGD Point Broker IV 4 4,000x Points daily 10/05/22 01:00:16 PM 10/09/24 10:00:21 PM Natural Selection III
AHC Street Surgeon I 1 5x Epinephrine daily 03/06/22 11:00:16 AM 07/09/24 07:45:20 PM 39th Street Killers
XSD Drug Lab IV 4 200x Xanax daily 09/07/22 05:00:21 PM 10/09/24 12:01:31 AM The Wolverines
BMD Drug Lab IV 4 200x Xanax daily 25/07/22 10:00:19 PM 27/08/24 07:00:20 PM Carbon
DJE Protection Racket III 3 $20,000,000 daily 03/08/22 04:00:21 AM 22/08/24 06:00:19 AM Monarch Chrysalis
VOC Truck Stop II 2 20x Can of Red Cow daily 06/08/22 07:00:18 AM 04/08/24 02:00:24 AM Dopeheads on Mopeds
KKE Drug Lab III 3 100x Ecstasy daily 18/08/22 07:00:20 AM 12/09/24 08:00:20 AM Chain Reaction
XBD Point Broker III 3 2,000x Points daily 23/09/22 12:00:52 AM 13/09/24 09:00:22 PM Natural Selection
UJD Drug Lab III 3 100x Xanax daily 13/10/22 04:00:22 AM 09/07/24 03:00:20 AM Natural Selection
JUE Truck Stop I 1 10x Can of Taurine Elite daily 26/10/22 09:00:23 AM 15/08/24 04:00:20 PM Nuclear Winter
SLE Protection Racket II 2 $10,000,000 daily 06/11/22 08:00:18 PM 02/09/24 12:00:19 PM New Sith Order
QGE Street Surgeon III 3 100x Morphine daily 17/11/22 07:00:21 AM 12/09/24 12:01:20 AM Wolf Pack Next Generation
ZWD Protection Racket I 1 $5,000,000 daily 21/11/22 08:00:24 PM 11/09/24 08:00:19 AM Dystopia
DTE Street Surgeon V 5 400x Morphine daily 29/12/22 07:00:25 PM 12/09/24 03:00:21 PM NS Bomb Shelter
SSD Drug Lab I 1 25x Ecstasy daily 15/01/23 07:00:27 AM 27/08/24 12:01:30 AM The Wolverines
TVD Truck Stop IV 4 80x Can of Red Cow daily 30/01/23 05:00:29 AM 28/07/24 11:00:16 AM Dystopia
RWC Cannabis Factory IV 4 200x Cannabis daily 03/02/23 04:00:28 AM 16/09/24 06:15:17 PM Alley Cats
KVG Arms Dealer III 3 100x Flash Grenade daily 04/02/23 04:00:29 AM 25/08/24 08:30:18 AM Naughty Souls
CRG Illegal Casino III 3 $100,000,000 daily 13/02/23 10:00:33 PM 30/08/24 03:00:18 PM Monarch Cupid
WAD Protection Racket IV 4 $40,000,000 daily 26/02/23 11:00:27 PM 08/09/24 06:00:18 AM WIT-Premier
LFB Bordello II 2 10x Erotic DVD daily 08/03/23 04:00:38 PM 12/09/24 11:00:19 PM The Iron Retribution
DZC Arms Dealer V 5 400x Tear Gas daily 09/03/23 04:00:32 AM 10/08/24 04:00:22 AM The Black Hand
ISD Arms Dealer V 5 400x Flash Grenade daily 12/03/23 04:00:32 PM 11/09/24 12:00:20 PM The Wolverines
WBD Money Launderer III 3 $40,000,000 daily 16/04/23 01:00:35 AM 08/09/24 05:00:19 PM Nuclear Blast
FLC Money Launderer I 1 $10,000,000 daily 18/04/23 12:00:30 PM 30/08/24 06:00:48 PM Subversive Alliance
MJC Point Broker III 3 2,000x Points daily 29/04/23 08:00:26 AM 11/08/24 05:00:22 AM WTF Healers
KXE Bootleg Distillery II 2 20x Bottle of Moonshine daily 12/05/23 12:00:37 PM 16/09/24 06:15:17 PM Occultus
FDE Point Broker I 1 500x Points daily 18/05/23 02:00:36 PM 03/09/24 01:00:21 PM Catalysis
BJE Bootleg Distillery I 1 10x Bottle of Moonshine daily 21/05/23 08:00:29 PM 16/09/24 05:00:16 PM Monarch HQ
NZD Truck Stop V 5 160x Can of Red Cow daily 28/05/23 12:00:25 PM 04/09/24 10:00:22 AM Natural Selection
NJC Drug Lab II 2 50x Ecstasy daily 13/06/23 03:00:28 PM 26/07/24 08:00:18 AM NPO - Valour
XJD Drug Lab III 3 100x Ecstasy daily 25/06/23 03:00:25 AM 16/09/24 04:30:17 PM Monarch HQ
QKD Point Broker I 1 500x Points daily 07/07/23 11:00:18 PM 05/07/24 11:00:23 PM PT-ShadowRazers
EDD Bootleg Distillery III 3 40x Bottle of Moonshine daily 16/07/23 04:00:26 PM 15/09/24 11:00:19 AM Natural Selection II
PXD Bordello V 5 80x Erotic DVD daily 24/07/23 11:00:20 PM 28/08/24 01:30:20 PM ODB
CBD Protection Racket III 3 $20,000,000 daily 29/07/23 10:00:28 PM 11/09/24 04:00:22 PM Catalysis
SFC Drug Lab I 1 25x Xanax daily 31/07/23 04:00:30 PM 10/09/24 08:00:21 PM Siege
AIA Drug Lab II 2 50x Ecstasy daily 12/08/23 05:00:36 PM 16/09/24 01:00:19 AM The Iron Retribution
AVG Truck Stop III 3 40x Can of Red Cow daily 01/09/23 10:00:39 PM 10/08/24 08:45:19 PM Chromatic
NAE Drug Lab IV 4 200x Xanax daily 05/09/23 02:00:27 AM 23/08/24 01:00:19 PM Wolverines Health Org
IFC Truck Stop I 1 10x Can of Red Cow daily 09/09/23 05:00:46 PM 20/08/24 02:00:17 AM DP Warriors
MME Cannabis Factory V 5 400x Cannabis daily 29/09/23 05:00:37 PM 07/09/24 05:00:20 PM Winter is Coming
YAE Truck Stop III 3 40x Can of Taurine Elite daily 07/10/23 06:00:23 AM 07/09/24 01:00:20 PM 39th Street Killers X
MBA Protection Racket IV 4 $40,000,000 daily 16/10/23 06:00:43 PM 13/09/24 10:00:22 AM Monarch Army of Light
WFD Bootleg Distillery IV 4 80x Bottle of Moonshine daily 22/10/23 02:00:26 AM 07/09/24 05:00:20 PM Natural Selection III
HJE Protection Racket IV 4 $40,000,000 daily 29/10/23 04:00:23 AM 07/09/24 05:15:20 PM WTF
ZCE Cannabis Factory III 3 100x Cannabis daily 03/11/23 08:00:25 AM 15/09/24 04:00:24 AM White Rabbits
NLD Street Surgeon II 2 50x Morphine daily 08/11/23 12:15:20 PM 11/09/24 01:00:20 PM Legitimate Business
ZDD Bordello I 1 5x Erotic DVD daily 13/11/23 09:00:23 PM 08/09/24 09:00:18 AM The Next Level - Forge
WZG Street Surgeon IV 4 200x Morphine daily 09/12/23 05:00:26 AM 09/09/24 05:00:16 AM Midnight Plague
ZIF Money Launderer II 2 $20,000,000 daily 10/12/23 10:00:24 AM 29/08/24 09:00:19 AM Rabid Chihuahuas
DWB Arms Dealer IV 4 200x Molotov Cocktail daily 10/12/23 12:00:26 PM 07/09/24 05:00:22 AM The Almanac
BCD Truck Stop II 2 20x Can of Red Cow daily 19/12/23 02:00:28 PM 28/08/24 07:00:22 PM Natural Selection II
DPD Truck Stop III 3 40x Can of Red Cow daily 23/12/23 09:00:25 AM 13/09/24 08:00:19 AM Destructive Anomaly
MEC Bootleg Distillery I 1 10x Bottle of Moonshine daily 28/12/23 01:00:24 AM 03/09/24 07:00:16 AM SA Equilibrium
BRC Money Launderer III 3 $40,000,000 daily 07/01/24 08:00:26 PM 29/08/24 05:00:20 AM Carbon
GZD Cannabis Factory II 2 50x Cannabis daily 10/01/24 10:00:28 AM 30/08/24 12:00:21 PM Wolf Pack Next Generation
LBA Money Launderer III 3 $40,000,000 daily 13/01/24 12:00:23 PM 30/08/24 05:00:26 AM Monarch Army of Light
JIE Bordello III 3 20x Erotic DVD daily 17/01/24 04:00:27 AM 07/09/24 06:00:18 AM Natural Selection III
IMB Truck Stop I 1 10x Can of Munster daily 21/01/24 08:00:24 AM 16/08/24 03:00:21 PM SMTH - Trisolary
WYG Bootleg Distillery II 2 20x Bottle of Moonshine daily 29/01/24 07:00:19 PM 26/08/24 11:00:16 AM Escensio Incursus
HED Truck Stop IV 4 80x Can of Munster daily 03/02/24 04:00:20 AM 28/08/24 10:00:20 AM Deja
OBD Truck Stop IV 4 80x Can of Taurine Elite daily 10/02/24 03:00:21 AM 23/08/24 11:00:19 PM Nuclear Blast
MFD Truck Stop II 2 20x Can of Taurine Elite daily 12/02/24 04:00:20 AM 16/09/24 07:00:21 PM Monarch Research
ZPD Bootleg Distillery II 2 20x Bottle of Moonshine daily 18/02/24 06:00:22 AM 05/08/24 10:00:17 AM The Wolverines
TAE Truck Stop IV 4 80x Can of Red Cow daily 04/03/24 04:00:23 PM 14/09/24 05:00:20 PM The Next Level
XOB Money Launderer II 2 $20,000,000 daily 08/03/24 04:00:24 AM 12/09/24 03:00:26 AM SMTH - Bright Summit
UME Money Launderer III 3 $40,000,000 daily 08/03/24 11:00:26 PM 05/09/24 02:00:21 PM The Inquisition
EQC Truck Stop I 1 10x Can of Munster daily 15/03/24 12:00:29 PM 16/09/24 04:00:34 PM Darkline
QCD Drug Lab IV 4 200x Ecstasy daily 20/03/24 04:00:24 AM 07/09/24 05:15:20 PM Wolf Pack
ODC Bootleg Distillery I 1 10x Bottle of Moonshine daily 26/03/24 05:00:18 AM 12/09/24 08:00:20 AM Ravage
WOE Bordello II 2 10x Erotic DVD daily 01/04/24 12:00:19 PM 13/09/24 09:00:22 PM The Next Level
RJD Illegal Casino II 2 $50,000,000 daily 07/04/24 12:00:21 PM 16/09/24 04:30:17 PM Monarch HQ
UZC Street Surgeon III 3 100x Morphine daily 12/04/24 08:00:23 PM 09/09/24 03:00:18 AM Ravage
BBA Street Surgeon V 5 80x Melatonin daily 25/04/24 01:00:23 AM 08/08/24 01:00:18 PM Ruthless Reborn
OZE Drug Lab III 3 100x Ecstasy daily 27/04/24 08:00:24 PM 06/08/24 02:00:21 PM The Next Level - Forge
GME Bootleg Distillery IV 4 80x Bottle of Moonshine daily 28/04/24 06:00:21 AM 10/09/24 07:00:16 AM WTF Resurrection
HRG Bootleg Distillery IV 4 80x Bottle of Moonshine daily 12/05/24 01:00:21 PM 06/09/24 09:00:22 PM Nub Navy
ZOD Truck Stop II 2 20x Can of Taurine Elite daily 14/05/24 09:00:17 AM 15/08/24 10:00:19 AM Lithium
LTC Cannabis Factory I 1 25x Cannabis daily 15/05/24 02:00:22 PM 07/09/24 11:00:18 AM The Nest
VPC Street Surgeon I 1 25x Morphine daily 17/05/24 09:00:22 PM 16/07/24 08:00:20 PM SMTH - Concord
CZE Point Broker III 3 2,000x Points daily 19/05/24 02:00:19 AM 07/09/24 09:00:20 PM Destructive Anomaly
HBD Truck Stop IV 4 80x Can of Munster daily 25/05/24 01:00:23 AM 10/09/24 02:00:18 AM [Redacted]
WRC Arms Dealer II 2 50x Molotov Cocktail daily 04/06/24 02:00:18 AM 20/08/24 06:00:23 PM Xenon
BGE Point Broker III 3 2,000x Points daily 09/06/24 06:00:21 AM 03/08/24 11:00:21 AM 39th Street Warriors
AHA Drug Lab III 3 100x Ecstasy daily 11/06/24 02:00:17 AM 11/09/24 12:30:21 AM Combat Ready HQ
MPB Street Surgeon I 1 5x Tyrosine daily 19/06/24 06:00:21 AM 13/09/24 10:00:20 PM SMTH - Bright Summit
VFC Bordello III 3 20x Erotic DVD daily 27/06/24 08:00:24 PM 06/09/24 09:00:22 PM Siege
DLC Truck Stop II 2 20x Can of Red Cow daily 28/06/24 12:00:24 PM 31/08/24 11:00:18 AM NS Bomb Shelter
UIC Protection Racket II 2 $10,000,000 daily 28/06/24 10:00:22 PM 10/09/24 12:01:31 AM PT-Penguins
HVG Arms Dealer II 2 50x Flash Grenade daily 02/07/24 06:00:18 AM 10/08/24 05:00:19 PM Escensio Incursus
XWE Illegal Casino II 2 $50,000,000 daily 02/07/24 04:00:24 PM 15/09/24 09:00:18 AM Monarch HQ
YHF Cannabis Factory IV 4 200x Cannabis daily 03/07/24 07:00:23 AM 05/09/24 02:00:21 PM Dark Energy
CID Illegal Casino I 1 $25,000,000 daily 06/07/24 04:00:25 PM 27/08/24 02:00:17 AM PT-Calculated
YDF Bootleg Distillery V 5 160x Bottle of Moonshine daily 11/07/24 01:00:23 AM 16/09/24 11:00:17 AM Natural Selection III
IRC Protection Racket III 3 $20,000,000 daily 11/07/24 07:00:18 AM 15/08/24 03:00:20 PM Natural Selection IV
HFA Street Surgeon II 2 10x Neumune Tablet daily 12/07/24 05:00:20 AM 04/09/24 06:00:21 AM S.W.A.T Academy
DYD Street Surgeon II 2 50x Morphine daily 16/07/24 03:00:17 AM 29/08/24 01:00:20 PM War Crimes
MTD Money Launderer III 3 $40,000,000 daily 17/07/24 08:00:22 PM 07/09/24 06:30:23 PM ODB
ATG Bootleg Distillery II 2 20x Bottle of Moonshine daily 20/07/24 09:00:20 PM 03/09/24 09:00:18 AM Midnight Plague
AUG Money Launderer III 3 $40,000,000 daily 25/07/24 12:01:17 AM 09/09/24 02:00:17 PM The Rifle Company
HKA Truck Stop I 1 10x Can of Red Cow daily 28/07/24 04:00:19 PM 28/07/24 04:00:19 PM The Resurrection
WAC Point Broker II 2 1,000x Points daily 29/07/24 10:01:22 AM 03/09/24 11:00:15 AM Ravage
FED Street Surgeon II 2 10x Epinephrine daily 30/07/24 11:00:24 PM 08/09/24 05:00:20 PM Natural Selection II
HJC Money Launderer II 2 $20,000,000 daily 31/07/24 11:00:19 PM 16/08/24 02:00:19 PM WTF
ECE Street Surgeon II 2 10x Serotonin daily 01/08/24 01:00:20 AM 16/08/24 07:00:21 AM Dystopia
BSE Point Broker I 1 500x Points daily 01/08/24 02:00:23 PM 13/09/24 09:00:22 PM SA Equilibrium
YUG Truck Stop II 2 20x Can of Red Cow daily 01/08/24 07:00:19 PM 16/09/24 07:00:17 AM The Rifle Company
OSB Illegal Casino II 2 $50,000,000 daily 02/08/24 03:00:22 AM 16/09/24 06:15:18 PM Bloodbath and Beyond
LTG Street Surgeon I 1 5x Tyrosine daily 03/08/24 02:00:20 AM 03/08/24 07:15:21 PM The ZOO
BVE Drug Lab II 2 50x Ecstasy daily 08/08/24 12:01:19 AM 30/08/24 03:00:25 AM Evolution
KUB Drug Lab I 1 25x Ecstasy daily 11/08/24 03:00:19 PM 15/09/24 09:00:18 AM HT-Fenris
JAA Arms Dealer II 2 50x Tear Gas daily 11/08/24 06:00:17 PM 06/09/24 05:00:24 AM Iron Rose Cartel
HPE Drug Lab II 2 50x Xanax daily 13/08/24 04:00:18 AM 09/09/24 06:00:16 PM Underground Nation
OND Street Surgeon I 1 5x Epinephrine daily 16/08/24 03:00:21 PM 16/08/24 03:00:21 PM Capacity X
FWG Cannabis Factory II 2 50x Cannabis daily 20/08/24 10:00:16 AM 05/09/24 10:00:20 AM Naughty Souls
IGA Arms Dealer II 2 50x HEG daily 22/08/24 09:00:22 PM 11/09/24 03:00:21 PM Desert Phoenix
LWB Truck Stop I 1 10x Can of Munster daily 23/08/24 03:00:23 AM 23/08/24 03:00:23 AM Droogs
HXE Truck Stop I 1 10x Can of Munster daily 23/08/24 04:00:21 PM 15/09/24 03:45:28 AM Occul2us
FVG Cannabis Factory II 2 50x Cannabis daily 23/08/24 10:00:20 PM 08/09/24 12:00:18 PM Naughty Souls
OED Arms Dealer II 2 50x Molotov Cocktail daily 24/08/24 12:01:47 AM 12/09/24 08:00:23 PM Natural Selection II
SJA Point Broker I 1 500x Points daily 24/08/24 03:00:20 PM 24/08/24 03:00:20 PM Shaggy Hi-Fidelity
MIA Drug Lab I 1 25x Xanax daily 27/08/24 06:00:25 PM 27/08/24 06:00:25 PM Desert Phoenix
VKD Point Broker I 1 500x Points daily 29/08/24 09:00:20 AM 29/08/24 09:00:20 AM FLATLINE
GNC Point Broker I 1 500x Points daily 30/08/24 02:00:24 PM 30/08/24 02:00:24 PM Dopeheads on Mopeds
NYB Point Broker I 1 500x Points daily 31/08/24 04:00:24 AM 31/08/24 04:00:24 AM Wraith
NID Illegal Casino I 1 $25,000,000 daily 03/09/24 05:00:21 PM 03/09/24 05:00:21 PM Natural Selection
TTE Cannabis Factory I 1 25x Cannabis daily 04/09/24 02:00:25 AM 04/09/24 02:00:25 AM Defenestration
ECC Arms Dealer I 1 25x Molotov Cocktail daily 04/09/24 07:00:20 AM 04/09/24 07:00:20 AM DP Warriors
SAB Point Broker I 1 500x Points daily 04/09/24 10:00:21 PM 04/09/24 10:00:21 PM Desert Eagle
QCA Point Broker I 1 500x Points daily 07/09/24 08:00:19 AM 07/09/24 08:00:19 AM -Borealis-
MCE Bootleg Distillery I 1 10x Bottle of Moonshine daily 07/09/24 04:00:21 PM 08/09/24 09:30:18 PM WIT-Premier
NFB Illegal Casino I 1 $25,000,000 daily 07/09/24 10:00:21 PM 07/09/24 10:00:21 PM Aurora Surrealis
PSE Bootleg Distillery I 1 10x Bottle of Moonshine daily 13/09/24 07:00:22 PM 13/09/24 07:00:22 PM Ministry of Mayhem
CGF Street Surgeon I 1 5x Ipecac Syrup daily 15/09/24 02:00:24 AM 15/09/24 02:00:24 AM Dark Energy
ROE Point Broker I 1 500x Points daily 16/09/24 02:00:19 PM 16/09/24 02:00:19 PM Capacity X
EWB Cannabis Factory I 1 25x Cannabis daily 16/09/24 04:00:34 PM 16/09/24 04:00:34 PM Aperture Science
Territory News Time
MFD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Taurine Elite daily) territory has been taken over by Monarch Research. 16/09/24 07:00:21 PM
OSB The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Bloodbath and Beyond has taken over control from Requiem. 16/09/24 06:15:18 PM
RWC The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Alley Cats) 16/09/24 06:15:17 PM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Occultus. 16/09/24 06:15:17 PM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Occultus. 16/09/24 05:00:16 PM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Monarch HQ has taken over control from Bloodbath and Beyond. 16/09/24 05:00:16 PM
RKD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) territory has been taken over by Monarch HQ. 16/09/24 04:30:17 PM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Bloodbath and Beyond has taken over control from Monarch HQ. 16/09/24 04:30:17 PM
XJD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Monarch HQ. 16/09/24 04:30:17 PM
RJD The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Monarch HQ has taken over control from Bloodbath and Beyond. 16/09/24 04:30:17 PM
EQC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Darkline) 16/09/24 04:00:34 PM
EWB A new Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) has spawned. (Aperture Science) 16/09/24 04:00:34 PM
UAB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Desert Eagle) 16/09/24 02:00:19 PM
ROE A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Capacity X) 16/09/24 02:00:19 PM
EQC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) territory changed hands. Darkline has taken over control from Bloodbath and Beyond. 16/09/24 12:30:17 PM
RJD The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Bloodbath and Beyond. 16/09/24 12:30:17 PM
YDF The Bootleg Distillery V (160x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection III) 16/09/24 11:00:17 AM
KGF The Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Project Nimbus) 16/09/24 11:00:17 AM
RKD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) territory has been dropped by Monarch Mutation. 16/09/24 09:15:17 AM
XJD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Monarch Mutation. 16/09/24 09:15:17 AM
RJD The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Monarch Mutation. 16/09/24 09:15:17 AM
MFD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Taurine Elite daily) territory has been dropped by Monarch Research. 16/09/24 09:00:17 AM
YUG The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Rifle Company) 16/09/24 07:00:17 AM
AIA The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Iron Retribution) 16/09/24 01:00:19 AM
VRE The Arms Dealer V (400x Tear Gas daily) territory changed hands. SMTH - Healing Pulse has taken over control from Wargasm HQ. 16/09/24 12:30:18 AM
WSD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Wolverines) 15/09/24 08:00:24 PM
IIA The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Droogs) 15/09/24 01:00:21 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Natural Selection II) 15/09/24 11:00:19 AM
XWE The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Monarch HQ) 15/09/24 09:00:18 AM
KUB The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (HT-Fenris) 15/09/24 09:00:18 AM
ZCE The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (White Rabbits) 15/09/24 04:00:24 AM
HXE The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) territory has been taken over by Occul2us. 15/09/24 03:45:28 AM
HXE The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) territory has been dropped by Occul2us. 15/09/24 03:30:24 AM
CGF A new Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) has spawned. (Dark Energy) 15/09/24 02:00:24 AM
QKE The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Next Level) 15/09/24 02:00:24 AM
TAE The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Next Level) 14/09/24 05:00:20 PM
QCF The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) territory changed hands. Nuclear Armageddon has taken over control from AQUA-Neptune. 14/09/24 03:30:20 PM
QCF The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) territory changed hands. AQUA-Neptune has taken over control from Nuclear Armageddon. 14/09/24 03:15:29 PM
XJD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Monarch Mutation) 14/09/24 06:00:19 AM
TSB The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Nuclear Armageddon) 14/09/24 05:00:26 AM
KXD The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Nuclear Blast) 13/09/24 11:00:20 PM
MPB The Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 13/09/24 10:00:20 PM
XBD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection) 13/09/24 09:00:22 PM
WOE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Next Level) 13/09/24 09:00:22 PM
BSE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SA Equilibrium) 13/09/24 09:00:22 PM
PSE A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (Ministry of Mayhem) 13/09/24 07:00:22 PM
MBA The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Monarch Army of Light) 13/09/24 10:00:22 AM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Destructive Anomaly) 13/09/24 08:00:19 AM
VRE The Arms Dealer V (400x Tear Gas daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Wargasm HQ) 13/09/24 01:00:21 AM
RFG The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Brotherhood of War) 12/09/24 11:00:20 PM
LFB The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Iron Retribution) 12/09/24 11:00:19 PM
EHF The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Project Nimbus) 12/09/24 10:00:21 PM
OED The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection II) 12/09/24 08:00:23 PM
DTE The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (NS Bomb Shelter) 12/09/24 03:00:21 PM
KKE The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Chain Reaction) 12/09/24 08:00:20 AM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Ravage) 12/09/24 08:00:20 AM
XOB The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 12/09/24 03:00:26 AM
QGE The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 12/09/24 12:01:20 AM
DJC The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (WTF) 11/09/24 08:00:22 PM
TWD The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Next Level) 11/09/24 05:00:21 PM
CBD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Catalysis) 11/09/24 04:00:22 PM
IGA The Arms Dealer II (50x HEG daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Desert Phoenix) 11/09/24 03:00:21 PM
SSB The Arms Dealer I (25x HEG daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Nuclear Armageddon) 11/09/24 01:00:21 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Resolute) 11/09/24 01:00:20 PM
NLD The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Legitimate Business) 11/09/24 01:00:20 PM
ISD The Arms Dealer V (400x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (The Wolverines) 11/09/24 12:00:20 PM
ZWD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Dystopia) 11/09/24 08:00:19 AM
AHA The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Combat Ready HQ. 11/09/24 12:30:21 AM
AHA The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Valor. 10/09/24 11:00:20 PM
OGD The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 10/09/24 10:00:21 PM
AHA The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Valor. 10/09/24 08:30:23 PM
SFC The Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Siege) 10/09/24 08:00:21 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer IV (200x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (HAKA) 10/09/24 10:00:15 AM
EOF The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection II) 10/09/24 08:00:14 AM
GME The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (WTF Resurrection) 10/09/24 07:00:16 AM
HBD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. ([Redacted]) 10/09/24 02:00:18 AM
AHA The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Torn Medical. 10/09/24 01:00:17 AM
XSD The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Wolverines) 10/09/24 12:01:31 AM
UIC The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (PT-Penguins) 10/09/24 12:01:31 AM
JDC The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (DP Warriors) 09/09/24 09:00:16 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Maiden Voyage) 09/09/24 08:00:17 PM
HPE The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Underground Nation) 09/09/24 06:00:16 PM
RJE The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Wolf Pack Revival) 09/09/24 05:00:17 PM
AUG The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Rifle Company) 09/09/24 02:00:17 PM
WZG The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Midnight Plague) 09/09/24 05:00:16 AM
UZC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Ravage) 09/09/24 03:00:18 AM
MCE The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. WIT-Premier has taken over control from WIT-Mayhem. 08/09/24 09:30:18 PM
FED The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection II) 08/09/24 05:00:20 PM
WBD The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Nuclear Blast) 08/09/24 05:00:19 PM
FVG The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Naughty Souls) 08/09/24 12:00:18 PM
ZDD The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Next Level - Forge) 08/09/24 09:00:18 AM
WAD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (WIT-Premier) 08/09/24 06:00:18 AM
RJD The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Monarch Mutation) 08/09/24 06:00:18 AM
CDE The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (The Sick Bay) 08/09/24 05:00:20 AM
TDF The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection IV has taken over control from Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 11:30:19 PM
NFB A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Aurora Surrealis) 07/09/24 10:00:21 PM
CZE The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Destructive Anomaly) 07/09/24 09:00:20 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon I (5x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Killers. 07/09/24 07:45:20 PM
MTD The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 07/09/24 06:30:23 PM
HJE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by WTF. 07/09/24 05:15:20 PM
QCD The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Wolf Pack) 07/09/24 05:15:20 PM
YDF The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 05:15:20 PM
MME The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Winter is Coming. 07/09/24 05:00:20 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 05:00:20 PM
TDF The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 05:00:19 PM
RDF The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 05:00:19 PM
PJE The Illegal Casino III ($100,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 05:00:19 PM
OGD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 05:00:19 PM
MCE A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (WIT-Mayhem) 07/09/24 04:00:21 PM
YAE The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (39th Street Killers X) 07/09/24 01:00:20 PM
TDF The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection IV. 07/09/24 11:45:18 AM
YDF The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 11:15:19 AM
RDF The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 11:15:18 AM
PJE The Illegal Casino III ($100,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 11:15:18 AM
OGD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 11:15:18 AM
MME The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Winter is Coming. 07/09/24 11:15:18 AM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 07/09/24 11:15:18 AM
LTC The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Nest) 07/09/24 11:00:18 AM
MTD The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 07/09/24 10:45:20 AM
HJE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by WTF. 07/09/24 10:45:19 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon I (5x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Killers. 07/09/24 10:30:18 AM
QCA A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (-Borealis-) 07/09/24 08:00:19 AM
JIE The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection III) 07/09/24 06:00:18 AM
DWB The Arms Dealer IV (200x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Almanac) 07/09/24 05:00:22 AM
KFE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Monarch Research) 07/09/24 03:00:25 AM
HRG The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Nub Navy) 06/09/24 09:00:22 PM
VFC The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Siege) 06/09/24 09:00:22 PM
MFD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Monarch Research) 06/09/24 03:00:21 PM
JAA The Arms Dealer II (50x Tear Gas daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Iron Rose Cartel) 06/09/24 05:00:24 AM
AGG The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Nomads Medical) 06/09/24 02:00:25 AM
MTD The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (ODB) 05/09/24 04:00:25 PM
UME The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (The Inquisition) 05/09/24 02:00:21 PM
YHF The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Dark Energy) 05/09/24 02:00:21 PM
AOD The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Catch 22) 05/09/24 02:00:21 PM
FWG The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Naughty Souls) 05/09/24 10:00:20 AM
HFD The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Natural Selection) 05/09/24 08:00:19 AM
SKB The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (JFK - Future Killers) 05/09/24 07:00:19 AM
SAB A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Desert Eagle) 04/09/24 10:00:21 PM
ZDE The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Horizon) 04/09/24 02:00:19 PM
QZE The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Next Level - Forge) 04/09/24 11:00:20 AM
NZD The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection) 04/09/24 10:00:22 AM
HZB The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Lex Wolverines) 04/09/24 07:00:20 AM
ECC A new Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) has spawned. (DP Warriors) 04/09/24 07:00:20 AM
HFA The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (S.W.A.T Academy) 04/09/24 06:00:21 AM
TTE A new Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) has spawned. (Defenestration) 04/09/24 02:00:25 AM
EJD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (HeLa) 03/09/24 11:00:25 PM
TDF The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection IV) 03/09/24 10:00:21 PM
NID A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Natural Selection) 03/09/24 05:00:21 PM
ZJF The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Imperial MediHaven) 03/09/24 05:00:21 PM
CVE The Arms Dealer I (25x Flash Grenade daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Evolution) 03/09/24 05:00:21 PM
HPD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Lithium) 03/09/24 02:00:20 PM
FDE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Catalysis) 03/09/24 01:00:21 PM
WAC The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Ravage) 03/09/24 11:00:15 AM
ATG The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Midnight Plague) 03/09/24 09:00:18 AM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SA Equilibrium) 03/09/24 07:00:16 AM
WIE The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Abusement Park) 03/09/24 02:00:18 AM
SLE The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (New Sith Order) 02/09/24 12:00:19 PM
YDF The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 02/09/24 04:00:22 AM
HBD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) territory has been taken over by [Redacted]. 02/09/24 12:45:19 AM
HBD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) territory has been dropped by Aquarius. 02/09/24 12:15:17 AM
CBD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Catalysis has taken over control from The Railroad. 02/09/24 12:01:29 AM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by The Resolute. 02/09/24 12:01:28 AM
FDE The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) territory changed hands. Catalysis has taken over control from The Railroad. 02/09/24 12:01:28 AM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Toxic Reign. 01/09/24 07:30:17 PM
AIA The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Iron Retribution) 01/09/24 07:00:19 PM
KGF The Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Project Nimbus) 01/09/24 04:00:17 PM
RDF The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection III) 01/09/24 10:00:25 AM
YFE The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Monarch Research) 01/09/24 02:00:25 AM
NXD The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Railroad) 31/08/24 08:00:21 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Toxic Reign. 31/08/24 03:30:39 PM
DLC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (NS Bomb Shelter) 31/08/24 11:00:18 AM
NYB A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Wraith) 31/08/24 04:00:24 AM
FLC The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Subversive Alliance) 30/08/24 06:00:48 PM
CRG The Illegal Casino III ($100,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Monarch Cupid) 30/08/24 03:00:18 PM
GNC A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Dopeheads on Mopeds) 30/08/24 02:00:24 PM
PJB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Ruthless Reborn) 30/08/24 02:00:23 PM
NXD The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. The Railroad has taken over control from Catalysis. 30/08/24 12:30:21 PM
FDE The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) territory changed hands. The Railroad has taken over control from Catalysis. 30/08/24 12:30:21 PM
CBD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. The Railroad has taken over control from Catalysis. 30/08/24 12:30:21 PM
GZD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 30/08/24 12:00:21 PM
WSD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Wolverines) 30/08/24 10:00:20 AM
LBA The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Monarch Army of Light) 30/08/24 05:00:26 AM
BVE The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Evolution) 30/08/24 03:00:25 AM
HBD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) territory changed hands. Aquarius has taken over control from [Redacted]. 30/08/24 01:15:23 AM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by The Resolute. 30/08/24 12:15:20 AM
HAA The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (In Memory of the Fallen) 29/08/24 10:00:24 PM
MME The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Winter is Coming) 29/08/24 04:00:19 PM
DYD The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (War Crimes) 29/08/24 01:00:20 PM
BSE The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SA Equilibrium) 29/08/24 10:00:19 AM
VKD A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (FLATLINE) 29/08/24 09:00:20 AM
ZIF The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Rabid Chihuahuas) 29/08/24 09:00:19 AM
UCD The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Natural Selection) 29/08/24 06:00:19 AM
BRC The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Carbon) 29/08/24 05:00:20 AM
BCD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection II) 28/08/24 07:00:22 PM
PXD The Bordello V (80x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 28/08/24 01:30:20 PM
MTD The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 28/08/24 01:30:20 PM
MTD The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 28/08/24 01:15:20 PM
PXD The Bordello V (80x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 28/08/24 01:15:19 PM
ZWD The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Dystopia. 28/08/24 12:30:19 PM
GME The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by WTF Resurrection. 28/08/24 12:15:19 PM
ZWD The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Fluffy Kittens inc.. 28/08/24 12:00:20 PM
GME The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by WTF Resurrection. 28/08/24 12:00:20 PM
HED The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Deja) 28/08/24 10:00:20 AM
XYD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 28/08/24 03:00:23 AM
ISD The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (The Wolverines) 28/08/24 03:00:22 AM
ZWD The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Fluffy Kittens inc. has taken over control from Dystopia. 27/08/24 10:45:18 PM
DWB The Arms Dealer III (100x Molotov Cocktail daily) territory changed hands. The Almanac has taken over control from Fluffy Kittens inc.. 27/08/24 08:00:20 PM
BMD The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Carbon) 27/08/24 07:00:20 PM
MIA A new Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) has spawned. (Desert Phoenix) 27/08/24 06:00:25 PM
OHD The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Natural Selection III) 27/08/24 03:00:24 PM
SSB The Arms Dealer I (25x HEG daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Nuclear Armageddon) 27/08/24 01:00:21 PM
DWB The Arms Dealer III (100x Molotov Cocktail daily) territory changed hands. Fluffy Kittens inc. has taken over control from The Almanac. 27/08/24 12:15:23 PM
KSD The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Dead or Alive) 27/08/24 04:00:16 AM
CID The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (PT-Calculated) 27/08/24 02:00:17 AM
SSD The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Wolverines) 27/08/24 12:01:30 AM
GME The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (WTF Resurrection) 27/08/24 12:01:30 AM
IIA The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Droogs) 26/08/24 09:00:16 PM
UAB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Desert Eagle) 26/08/24 07:00:16 PM
LFB The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (The Iron Retribution) 26/08/24 06:00:19 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by The Resolute. 26/08/24 05:00:17 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by The Resolute. 26/08/24 04:45:16 PM
RKD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch Mutation) 26/08/24 02:00:18 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 26/08/24 01:00:17 PM
WYG The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Escensio Incursus) 26/08/24 11:00:16 AM
GBF The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Monarch Research) 26/08/24 04:00:21 AM
FVG The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Naughty Souls. 25/08/24 04:00:19 PM
KUB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (HT-Fenris) 25/08/24 04:00:18 PM
FVG The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by The Rifle Medics. 25/08/24 11:45:19 AM
DJC The Street Surgeon IV (40x Melatonin daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (WTF) 25/08/24 09:00:19 AM
TAE The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (The Next Level) 25/08/24 09:00:19 AM
FWG The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Naughty Souls. 25/08/24 08:45:18 AM
FWG The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Midnight X. 25/08/24 08:30:19 AM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory changed hands. Naughty Souls has taken over control from Midnight X. 25/08/24 08:30:18 AM
CBD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Catalysis. 25/08/24 05:30:23 AM
NXD The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Catalysis. 25/08/24 05:30:22 AM
NXD The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Catalysis. 25/08/24 05:15:25 AM
CBD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Catalysis. 25/08/24 05:15:25 AM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by The Resolute. 25/08/24 04:00:21 AM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by The Resolute. 25/08/24 12:15:20 AM
OAE The Arms Dealer III (100x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (HAKA) 24/08/24 10:00:18 PM
EDG The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Sentinels) 24/08/24 09:00:20 PM
ALD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Arcadia) 24/08/24 06:00:19 PM
DAA The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (In Memory of the Fallen) 24/08/24 06:00:19 PM
QCF The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Nuclear Armageddon) 24/08/24 05:00:19 PM
KKE The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Chain Reaction) 24/08/24 05:00:19 PM
AUG The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Rifle Company) 24/08/24 05:00:19 PM
SJA A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Shaggy Hi-Fidelity) 24/08/24 03:00:20 PM
UZC The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Ravage) 24/08/24 02:00:20 PM
XSD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Wolverines) 24/08/24 10:00:19 AM
FVG The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by The Rifle Medics. 24/08/24 12:15:21 AM
OED A new Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) has spawned. (Natural Selection II) 24/08/24 12:01:47 AM
OBD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 23/08/24 11:00:19 PM
FVG A new Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) has spawned. 23/08/24 10:00:20 PM
PJE The Illegal Casino III ($100,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection III) 23/08/24 08:00:20 PM
HXE A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (Occul2us) 23/08/24 04:00:21 PM
NAE The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Wolverines Health Org) 23/08/24 01:00:19 PM
OSB The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Requiem) 23/08/24 01:00:19 PM
UEC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (HAKA) 23/08/24 01:00:19 PM
XBD The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Natural Selection) 23/08/24 01:00:18 PM
SIA The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Vulpes Vulpes) 23/08/24 12:00:19 PM
NHE The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (WTF Healers) 23/08/24 08:00:19 AM
ZWD The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Dystopia) 23/08/24 05:00:20 AM
LWB A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (Droogs) 23/08/24 03:00:23 AM
CZE The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Destructive Anomaly) 23/08/24 12:01:20 AM
EOF The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection II) 22/08/24 11:00:20 PM
IGA A new Arms Dealer I (25x HEG daily) has spawned. (Desert Phoenix) 22/08/24 09:00:22 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer I (25x HEG daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Siege) 22/08/24 05:00:20 PM
QGE The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 22/08/24 03:00:19 PM
GRC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Bloodbath and Beyond) 22/08/24 11:00:19 AM
DJE The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch Chrysalis) 22/08/24 06:00:19 AM
XWE The Illegal Casino III ($100,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Monarch HQ) 21/08/24 10:00:19 PM
WOE The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (The Next Level) 21/08/24 08:00:21 PM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Occultus) 21/08/24 08:00:20 PM
ATG The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Midnight Plague has taken over control from Midnight X. 21/08/24 07:00:20 PM
FWG The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Midnight X. 21/08/24 07:00:20 PM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Midnight X. 21/08/24 07:00:19 PM
YAE The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (39th Street Killers X) 21/08/24 04:00:24 PM
UIC The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by PT-Penguins. 21/08/24 03:15:23 PM
RJE A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (Wolf Pack Revival) 21/08/24 11:00:19 AM
YHF The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Dark Energy) 21/08/24 09:00:22 AM
KFE The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Monarch Research) 21/08/24 04:00:26 AM
KBD The Arms Dealer IV (200x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Destructive Anomaly) 20/08/24 11:00:20 PM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by SA Equilibrium. 20/08/24 10:45:21 PM
BSE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory changed hands. SA Equilibrium has taken over control from The Covenant. 20/08/24 10:45:21 PM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Baby Champers. 20/08/24 10:30:20 PM
EJD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) territory has been taken over by HeLa. 20/08/24 06:45:21 PM
EJD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) territory has been dropped by HeLa. 20/08/24 06:15:21 PM
WRC The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Xenon) 20/08/24 06:00:23 PM
HFD The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Natural Selection) 20/08/24 06:00:22 PM
RFG A new Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) has spawned. (The Brotherhood of War) 20/08/24 05:00:25 PM
NZD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection) 20/08/24 04:00:21 PM
IFE The Bootleg Distillery V (160x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Monarch Research) 20/08/24 01:00:27 PM
FWG A new Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) has spawned. 20/08/24 10:00:16 AM
IFC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (DP Warriors) 20/08/24 02:00:17 AM
HED The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) territory has been taken over by Deja. 19/08/24 10:45:16 PM
HED The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) territory has been dropped by Chain Reaction. 19/08/24 10:30:16 PM
JDC A new Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) has spawned. (DP Warriors) 19/08/24 09:00:16 PM
UIC The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by PT-IronHearts. 19/08/24 07:30:16 PM
HZB The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Lex Wolverines) 19/08/24 07:00:17 PM
HED The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) territory has been taken over by Chain Reaction. 19/08/24 07:00:17 PM
EJD A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (HeLa) 19/08/24 02:00:19 PM
HED The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) territory has been dropped by Deja. 19/08/24 12:45:20 AM
CID The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by PT-Calculated. 18/08/24 11:15:17 PM
PPC The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (SMTH - November Chopin) 18/08/24 11:00:18 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by The Resolute. 18/08/24 05:15:17 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by PT-IronHearts. 18/08/24 02:30:18 PM
EHF The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Project Nimbus) 18/08/24 02:00:20 PM
CID The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by PT-Calculated. 18/08/24 08:00:17 AM
MBA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch Army of Light) 17/08/24 06:00:18 PM
SKB The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (JFK - Future Killers) 17/08/24 11:00:19 AM
HBD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. ([Redacted]) 17/08/24 09:00:18 AM
LTC The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Nest) 17/08/24 08:00:20 AM
WLD The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Blood Money) 17/08/24 07:00:19 AM
TDF The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection IV) 17/08/24 04:00:22 AM
YDF The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Natural Selection III) 16/08/24 10:00:27 PM
IMB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Trisolary) 16/08/24 03:00:21 PM
OND A new Street Surgeon I (5x Epinephrine daily) has spawned. (Capacity X) 16/08/24 03:00:21 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by PT-IronHearts. 16/08/24 02:45:20 PM
HJC The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (WTF) 16/08/24 02:00:19 PM
ECE The Street Surgeon II (10x Serotonin daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Dystopia) 16/08/24 07:00:21 AM
ZJF The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Imperial MediHaven) 16/08/24 02:00:26 AM
DWB The Arms Dealer III (100x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Almanac) 16/08/24 12:01:20 AM
RJD The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Monarch Mutation) 15/08/24 10:00:21 PM
JUE The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Nuclear Winter) 15/08/24 04:00:20 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Itsi Bitsi Bikini. 15/08/24 03:30:20 PM
IRC The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Natural Selection IV) 15/08/24 03:00:20 PM
PXD The Bordello V (80x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (ODB) 15/08/24 03:00:19 PM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by MORTAL LEGENDS. 15/08/24 02:15:18 PM
UIC The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by PT-IronHearts. 15/08/24 01:45:21 PM
ZOD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Lithium) 15/08/24 10:00:19 AM
WZG The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Midnight Plague) 15/08/24 07:00:19 AM
JWD The Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Itsi Bitsi Bikini) 15/08/24 07:00:19 AM
HCD The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Evolution) 15/08/24 06:00:19 AM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by MORTAL LEGENDS. 15/08/24 05:15:22 AM
JQD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (The Wolverines) 15/08/24 03:00:23 AM
ZDD The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Next Level - Forge) 14/08/24 09:00:19 PM
HED The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) territory has been taken over by Deja. 14/08/24 08:15:20 PM
HED The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) territory has been dropped by Deja. 14/08/24 07:45:19 PM
UIC The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by PT-Penguins. 14/08/24 07:00:21 PM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Baby Champers has taken over control from SA Equilibrium. 14/08/24 02:00:20 PM
MPB The Street Surgeon II (10x Tyrosine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 14/08/24 11:00:20 AM
SLE The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (New Sith Order) 14/08/24 09:00:19 AM
AIA The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Iron Retribution) 14/08/24 07:00:19 AM
WZD The Bordello V (80x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (The Next Level) 14/08/24 05:00:21 AM
BSE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory changed hands. The Covenant has taken over control from SA Equilibrium. 14/08/24 02:00:28 AM
RKE The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Next Level) 13/08/24 10:00:19 PM
CBD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Catalysis) 13/08/24 09:00:19 PM
UVB The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (In Memory of the Fallen) 13/08/24 06:00:35 PM
WLD The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Blood Money. 13/08/24 04:30:19 PM
WLD The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by Blood Money. 13/08/24 04:15:21 PM
LBA The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Monarch Army of Light) 13/08/24 08:00:15 AM
HFA The Street Surgeon I (5x Neumune Tablet daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (S.W.A.T Academy) 13/08/24 08:00:15 AM
KXD The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 13/08/24 06:00:15 AM
HPE A new Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) has spawned. (Underground Nation) 13/08/24 04:00:18 AM
JBA The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Rabid Chihuahuas) 13/08/24 04:00:17 AM
CRG The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Monarch Cupid) 13/08/24 01:00:17 AM
UIC The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (PT-Penguins) 12/08/24 11:00:16 PM
BMD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Carbon) 12/08/24 06:00:17 PM
ATG The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Midnight X has taken over control from Midnight Plague. 12/08/24 04:15:16 PM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by Midnight X. 12/08/24 04:15:15 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Natural Selection II) 12/08/24 03:00:19 PM
WBD The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 12/08/24 11:00:15 AM
KSD The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Dead or Alive) 12/08/24 07:00:17 AM
UAB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Desert Eagle) 12/08/24 06:00:16 AM
BCD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Natural Selection II) 11/08/24 07:00:19 PM
JAA A new Arms Dealer I (25x Tear Gas daily) has spawned. (Iron Rose Cartel) 11/08/24 06:00:17 PM
KUB A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (HT-Fenris) 11/08/24 03:00:19 PM
GBF A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) has spawned. (Monarch Research) 11/08/24 02:00:17 PM
MJC The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (WTF Healers) 11/08/24 05:00:22 AM
CID The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (PT-Calculated) 11/08/24 02:00:23 AM
CID The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by PT-Calculated. 10/08/24 09:30:23 PM
CID The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by HeLa. 10/08/24 09:15:20 PM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Midnight X. 10/08/24 09:00:19 PM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Monarch HQ) 10/08/24 09:00:19 PM
AVG The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Chromatic. 10/08/24 08:45:19 PM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by The Rifle Medics. 10/08/24 08:30:20 PM
AUG The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. The Rifle Company has taken over control from The Rifle Medics. 10/08/24 08:15:20 PM
YUG The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. The Rifle Company has taken over control from The Rifle Medics. 10/08/24 08:15:20 PM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by The Rifle Medics. 10/08/24 08:15:19 PM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by PT-Calculated. 10/08/24 06:45:23 PM
AVG The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Chromatic. 10/08/24 06:45:23 PM
HVG The Arms Dealer II (50x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Escensio Incursus) 10/08/24 05:00:20 PM
UAE The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (39th Street Healers) 10/08/24 04:00:20 PM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by PT-Calculated. 10/08/24 12:00:20 PM
AVG The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Chromatic. 10/08/24 11:30:18 AM
DLC The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (NS Bomb Shelter) 10/08/24 11:00:18 AM
BQC The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Xenon) 10/08/24 10:00:18 AM
AVG The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Chromatic. 10/08/24 08:30:18 AM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by Naughty Souls. 10/08/24 08:15:18 AM
DZC The Arms Dealer V (400x Tear Gas daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (The Black Hand) 10/08/24 04:00:22 AM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Naughty Souls) 10/08/24 03:00:22 AM
HRG The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Nub Navy) 10/08/24 02:00:23 AM
UCD A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (Natural Selection) 09/08/24 08:00:19 PM
NLD The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Legitimate Business. 09/08/24 04:15:20 PM
CID The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by HeLa. 09/08/24 04:15:20 PM
NLD The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Legitimate Business. 09/08/24 04:00:20 PM
CID The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by PT-Calculated. 09/08/24 04:00:20 PM
MMC The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Subversive Alliance) 09/08/24 01:00:18 PM
AUG The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. The Rifle Medics has taken over control from The Rifle Company. 09/08/24 12:00:20 PM
YUG The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. The Rifle Medics has taken over control from The Rifle Company. 09/08/24 12:00:20 PM
OGD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection III) 09/08/24 11:00:21 AM
QCD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Wolf Pack) 09/08/24 10:00:18 AM
ISD The Arms Dealer V (400x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (The Wolverines) 09/08/24 08:00:19 AM
QZE The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (The Next Level - Forge) 09/08/24 07:00:17 AM
OHD A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (Natural Selection III) 09/08/24 12:01:33 AM
BBA The Street Surgeon V (80x Melatonin daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Ruthless Reborn) 08/08/24 01:00:18 PM
GME The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (WTF Resurrection) 08/08/24 12:00:19 PM
PJB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Ruthless Reborn) 08/08/24 09:00:17 AM
AOD A new Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) has spawned. (Catch 22) 08/08/24 04:00:21 AM
BVE A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (Evolution) 08/08/24 12:01:19 AM
MTD The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (ODB) 07/08/24 01:00:19 PM
NBD The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (39th Street Killers X) 07/08/24 02:00:24 AM
QGC The Arms Dealer I (25x HEG daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Siege) 06/08/24 11:00:20 PM
WSD The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Wolverines) 06/08/24 10:00:23 PM
KBD The Arms Dealer III (100x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Destructive Anomaly) 06/08/24 08:00:20 PM
YFE A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Monarch Research) 06/08/24 04:00:21 PM
OZE The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Next Level - Forge) 06/08/24 02:00:21 PM
ZIF The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Rabid Chihuahuas) 06/08/24 12:00:16 PM
WIE A new Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) has spawned. (Abusement Park) 06/08/24 09:00:16 AM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SA Equilibrium) 06/08/24 07:00:17 AM
RKD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Monarch Mutation) 05/08/24 10:00:15 PM
DTE The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (NS Bomb Shelter) 05/08/24 05:00:16 PM
QKE A new Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) has spawned. (The Next Level) 05/08/24 04:00:17 PM
SED The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (REK II) 05/08/24 02:00:18 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer IV (200x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (HAKA) 05/08/24 02:00:17 PM
ZPD The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Wolverines) 05/08/24 10:00:17 AM
WYG The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Escensio Incursus) 05/08/24 04:00:20 AM
AGG A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (Nomads Medical) 05/08/24 04:00:20 AM
TSB The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Nuclear Armageddon) 05/08/24 04:00:19 AM
LNC The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (SMTH - Concord) 04/08/24 03:00:23 PM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Siege) 04/08/24 06:00:17 AM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Occultus) 04/08/24 05:00:21 AM
KGF The Street Surgeon II (10x Tyrosine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Project Nimbus) 04/08/24 03:00:51 AM
VOC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Dopeheads on Mopeds) 04/08/24 02:00:24 AM
ICF The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Carbon) 03/08/24 10:00:19 PM
KKE The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory changed hands. Chain Reaction has taken over control from PT-Family. 03/08/24 10:00:19 PM
LTG The Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) territory has been taken over by The ZOO. 03/08/24 07:15:21 PM
KKE The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by PT-Family. 03/08/24 07:00:19 PM
HBD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) territory has been taken over by [Redacted]. 03/08/24 07:00:19 PM
HBD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) territory has been dropped by Chain Reaction. 03/08/24 06:45:20 PM
KKE The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by The Resolute. 03/08/24 06:45:19 PM
MFD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch Research) 03/08/24 04:00:26 PM
HAA A new Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) has spawned. (In Memory of the Fallen) 03/08/24 12:00:19 PM
BGE The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (39th Street Warriors) 03/08/24 11:00:21 AM
WRC The Arms Dealer III (100x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Xenon) 03/08/24 07:00:19 AM
LTG A new Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) has spawned. 03/08/24 02:00:20 AM
ZDE The Arms Dealer V (400x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Horizon) 02/08/24 10:00:18 PM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Ravage) 02/08/24 10:00:18 PM
HJE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (WTF) 02/08/24 06:00:18 PM
LFB The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Iron Retribution) 02/08/24 03:00:19 PM
OSB A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Requiem) 02/08/24 03:00:22 AM
KKE The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by The Resolute. 01/08/24 09:00:20 PM
HBD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) territory changed hands. Chain Reaction has taken over control from [Redacted]. 01/08/24 08:30:19 PM
KKE The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Chain Reaction. 01/08/24 08:30:18 PM
YUG A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) has spawned. (The Rifle Company) 01/08/24 07:00:19 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon I (5x Epinephrine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (39th Street Killers) 01/08/24 03:00:21 PM
BSE A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (SA Equilibrium) 01/08/24 02:00:23 PM
OBD The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Nuclear Blast) 01/08/24 01:00:19 PM
NXD The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Catalysis) 01/08/24 12:00:24 PM
KFE The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch Research) 01/08/24 10:00:20 AM
DAA A new Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) has spawned. (In Memory of the Fallen) 01/08/24 08:00:18 AM
ECE A new Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) has spawned. (Dystopia) 01/08/24 01:00:20 AM
GOB The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Legion of Evil) 01/08/24 01:00:20 AM
HJC A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (WTF) 31/07/24 11:00:19 PM
IRC The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection IV) 31/07/24 10:00:18 PM
NZD The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection) 31/07/24 09:00:18 PM
YCD The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Evolution) 31/07/24 08:00:21 PM
WLD A new Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) has spawned. (Blood Money) 31/07/24 07:00:19 PM
EHF The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Project Nimbus) 31/07/24 05:00:17 PM
ITC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Little Stompers) 31/07/24 11:00:20 AM
EQC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Bloodbath and Beyond) 31/07/24 07:00:18 AM
SSD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Wolverines) 31/07/24 05:00:21 AM
DJE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Monarch Chrysalis) 31/07/24 03:00:21 AM
HED The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Deja) 31/07/24 03:00:21 AM
MPB The Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 31/07/24 02:00:23 AM
FED A new Street Surgeon I (5x Epinephrine daily) has spawned. (Natural Selection II) 30/07/24 11:00:24 PM
ALD A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) has spawned. (Arcadia) 30/07/24 07:00:20 PM
UOE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Revenant) 30/07/24 07:00:20 PM
CDE The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (The Sick Bay) 30/07/24 04:00:19 PM
XWE The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Monarch HQ) 30/07/24 02:00:20 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Itsi Bitsi Bikini) 30/07/24 11:00:15 AM
HBD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. ([Redacted]) 30/07/24 03:00:17 AM
JWD The Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Itsi Bitsi Bikini) 30/07/24 01:00:15 AM
ZJF The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Imperial MediHaven) 29/07/24 08:00:19 PM
EOF The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection II) 29/07/24 08:00:18 PM
ZDD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (The Next Level - Forge) 29/07/24 11:00:17 AM
WAC A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Ravage) 29/07/24 10:01:22 AM
JQD The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (The Wolverines) 29/07/24 06:00:16 AM
VFE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Monarch Research) 29/07/24 04:00:18 AM
NJE The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Evolution) 29/07/24 03:00:17 AM
SKB The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (JFK - Future Killers) 29/07/24 12:01:17 AM
XOB The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 28/07/24 11:00:16 PM
XYD A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) has spawned. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 28/07/24 09:00:18 PM
DJC The Street Surgeon V (80x Melatonin daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (WTF) 28/07/24 08:00:19 PM
XBD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection) 28/07/24 08:00:19 PM
AHA The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Torn Medical) 28/07/24 08:00:19 PM
HKA A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) has spawned. (The Resurrection) 28/07/24 04:00:19 PM
BRC The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Carbon) 28/07/24 03:00:18 PM
SIA The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Vulpes Vulpes) 28/07/24 11:00:16 AM
TVD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Dystopia) 28/07/24 11:00:16 AM
QGE The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 28/07/24 07:00:16 AM
ZWD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Dystopia) 28/07/24 12:01:29 AM
FLC The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Subversive Alliance) 27/07/24 11:00:17 PM
UIC The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (PT-Penguins) 27/07/24 06:00:17 PM
IFC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (DP Warriors) 27/07/24 06:00:16 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection III) 27/07/24 03:00:17 PM
MME The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Winter is Coming) 27/07/24 10:00:17 AM
SQE The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Underground Nation) 27/07/24 09:00:18 AM
OVD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Dead or Alive) 27/07/24 02:00:21 AM
KVG The Arms Dealer II (50x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Naughty Souls) 26/07/24 10:00:19 PM
XJD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Monarch Mutation) 26/07/24 04:00:28 PM
HFA The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (S.W.A.T Academy) 26/07/24 01:00:18 PM
VTD The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Capacity X) 26/07/24 01:00:18 PM
RWC The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Alley Cats) 26/07/24 11:00:18 AM
NJC The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (NPO - Valour) 26/07/24 08:00:18 AM
WSG The Street Surgeon I (5x Epinephrine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (NPO - Strength) 26/07/24 03:00:21 AM
GRC A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (Bloodbath and Beyond) 26/07/24 12:01:20 AM
TAE The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Next Level) 25/07/24 09:00:20 PM
AIA The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Iron Retribution) 25/07/24 08:00:20 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Maiden Voyage) 25/07/24 04:00:21 PM
SLE The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (New Sith Order) 25/07/24 10:00:18 AM
QCF The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Nuclear Armageddon) 25/07/24 10:00:17 AM
YDF The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection III) 25/07/24 09:00:36 AM
IMB The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SMTH - Trisolary) 25/07/24 04:00:22 AM
DWB The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Almanac) 25/07/24 03:00:24 AM
NHE The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (WTF Healers) 25/07/24 03:00:23 AM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Natural Selection II) 25/07/24 01:00:21 AM
AUG A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (The Rifle Company) 25/07/24 12:01:17 AM
QZE The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Next Level - Forge) 25/07/24 12:01:16 AM
CVE A new Arms Dealer I (25x Flash Grenade daily) has spawned. (Evolution) 24/07/24 10:00:18 PM
UME The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Inquisition) 24/07/24 06:00:40 PM
VRE The Arms Dealer IV (200x Tear Gas daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Wargasm HQ) 24/07/24 04:00:20 PM
QCD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Wolf Pack) 24/07/24 06:00:39 AM
IFE The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Monarch Research) 24/07/24 01:00:21 AM
CZE The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Destructive Anomaly) 24/07/24 01:00:21 AM
HFD The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Natural Selection) 23/07/24 08:00:22 PM
EDG A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) has spawned. (Sentinels) 23/07/24 04:15:21 PM
YHF The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Dark Energy) 23/07/24 06:00:16 AM
ZIF The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Rabid Chihuahuas) 23/07/24 04:00:18 AM
PPC A new Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) has spawned. (SMTH - November Chopin) 23/07/24 01:00:18 AM
AZE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Natural Selection) 23/07/24 01:00:18 AM
HZD The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Romania Elite Kommando) 22/07/24 05:00:17 PM
UAB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Desert Eagle) 22/07/24 12:00:17 PM
LBC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (JFK - Misfits) 22/07/24 02:00:21 AM
JIE The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 22/07/24 02:00:21 AM
WYG The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Escensio Incursus) 21/07/24 02:00:18 PM
WZG The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Midnight Plague) 21/07/24 01:00:20 PM
OUD The Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (White Rabbits) 21/07/24 01:00:20 PM
UAE A new Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) has spawned. (39th Street Healers) 21/07/24 09:00:19 AM
JFA The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (S.W.A.T Academy) 21/07/24 09:00:19 AM
UEC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (HAKA) 21/07/24 09:00:18 AM
TDF The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Natural Selection IV) 21/07/24 08:00:18 AM
JUE The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Nuclear Winter) 21/07/24 07:00:19 AM
ATG A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (Midnight Plague) 20/07/24 09:00:20 PM
ODD The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Wolf Pack) 20/07/24 03:00:19 PM
LNC The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (SMTH - Concord) 20/07/24 10:00:19 AM
DTE The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (NS Bomb Shelter) 20/07/24 02:00:25 AM
HCD The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Evolution) 19/07/24 11:00:20 PM
ZDE The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Horizon) 19/07/24 08:00:20 PM
LWB The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Droogs) 19/07/24 01:00:42 PM
JND The Street Surgeon IV (40x Melatonin daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Too Sober for this Shit) 19/07/24 01:00:41 PM
VFC The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Siege) 19/07/24 12:00:21 PM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Monarch HQ) 19/07/24 11:00:20 AM
GTG The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The ZOO) 19/07/24 06:00:20 AM
BQC The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Xenon. 18/07/24 11:00:24 PM
BCD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection II) 18/07/24 08:00:21 PM
CID The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by PT-Calculated. 18/07/24 07:00:25 PM
UIC The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by PT-Penguins. 18/07/24 06:45:22 PM
UIC The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by PT-Calculated. 18/07/24 06:30:22 PM
LTC The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Nest) 18/07/24 06:00:22 PM
CID The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by AQUA-Neptune. 18/07/24 05:15:21 PM
BQC A new Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) has spawned. 18/07/24 05:00:23 PM
NBD A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (39th Street Killers X) 18/07/24 05:00:22 PM
LFB The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Iron Retribution) 18/07/24 03:00:24 AM
MTD A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (ODB) 17/07/24 08:00:22 PM
TMD The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Xenon) 17/07/24 08:00:22 PM
KFE The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Monarch Research) 17/07/24 07:00:21 PM
HRG The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Nub Navy) 17/07/24 07:00:21 PM
VOC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Dopeheads on Mopeds) 17/07/24 04:00:23 PM
AVG The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Chromatic) 17/07/24 06:00:20 AM
GTE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (PT-Torntuga) 17/07/24 12:01:28 AM
VCC The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (IA Hookers & Blow) 16/07/24 11:00:20 PM
BMD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Carbon) 16/07/24 11:00:19 PM
WZD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (The Next Level) 16/07/24 09:00:21 PM
VPC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Concord) 16/07/24 08:00:20 PM
NZD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection) 16/07/24 01:00:32 PM
DYD A new Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) has spawned. (War Crimes) 16/07/24 03:00:17 AM
YQC The Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Natural Selection IV) 16/07/24 01:00:16 AM
PJB The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Ruthless Reborn) 15/07/24 06:00:18 PM
ICF The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Carbon) 15/07/24 05:00:21 PM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Project Nimbus) 15/07/24 07:00:17 AM
SED A new Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) has spawned. (REK II) 15/07/24 03:00:21 AM
LQE The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (JFK) 15/07/24 03:00:21 AM
HZB The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Lex Wolverines) 14/07/24 01:00:18 PM
TSB The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Nuclear Armageddon) 14/07/24 12:00:18 PM
UZC The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Ravage. 14/07/24 10:15:17 AM
NXD The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Catalysis) 14/07/24 10:00:17 AM
SSD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Wolverines) 14/07/24 08:00:18 AM
UZC The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Fat Sack Gang. 14/07/24 07:15:17 AM
PXD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (ODB) 14/07/24 04:00:21 AM
UGC The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (NPO - Prosperity) 14/07/24 04:00:21 AM
DJE The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch Chrysalis) 14/07/24 04:00:20 AM
UZC The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Fat Sack Gang) 13/07/24 11:00:20 PM
DLC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (NS Bomb Shelter) 13/07/24 08:00:20 PM
CBD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Catalysis) 13/07/24 06:00:21 PM
IIA The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Droogs) 13/07/24 04:00:23 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer III (100x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (HAKA) 13/07/24 03:00:19 PM
WSD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Wolverines) 13/07/24 03:00:19 PM
NAE The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Wolverines Health Org) 13/07/24 03:00:19 PM
WOE The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Next Level) 13/07/24 12:00:19 PM
MPB The Street Surgeon II (10x Tyrosine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 13/07/24 04:00:23 AM
WRC The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Xenon) 13/07/24 02:00:24 AM
RIA The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 12/07/24 05:00:21 PM
MMC A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (Subversive Alliance) 12/07/24 02:00:21 PM
OGD The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 12/07/24 08:00:18 AM
QGE The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 12/07/24 08:00:18 AM
HFA A new Street Surgeon I (5x Neumune Tablet daily) has spawned. (S.W.A.T Academy) 12/07/24 05:00:20 AM
PJE The Illegal Casino IV ($200,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 12/07/24 05:00:19 AM
QFE The Street Surgeon I (5x Neumune Tablet daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 12/07/24 04:00:24 AM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SA Equilibrium) 12/07/24 01:00:21 AM
ISD The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (The Wolverines) 11/07/24 10:00:21 PM
WSG The Street Surgeon I (5x Epinephrine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (NPO - Strength) 11/07/24 08:00:21 PM
EOF The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection II) 11/07/24 02:00:20 PM
QCF The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Nuclear Armageddon) 11/07/24 10:00:18 AM
IRC A new Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Natural Selection IV) 11/07/24 07:00:18 AM
CRG The Illegal Casino III ($100,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch Cupid) 11/07/24 06:00:18 AM
YDF A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (Natural Selection III) 11/07/24 01:00:23 AM
KBD The Arms Dealer IV (200x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Destructive Anomaly) 11/07/24 01:00:22 AM
BRC The Money Launderer V ($160,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Carbon) 10/07/24 03:00:21 PM
XBD The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection) 10/07/24 01:00:21 PM
ZGG The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Brotherhood of War) 10/07/24 10:00:18 AM
JWD The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Itsi Bitsi Bikini) 10/07/24 05:00:18 AM
GOB A new Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) has spawned. (The Legion of Evil) 09/07/24 05:00:26 PM
EAA The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (In Memory of the Fallen) 09/07/24 05:00:26 PM
DZC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Tear Gas daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Black Hand) 09/07/24 03:00:25 PM
UVB The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (In Memory of the Fallen) 09/07/24 11:00:16 AM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Monarch HQ has taken over control from Monarch Mutation. 09/07/24 10:15:17 AM
ZOD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Lithium) 09/07/24 09:00:58 AM
UJD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Natural Selection) 09/07/24 03:00:20 AM
AIA The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Iron Retribution) 08/07/24 12:00:20 PM
KKE The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Chain Reaction) 08/07/24 11:00:20 AM
RWC The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Alley Cats) 08/07/24 11:00:20 AM
HBD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. ([Redacted]) 08/07/24 08:00:19 AM
ITC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Little Stompers) 08/07/24 07:00:19 AM
BGE The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (39th Street Warriors) 08/07/24 03:00:20 AM
NJE The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Evolution) 08/07/24 02:00:19 AM
HFD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection) 07/07/24 11:00:22 PM
NHE The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (WTF Healers) 07/07/24 11:00:21 PM
IFC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (DP Warriors) 07/07/24 10:00:25 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Natural Selection II) 07/07/24 07:00:26 PM
IMB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Trisolary) 07/07/24 04:00:22 PM
PSD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Dystopia) 07/07/24 02:00:23 PM
WYG The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Escensio Incursus) 07/07/24 01:00:22 PM
LBC The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (JFK - Misfits) 07/07/24 10:00:27 AM
HZD The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Romania Elite Kommando) 07/07/24 05:00:20 AM
FVD The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Capacity X) 06/07/24 05:00:24 PM
CID A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (AQUA-Neptune) 06/07/24 04:00:25 PM
ZJF A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (Imperial MediHaven) 06/07/24 11:00:24 AM
MBA The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Monarch Army of Light) 06/07/24 11:00:23 AM
MME The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Winter is Coming) 06/07/24 10:00:24 AM
SQE The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Underground Nation) 06/07/24 10:00:24 AM
KXD The Money Launderer V ($160,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Nuclear Blast) 06/07/24 05:00:24 AM
LBA The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Monarch Army of Light) 06/07/24 04:00:25 AM
QKD The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (PT-ShadowRazers) 05/07/24 11:00:23 PM
DWB The Arms Dealer III (100x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Almanac) 05/07/24 01:00:26 PM
ZCE The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (White Rabbits) 05/07/24 08:00:21 AM
RKD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch Mutation) 05/07/24 07:00:29 AM
UAB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Desert Eagle) 05/07/24 01:00:23 AM
EQC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Bloodbath and Beyond) 04/07/24 08:00:24 PM
TAE The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Next Level) 04/07/24 05:00:23 AM
AZE A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Natural Selection) 04/07/24 03:00:25 AM
RKE A new Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) has spawned. (The Next Level) 03/07/24 11:00:24 PM
ZDE The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Horizon) 03/07/24 10:00:24 PM
DTE The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (NS Bomb Shelter) 03/07/24 10:00:22 AM
YHF A new Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) has spawned. (Dark Energy) 03/07/24 07:00:23 AM
AHA The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Torn Medical) 03/07/24 05:00:23 AM
OBD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 03/07/24 04:00:25 AM
TWD A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (The Next Level) 03/07/24 03:00:26 AM
SKB The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. JFK - Future Killers has taken over control from JFK - Misfits. 02/07/24 09:30:23 PM
LBC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) territory changed hands. JFK - Misfits has taken over control from JFK 2.1. 02/07/24 09:30:23 PM
RWC The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) territory changed hands. Alley Cats has taken over control from JFK. 02/07/24 09:15:23 PM
LQE The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been taken over by JFK. 02/07/24 09:15:23 PM
LQE The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been dropped by JFK - Future Killers. 02/07/24 08:45:24 PM
XWE A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Monarch HQ) 02/07/24 04:00:24 PM
NLD The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Legitimate Business) 02/07/24 11:00:17 AM
HVG A new Arms Dealer I (25x Flash Grenade daily) has spawned. (Escensio Incursus) 02/07/24 06:00:18 AM
MJC The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (WTF Healers) 02/07/24 03:00:18 AM
ZWD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Dystopia) 02/07/24 12:01:29 AM
VFE A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Monarch Research) 01/07/24 04:00:21 PM
JQD The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (The Wolverines) 01/07/24 12:00:21 PM
XWC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Valhalla - Barna) 01/07/24 12:01:25 AM
BUG The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Rifle Company) 29/06/24 11:00:23 PM
WSD The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Wolverines) 29/06/24 03:00:22 PM
SFC The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Siege) 29/06/24 02:00:22 PM
TVD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Dystopia) 29/06/24 08:00:22 AM
NZD The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection) 29/06/24 06:00:21 AM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Destructive Anomaly) 29/06/24 04:00:24 AM
UIC A new Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) has spawned. (PT-Calculated) 28/06/24 10:00:22 PM
XSD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Wolverines) 28/06/24 04:00:24 PM
LBA The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Monarch Army of Light has taken over control from Imminent Apocalypse. 28/06/24 01:15:24 PM
MBA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Monarch Army of Light has taken over control from Imminent Apocalypse. 28/06/24 01:15:23 PM
PJB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Ruthless Reborn) 28/06/24 01:00:24 PM
DLC A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) has spawned. (NS Bomb Shelter) 28/06/24 12:00:24 PM
CDE The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Sick Bay) 28/06/24 08:00:24 AM
DJE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Monarch Chrysalis) 28/06/24 08:00:24 AM
HZB The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Lex Wolverines) 28/06/24 06:00:23 AM
IFE The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch Research) 28/06/24 05:00:22 AM
UOE A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (The Revenant) 28/06/24 01:00:25 AM
VFC A new Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) has spawned. (Siege) 27/06/24 08:00:24 PM
UEC The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (HAKA) 27/06/24 05:00:25 PM
HED The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Deja) 27/06/24 01:00:27 PM
LQE The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (JFK - Future Killers) 27/06/24 11:00:24 AM
HCD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Evolution) 27/06/24 04:00:26 AM
LQE The Street Surgeon II (10x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been taken over by JFK - Future Killers. 27/06/24 02:00:32 AM
LQE The Street Surgeon II (10x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been dropped by JFK - Future Killers. 27/06/24 01:45:29 AM
RIA The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 27/06/24 01:00:27 AM
WAD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (WIT-Premier) 27/06/24 12:01:21 AM
OVD A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (Dead or Alive) 26/06/24 11:00:25 PM
YQC The Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Natural Selection IV) 26/06/24 10:00:25 PM
GTG The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The ZOO) 26/06/24 08:00:28 PM
ODD The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Wolf Pack) 26/06/24 05:00:25 PM
NXD The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Catalysis) 26/06/24 05:00:24 PM
MFD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Monarch Research) 26/06/24 11:00:24 AM
ZGG The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory changed hands. The Brotherhood of War has taken over control from Ministry of Mayhem. 26/06/24 02:00:26 AM
VTD A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Capacity X) 26/06/24 01:00:26 AM
HPD The Bootleg Distillery V (160x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Lithium) 25/06/24 07:00:25 PM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Naughty Souls) 25/06/24 06:00:25 PM
SLE The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (New Sith Order) 25/06/24 01:00:26 PM
TDF The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection IV) 25/06/24 12:00:18 PM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Ravage) 25/06/24 12:00:18 PM
CCA The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Retaliation) 25/06/24 03:00:17 AM
ZGG The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory changed hands. Ministry of Mayhem has taken over control from The Brotherhood of War. 24/06/24 09:00:19 PM
UGC A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (NPO - Prosperity) 24/06/24 04:00:18 PM
DJC The Street Surgeon IV (40x Melatonin daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (WTF) 24/06/24 10:00:17 AM
LQE The Street Surgeon II (10x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been taken over by JFK - Future Killers. 24/06/24 09:15:18 AM
BMD The Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Carbon) 24/06/24 09:00:18 AM
UAB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Desert Eagle. 24/06/24 07:30:18 AM
SSB The Arms Dealer II (50x HEG daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Nuclear Armageddon) 24/06/24 12:01:18 AM
AIA The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Iron Retribution) 23/06/24 11:00:21 PM
UAB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Monarch HQ. 23/06/24 10:15:20 PM
UAB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Monarch HQ. 23/06/24 10:00:21 PM
JND The Street Surgeon V (80x Melatonin daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Too Sober for this Shit) 23/06/24 09:00:21 PM
HJE The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by WTF. 23/06/24 03:00:20 PM
HJE The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by WTF. 23/06/24 02:45:19 PM
LQE The Street Surgeon II (10x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been dropped by JFK - Future Killers. 23/06/24 09:30:20 AM
UIC The Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (PT-Calculated) 23/06/24 03:00:20 AM
DPD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Destructive Anomaly) 23/06/24 12:01:11 AM
GME The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (WTF Resurrection) 22/06/24 11:00:27 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer II (50x HEG daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Siege) 22/06/24 08:00:23 PM
XMB The Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Unity) 22/06/24 06:00:40 PM
PAB The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Wolverines Gone Wild) 22/06/24 06:00:39 PM
LQE The Street Surgeon II (10x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been taken over by JFK - Future Killers. 22/06/24 01:45:20 PM
RIA The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by SMTH - Bright Summit. 22/06/24 01:30:20 PM
MPB The Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) territory has been taken over by SMTH - Bright Summit. 22/06/24 01:30:20 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by HAKA. 22/06/24 01:30:19 PM
LBC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by JFK 2.1. 22/06/24 01:30:19 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 22/06/24 01:00:20 PM
LQE The Street Surgeon II (10x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been dropped by Alley Cats. 22/06/24 12:45:20 PM
XOB The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by SMTH - Bright Summit. 22/06/24 09:30:22 AM
QFE A new Street Surgeon I (5x Neumune Tablet daily) has spawned. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 22/06/24 09:00:21 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon I (5x Neumune Tablet daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (ODB) 22/06/24 08:00:21 AM
XOB The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Monarch HQ. 22/06/24 07:45:27 AM
RIA The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by SMTH - Concord. 22/06/24 06:30:21 AM
VPC The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by SMTH - Concord. 22/06/24 06:30:21 AM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by SMTH - Concord. 22/06/24 06:30:20 AM
MPB The Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) territory has been dropped by SMTH - Party Animals. 22/06/24 06:00:20 AM
IFC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (DP Warriors) 22/06/24 04:00:22 AM
XOB The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Monarch HQ) 22/06/24 03:00:22 AM
LBC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by Alley Cats. 21/06/24 11:45:22 PM
FHB The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (WarDogs HQ) 21/06/24 10:00:22 PM
EAA A new Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) has spawned. (In Memory of the Fallen) 21/06/24 08:00:24 PM
RMB The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Unity) 21/06/24 08:00:24 PM
GHE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Occultus) 21/06/24 08:00:24 PM
JWD The Arms Dealer III (100x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Itsi Bitsi Bikini) 21/06/24 08:00:23 PM
UZC The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. Fat Sack Gang has taken over control from Sentinels. 21/06/24 07:30:23 PM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Ravage has taken over control from Sentinels. 21/06/24 07:15:22 PM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Sentinels has taken over control from Materia. 21/06/24 07:00:29 PM
UZC The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. Sentinels has taken over control from Materia. 21/06/24 07:00:29 PM
IMB The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) territory has been taken over by SMTH - Trisolary. 21/06/24 03:15:21 PM
IMB The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) territory has been dropped by SMTH - Trisolary. 21/06/24 02:45:21 PM
XOB The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Monarch HQ has taken over control from SMTH - Bright Summit. 21/06/24 02:45:21 PM
DJC The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) territory has been taken over by WTF. 21/06/24 02:30:21 PM
QGE The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Wolf Pack Next Generation. 21/06/24 02:30:21 PM
JQD The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by The Wolverines. 21/06/24 02:00:20 PM
ISD The Arms Dealer V (400x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by The Wolverines. 21/06/24 02:00:20 PM
QGE The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Sentinels. 21/06/24 01:45:21 PM
ISD The Arms Dealer V (400x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by The Wolverines. 21/06/24 01:45:21 PM
TAE The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. The Next Level has taken over control from Wolverines Health Org. 21/06/24 01:45:21 PM
WOE The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. The Next Level has taken over control from The Wolverines. 21/06/24 01:45:21 PM
WZD The Bordello V (80x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. The Next Level has taken over control from Wolverines Health Org. 21/06/24 01:45:20 PM
JQD The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Wolverines Health Org. 21/06/24 01:45:20 PM
DJC The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) territory has been dropped by WTF. 21/06/24 01:30:22 PM
QGE The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Sentinels. 21/06/24 01:30:22 PM
QGE The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Wolf Pack Next Generation. 21/06/24 01:15:20 PM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Monarch Mutation) 21/06/24 01:00:21 PM
MJC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been taken over by WTF Healers. 21/06/24 09:45:21 AM
NJC The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by NPO - Valour. 21/06/24 09:30:20 AM
MJC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been dropped by WTF Healers. 21/06/24 09:00:21 AM
NJC The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by WTF Healers. 21/06/24 09:00:21 AM
UAB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Fat Sack Gang. 21/06/24 08:45:19 AM
UAB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Fat Sack Gang. 21/06/24 08:30:21 AM
HRG The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Nub Navy) 21/06/24 07:00:21 AM
CZE The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 21/06/24 05:45:34 AM
UJD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection. 21/06/24 05:45:33 AM
NZD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection. 21/06/24 05:45:33 AM
HFD The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection. 21/06/24 05:45:33 AM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 21/06/24 05:45:33 AM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 21/06/24 05:45:32 AM
XBD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection. 21/06/24 05:45:32 AM
BCD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from NS Bomb Shelter. 21/06/24 05:30:21 AM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 21/06/24 05:30:21 AM
CZE The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 21/06/24 05:30:21 AM
EOF The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection II. 21/06/24 05:30:20 AM
DTE The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. NS Bomb Shelter has taken over control from Natural Selection. 21/06/24 05:30:20 AM
NZD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by NS Bomb Shelter. 21/06/24 05:30:20 AM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection II. 21/06/24 05:30:20 AM
HFD The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) territory has been dropped by NS Bomb Shelter. 21/06/24 05:15:21 AM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 21/06/24 05:15:20 AM
EOF The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by NS Bomb Shelter. 21/06/24 05:15:20 AM
XBD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been dropped by NS Bomb Shelter. 21/06/24 05:15:20 AM
UJD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by NS Bomb Shelter. 21/06/24 05:15:20 AM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by NS Bomb Shelter. 21/06/24 05:15:20 AM
JFA A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (S.W.A.T Academy) 21/06/24 05:00:21 AM
OUD The Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (White Rabbits) 21/06/24 04:00:23 AM
WOE The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Wolverines) 21/06/24 04:00:23 AM
OZE The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory changed hands. The Next Level - Forge has taken over control from The Next Level. 21/06/24 01:15:25 AM
QZE The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. The Next Level - Forge has taken over control from The Next Level. 21/06/24 01:15:24 AM
ZDD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. The Next Level - Forge has taken over control from The Next Level. 21/06/24 01:15:24 AM
MJC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been taken over by WTF Healers. 20/06/24 10:00:23 PM
NJC The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by WTF Healers. 20/06/24 10:00:23 PM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Imperial MediHaven. 20/06/24 09:45:23 PM
VPC The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Imperial MediHaven. 20/06/24 09:45:23 PM
UAB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Ravage. 20/06/24 09:45:22 PM
DJC The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) territory has been taken over by WTF. 20/06/24 09:30:41 PM
BGE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Warriors. 20/06/24 09:00:24 PM
IIA The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Droogs) 20/06/24 08:00:22 PM
MJC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been dropped by WTF Healers. 20/06/24 08:00:21 PM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Occultus. 20/06/24 07:15:22 PM
NJC The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by NPO - Prosperity. 20/06/24 07:15:22 PM
BGE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Rogue Warriors. 20/06/24 06:45:23 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) territory changed hands. Siege has taken over control from NPO - Strength. 20/06/24 06:45:22 PM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Occultus. 20/06/24 06:45:22 PM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. Siege has taken over control from NPO - Strength. 20/06/24 06:45:22 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Killers. 20/06/24 06:30:23 PM
KSD The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. Dead or Alive has taken over control from Siege. 20/06/24 06:15:24 PM
DTE The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection. 20/06/24 06:15:24 PM
DJC The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) territory has been dropped by WTF. 20/06/24 06:00:39 PM
DTE The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection. 20/06/24 06:00:39 PM
UME The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. The Inquisition has taken over control from Natural Selection. 20/06/24 06:00:39 PM
VPC The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Imperial MediHaven. 20/06/24 12:00:22 PM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Imperial MediHaven. 20/06/24 12:00:21 PM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by The Inquisition. 20/06/24 11:45:21 AM
VPC The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by The Inquisition. 20/06/24 11:45:21 AM
HJE The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. WTF has taken over control from WTF Ducks. 20/06/24 11:00:22 AM
DJC The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) territory changed hands. WTF has taken over control from WTF Ducks. 20/06/24 11:00:21 AM
NJE The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Evolution) 20/06/24 10:00:21 AM
UZC The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Materia) 20/06/24 10:00:21 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by BLACK STATUES. 20/06/24 01:15:22 AM
KLE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (HAKA) 20/06/24 01:00:25 AM
SLE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by New Sith Order. 19/06/24 07:45:25 PM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 19/06/24 07:45:25 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Maiden Voyage. 19/06/24 07:45:24 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 19/06/24 07:45:24 PM
SLE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Dead or Alive. 19/06/24 07:30:24 PM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 19/06/24 07:30:24 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection. 19/06/24 07:30:23 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 19/06/24 07:30:23 PM
DZC The Arms Dealer III (100x Tear Gas daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (The Black Hand) 19/06/24 07:00:24 PM
BBA The Street Surgeon IV (40x Melatonin daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Ruthless Reborn) 19/06/24 06:00:23 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by BLACK STATUES. 19/06/24 03:30:23 PM
QCF The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Nuclear Armageddon) 19/06/24 03:00:22 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by BLACK STATUES. 19/06/24 03:00:22 PM
MBA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Imminent Apocalypse. 19/06/24 02:45:24 PM
LBA The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Imminent Apocalypse. 19/06/24 02:45:24 PM
PJB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Ruthless Reborn. 19/06/24 02:45:23 PM
PJB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Ruthless Reborn. 19/06/24 02:30:23 PM
MBA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Imminent Apocalypse. 19/06/24 02:30:23 PM
LBA The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Imminent Apocalypse. 19/06/24 02:30:23 PM
WZD The Bordello V (80x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Wolverines Health Org) 19/06/24 01:00:24 PM
UVB The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. In Memory of the Fallen has taken over control from New Sith Order. 19/06/24 12:45:24 PM
MPB A new Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) has spawned. (SMTH - Party Animals) 19/06/24 06:00:21 AM
CKB The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (SMTH - Concord) 19/06/24 05:15:21 AM
BBA The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) territory has been taken over by Ruthless Reborn. 18/06/24 09:15:26 PM
MJC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been taken over by WTF Healers. 18/06/24 09:15:25 PM
PXD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. ODB has taken over control from BLACK STATUES. 18/06/24 09:15:25 PM
HVE The Street Surgeon I (5x Neumune Tablet daily) territory changed hands. ODB has taken over control from BLACK STATUES. 18/06/24 09:15:24 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by BLACK STATUES. 18/06/24 09:15:24 PM
UJD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by NS Bomb Shelter. 18/06/24 09:15:24 PM
DTE The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection. 18/06/24 09:15:24 PM
UME The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection. 18/06/24 09:00:25 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection. 18/06/24 09:00:24 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 18/06/24 09:00:24 PM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. NPO - Strength has taken over control from Dead or Alive. 18/06/24 08:45:26 PM
WSG The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory changed hands. NPO - Strength has taken over control from Dead or Alive. 18/06/24 08:45:25 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) territory changed hands. NPO - Strength has taken over control from Dead or Alive. 18/06/24 08:45:25 PM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 18/06/24 08:30:29 PM
HVE The Street Surgeon I (5x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been taken over by BLACK STATUES. 18/06/24 08:30:27 PM
MBA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Imminent Apocalypse. 18/06/24 08:15:24 PM
LBA The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Imminent Apocalypse. 18/06/24 08:15:24 PM
MBA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Killers. 18/06/24 07:30:25 PM
BGE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Rogue Warriors. 18/06/24 07:15:26 PM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Materia. 18/06/24 07:15:25 PM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 18/06/24 07:00:24 PM
KXD The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 18/06/24 07:00:23 PM
PJB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Ruthless Reborn. 18/06/24 06:45:25 PM
LBA The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Killers. 18/06/24 06:30:23 PM
BBA The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Killers. 18/06/24 06:30:23 PM
PJB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Ruthless Reborn. 18/06/24 06:30:22 PM
MJC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been dropped by The Collective Resistance. 18/06/24 06:15:22 PM
IFC The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by DP Warriors. 18/06/24 06:00:23 PM
BRC The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Carbon has taken over control from Xenon. 18/06/24 06:00:23 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by WTF. 18/06/24 06:00:22 PM
BMD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. Carbon has taken over control from Xenon. 18/06/24 06:00:22 PM
VCC The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. IA Hookers & Blow has taken over control from 39th Street Healers. 18/06/24 05:45:24 PM
UME The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by WTF. 18/06/24 05:45:24 PM
IFC The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by WTF. 18/06/24 05:45:23 PM
KLE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by HAKA. 18/06/24 05:30:25 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by HAKA. 18/06/24 05:30:24 PM
UEC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by HAKA. 18/06/24 05:30:24 PM
JQD The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 18/06/24 05:30:23 PM
TAE The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 18/06/24 05:15:25 PM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from IA Hookers & Blow. 18/06/24 05:15:25 PM
WZD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 18/06/24 05:15:24 PM
KLE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by The Black Hand. 18/06/24 05:00:24 PM
WOE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. The Wolverines has taken over control from Natural Selection II. 18/06/24 05:00:24 PM
JQD The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by The Wolverines. 18/06/24 05:00:23 PM
UEC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by The Black Hand. 18/06/24 04:45:24 PM
ICF The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Carbon. 18/06/24 04:45:23 PM
YAE The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Taurine Elite daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Killers X. 18/06/24 04:30:25 PM
UJD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection IV. 18/06/24 04:30:24 PM
TAE The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 18/06/24 04:15:24 PM
WOE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Carbon. 18/06/24 04:15:24 PM
JQD The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) territory changed hands. The Wolverines has taken over control from Wolverines Health Org. 18/06/24 04:15:23 PM
NAE The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 18/06/24 04:15:23 PM
YAE The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Taurine Elite daily) territory has been dropped by Carbon. 18/06/24 04:15:23 PM
ICF The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by NPO - Strength. 18/06/24 04:15:22 PM
WZD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by Carbon. 18/06/24 04:15:22 PM
ZPD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. The Wolverines has taken over control from 39th Street Killers X. 18/06/24 04:00:27 PM
DTE The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by The Wolverines. 18/06/24 04:00:26 PM
SSD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory changed hands. The Wolverines has taken over control from ODB. 18/06/24 04:00:26 PM
ISD The Arms Dealer V (400x Flash Grenade daily) territory changed hands. The Wolverines has taken over control from ODB. 18/06/24 04:00:26 PM
NAE The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 18/06/24 04:00:26 PM
WSD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. The Wolverines has taken over control from ODB. 18/06/24 04:00:25 PM
XSD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. The Wolverines has taken over control from ODB. 18/06/24 04:00:25 PM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Wolverines Health Org. 18/06/24 03:45:24 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by Wolverines Health Org. 18/06/24 03:45:23 PM
MJC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been taken over by The Collective Resistance. 18/06/24 03:45:23 PM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by IA Hookers & Blow. 18/06/24 01:45:26 PM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by The Collective Resistance. 18/06/24 01:30:23 PM
NHE The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by WTF Healers. 18/06/24 12:30:25 PM
MBA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (39th Street Killers) 18/06/24 10:00:17 AM
QZE The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Next Level) 18/06/24 09:00:17 AM
ZDD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Next Level) 18/06/24 09:00:17 AM
NHE The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by WTF Healers. 18/06/24 08:45:17 AM
MJC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been dropped by WTF Healers. 18/06/24 08:45:17 AM
BGE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Rogue Warriors. 18/06/24 05:45:18 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon I (5x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been dropped by BLACK STATUES. 18/06/24 04:45:16 AM
LBA The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (39th Street Killers) 18/06/24 04:00:18 AM
KKE The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Chain Reaction) 18/06/24 01:00:19 AM
ZPD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. 39th Street Killers X has taken over control from Damage Inc. 17/06/24 10:30:19 PM
KGF The Street Surgeon III (20x Tyrosine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Project Nimbus) 17/06/24 10:00:19 PM
XJD The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Monarch Mutation) 17/06/24 06:00:19 PM
UJD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Natural Selection IV) 17/06/24 04:00:18 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by HAKA. 17/06/24 03:15:18 PM
BCD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (NS Bomb Shelter) 17/06/24 03:00:19 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by HAKA. 17/06/24 02:45:18 PM
ISD The Arms Dealer V (400x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 17/06/24 12:15:17 PM
SSD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 17/06/24 11:45:18 AM
WSD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 17/06/24 11:45:17 AM
XSD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 17/06/24 11:45:17 AM
WSD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Killers X. 17/06/24 11:15:17 AM
XSD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Killers X. 17/06/24 11:15:17 AM
SSD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Killers X. 17/06/24 11:15:17 AM
ISD The Arms Dealer V (400x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Killers X. 17/06/24 11:15:17 AM
EOF The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (NS Bomb Shelter) 17/06/24 10:00:18 AM
TMD A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (Xenon) 17/06/24 08:00:18 AM
BRC The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Xenon) 17/06/24 06:00:19 AM
JAA The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (New Sith Order II) 17/06/24 05:00:19 AM
PJB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Ruthless Reborn. 17/06/24 01:45:20 AM
JBA The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. Rabid Chihuahuas has taken over control from Ruthless Reborn. 17/06/24 01:45:20 AM
PJB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by -Aurora-. 17/06/24 01:30:19 AM
JBA The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. Ruthless Reborn has taken over control from Rabid Chihuahuas. 17/06/24 12:15:20 AM
WSG The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by Dead or Alive. 16/06/24 11:15:21 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) territory has been taken over by Dead or Alive. 16/06/24 11:15:21 PM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by Dead or Alive. 16/06/24 11:15:21 PM
SLE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Dead or Alive. 16/06/24 11:15:20 PM
MME The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Winter is Coming) 16/06/24 11:00:21 PM
UME The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by WTF. 16/06/24 09:45:22 PM
UME The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection. 16/06/24 09:30:21 PM
IFC The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. WTF has taken over control from Natural Selection. 16/06/24 09:30:20 PM
XWC A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Valhalla - Barna) 16/06/24 09:00:21 PM
SSD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (39th Street Killers X) 16/06/24 09:00:20 PM
ZDD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by The Next Level. 16/06/24 04:45:20 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 16/06/24 04:30:21 PM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 16/06/24 04:30:21 PM
SLE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 16/06/24 04:30:20 PM
WSG The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 16/06/24 04:30:20 PM
HPE The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Underground Nation) 16/06/24 02:00:20 PM
ZDD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by DP Warriors. 16/06/24 01:15:19 PM
UVB The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (New Sith Order) 16/06/24 11:00:19 AM
BEB The Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (SMTH - Healing Pulse) 16/06/24 09:00:21 AM
PSD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Dystopia) 16/06/24 07:00:21 AM
WYG The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Escensio Incursus) 16/06/24 05:00:20 AM
LFB The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Iron Retribution) 15/06/24 11:00:22 PM
NLD The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Legitimate Business) 15/06/24 10:00:21 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (HAKA) 15/06/24 09:00:21 PM
KBD The Arms Dealer V (400x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Destructive Anomaly) 15/06/24 08:00:22 PM
DTE The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. The Wolverines has taken over control from Impulse. 15/06/24 05:30:22 PM
VCC The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Healers. 15/06/24 02:45:21 PM
SQE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Underground Nation) 15/06/24 12:00:20 PM
TAE The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Destructive Anomaly) 15/06/24 10:00:21 AM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 15/06/24 08:45:19 AM
SSD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory changed hands. 39th Street Killers X has taken over control from Monarch HQ. 15/06/24 06:45:22 AM
ISD The Arms Dealer V (400x Flash Grenade daily) territory changed hands. 39th Street Killers X has taken over control from Monarch HQ. 15/06/24 06:45:22 AM
WSD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. 39th Street Killers X has taken over control from Monarch HQ. 15/06/24 06:45:21 AM
XSD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. 39th Street Killers X has taken over control from Monarch HQ. 15/06/24 06:45:21 AM
WSD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Monarch HQ has taken over control from Damage Inc. 15/06/24 06:30:20 AM
VCC The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Killers X. 15/06/24 06:30:20 AM
UME The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection has taken over control from DarkHearts. 15/06/24 03:45:23 AM
JQD The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Wolverines Health Org) 15/06/24 02:00:22 AM
DTE The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Impulse) 15/06/24 01:00:22 AM
THC The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory changed hands. WTF has taken over control from Endless Endeavor. 15/06/24 12:01:06 AM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 14/06/24 07:30:22 PM
SLE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 14/06/24 07:30:21 PM
WSG The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 14/06/24 07:30:21 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 14/06/24 07:30:21 PM
SLE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Healers. 14/06/24 04:15:21 PM
WSG The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Healers. 14/06/24 04:15:21 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Healers. 14/06/24 04:15:21 PM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Healers. 14/06/24 04:15:21 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by The Wolverines. 14/06/24 04:15:20 PM
NHE The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (WTF Healers) 14/06/24 04:00:21 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by HAKA. 14/06/24 12:45:21 PM
IFC The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection has taken over control from Impulse. 14/06/24 12:30:22 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by The Wolverines. 14/06/24 09:45:21 AM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by Wolverines Health Org. 14/06/24 09:30:21 AM
EQC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Bloodbath and Beyond) 14/06/24 08:00:21 AM
BGE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Rogue Warriors. 14/06/24 08:00:21 AM
HJE The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. WTF Ducks has taken over control from WTF. 14/06/24 07:45:24 AM
DJC The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) territory changed hands. WTF Ducks has taken over control from WTF. 14/06/24 07:45:22 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by HAKA. 14/06/24 07:45:22 AM
BGE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Rogue Warriors. 14/06/24 07:30:21 AM
HBD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. ([Redacted]) 14/06/24 03:00:22 AM
THC The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Endless Endeavor) 14/06/24 03:00:21 AM
PJB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (-Aurora-) 14/06/24 03:00:21 AM
SSD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory changed hands. Monarch HQ has taken over control from Damage Inc. 14/06/24 01:30:22 AM
MZE The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Destructive Anomaly) 14/06/24 12:01:16 AM
TGC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Endless Endeavor) 13/06/24 07:00:23 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory changed hands. Endless Endeavor has taken over control from Triple X. 13/06/24 06:00:22 PM
HJC The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (WTF) 13/06/24 09:00:22 AM
HSD The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (HAKA) 13/06/24 05:00:23 AM
ZPD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Damage Inc has taken over control from Impulse. 12/06/24 11:30:21 PM
WSD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Damage Inc has taken over control from Impulse. 12/06/24 11:30:20 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (NS Bomb Shelter) 12/06/24 10:00:22 PM
ICF The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by NPO - Strength. 12/06/24 07:15:24 PM
JQD The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 12/06/24 07:00:21 PM
YQC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection IV) 12/06/24 05:00:22 PM
UJD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection IV. 12/06/24 03:30:22 PM
KKE The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Chain Reaction. 12/06/24 03:15:25 PM
KKE The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Chain Reaction. 12/06/24 03:00:23 PM
UJD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection. 12/06/24 03:00:23 PM
ZOD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Lithium) 12/06/24 02:00:24 PM
SSD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory changed hands. Damage Inc has taken over control from Impulse. 12/06/24 01:15:22 PM
LTC The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Nest) 12/06/24 11:00:24 AM
BRC The Money Launderer V ($160,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Xenon. 12/06/24 08:15:22 AM
BMD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by Xenon. 12/06/24 08:15:21 AM
YAE The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Taurine Elite daily) territory has been taken over by Carbon. 12/06/24 07:30:23 AM
WOE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. Carbon has taken over control from Natural Selection II. 12/06/24 07:30:23 AM
WZD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. Carbon has taken over control from Natural Selection II. 12/06/24 07:30:22 AM
JQD The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 12/06/24 07:30:22 AM
BRC The Money Launderer V ($160,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Carbon. 12/06/24 07:15:23 AM
BMD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by Carbon. 12/06/24 07:15:22 AM
YAE The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Taurine Elite daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 12/06/24 07:15:22 AM
TGC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. Endless Endeavor has taken over control from DarkHearts. 11/06/24 10:00:25 PM
ZGG A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (The Brotherhood of War) 11/06/24 09:00:25 PM
HCD The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Evolution) 11/06/24 09:00:24 PM
WGD The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Pagans) 11/06/24 02:00:23 PM
VCC The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (39th Street Killers X) 11/06/24 01:00:23 PM
HED The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Deja) 11/06/24 01:00:23 PM
WSD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Impulse) 11/06/24 01:00:22 PM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 11/06/24 10:45:16 AM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 11/06/24 10:45:16 AM
JQD The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 11/06/24 10:45:15 AM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Medic!!. 11/06/24 10:15:15 AM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 11/06/24 10:00:16 AM
JQD The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 11/06/24 10:00:15 AM
AHA A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (Torn Medical) 11/06/24 02:00:17 AM
QKD The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (PT-ShadowRazers) 10/06/24 07:00:18 PM
UME The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by DarkHearts. 10/06/24 07:00:18 PM
UME The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Triple X. 10/06/24 06:45:19 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory changed hands. Triple X has taken over control from Endless Endeavor. 10/06/24 06:45:18 PM
FNB The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Nuclear Armageddon) 10/06/24 09:00:20 AM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Wolverines Health Org) 10/06/24 04:00:18 AM
HZB The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Lex Wolverines) 09/06/24 11:00:19 PM
YAE The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Taurine Elite daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Damage Inc. 09/06/24 09:00:23 PM
XSD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. Monarch HQ has taken over control from Damage Inc. 09/06/24 08:30:23 PM
SSD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory changed hands. Impulse has taken over control from Damage Inc. 09/06/24 03:30:21 PM
WSD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Impulse has taken over control from Damage Inc. 09/06/24 03:30:20 PM
PXC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (JFK - Future Killers) 09/06/24 07:00:22 AM
BGE A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Rogue Warriors) 09/06/24 06:00:21 AM
LQE The Street Surgeon II (10x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Alley Cats) 09/06/24 04:00:22 AM
GTG The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The ZOO) 09/06/24 03:00:23 AM
DZC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Tear Gas daily) territory changed hands. The Black Hand has taken over control from Impulse 13!. 08/06/24 11:45:21 PM
TDF The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Natural Selection IV) 08/06/24 11:00:21 PM
TSB The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Nuclear Armageddon) 08/06/24 05:00:22 PM
SKB The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (JFK - Misfits) 08/06/24 12:00:22 PM
KLE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by The Black Hand. 08/06/24 11:00:22 AM
DWB The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Almanac) 08/06/24 10:00:22 AM
HFD The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (NS Bomb Shelter) 08/06/24 09:00:22 AM
UEC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by The Black Hand. 08/06/24 08:45:22 AM
WZD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Medic!!. 08/06/24 08:45:21 AM
UEC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Dead or Alive. 08/06/24 08:30:19 AM
KLE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Dead or Alive. 08/06/24 08:30:19 AM
ISD The Arms Dealer V (400x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Monarch HQ) 08/06/24 04:00:20 AM
NJC The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by NPO - Prosperity. 07/06/24 10:30:24 PM
NJC The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. 07/06/24 10:00:21 PM
WOE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Dark X. 07/06/24 05:45:24 PM
VPC The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. The Inquisition has taken over control from Wolverines Gone Wild. 07/06/24 04:30:25 PM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. The Inquisition has taken over control from Wolverines Gone Wild. 07/06/24 04:30:24 PM
UIC The Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (PT-Calculated) 07/06/24 11:00:23 AM
DZC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Tear Gas daily) territory has been taken over by Impulse 13!. 07/06/24 10:45:23 AM
JQD The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 07/06/24 09:30:24 AM
SLE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Healers. 07/06/24 09:30:24 AM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 07/06/24 09:30:24 AM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 07/06/24 09:15:22 AM
JQD The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 07/06/24 09:15:21 AM
SLE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by The Black Hand. 07/06/24 09:15:21 AM
VRE The Arms Dealer V (400x Tear Gas daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Wargasm HQ) 07/06/24 08:00:22 AM
FVD A new Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) has spawned. (Capacity X) 07/06/24 06:00:23 AM
DZC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Tear Gas daily) territory has been dropped by Voodoo. 07/06/24 03:30:23 AM
UME The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Triple X) 07/06/24 03:00:23 AM
WZD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. Medic!! has taken over control from Dark X. 07/06/24 02:15:23 AM
VPC The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Wolverines Gone Wild) 07/06/24 01:00:23 AM
LBC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Alley Cats. 06/06/24 11:45:21 PM
FFD The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Monarch Chrysalis) 06/06/24 11:00:22 PM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Medic!!. 06/06/24 08:15:21 PM
NZD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. NS Bomb Shelter has taken over control from Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 08:00:26 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. NS Bomb Shelter has taken over control from Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 08:00:26 PM
HFD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) territory changed hands. NS Bomb Shelter has taken over control from Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 08:00:26 PM
BCD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by NS Bomb Shelter. 06/06/24 08:00:26 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 08:00:25 PM
EOF The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. NS Bomb Shelter has taken over control from Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 08:00:25 PM
XBD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory changed hands. NS Bomb Shelter has taken over control from Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 08:00:25 PM
XBD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 07:45:25 PM
NZD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 07:45:25 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 07:45:25 PM
HFD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 07:45:25 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 07:45:24 PM
EOF The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 07:45:24 PM
KSD The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Siege. 06/06/24 07:15:24 PM
UAB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Ravage) 06/06/24 07:00:23 PM
UEC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Dead or Alive. 06/06/24 06:15:23 PM
KLE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Dead or Alive. 06/06/24 06:15:23 PM
UEC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by SA One Punch. 06/06/24 06:00:22 PM
KLE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by SA One Punch. 06/06/24 06:00:22 PM
PXC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory changed hands. JFK - Future Killers has taken over control from Black & White. 06/06/24 05:45:22 PM
LQE The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been taken over by Alley Cats. 06/06/24 05:30:26 PM
LQE The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been dropped by Alley Cats. 06/06/24 05:15:23 PM
SKB The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. JFK - Misfits has taken over control from JFK - Future Killers. 06/06/24 05:15:22 PM
LBC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by JFK - Misfits. 06/06/24 05:15:22 PM
MFD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch Research) 06/06/24 04:00:22 PM
RKD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Monarch Mutation) 06/06/24 03:00:23 PM
ISD The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) territory changed hands. Monarch HQ has taken over control from Damage Inc. 06/06/24 02:00:23 PM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 06/06/24 12:15:24 PM
EOF The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 06/06/24 12:15:23 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 06/06/24 12:15:23 PM
HFD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 06/06/24 12:15:23 PM
ICF The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Carbon. 06/06/24 12:15:22 PM
LBC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (JFK - Misfits) 06/06/24 12:00:34 PM
TAE The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. Destructive Anomaly has taken over control from Damage Inc. 06/06/24 11:15:21 AM
WGD The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by The Pagans. 06/06/24 10:00:23 AM
ICF The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Carbon. 06/06/24 09:30:21 AM
CDE The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (The Sick Bay) 06/06/24 09:00:23 AM
AIA The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Iron Retribution) 06/06/24 08:00:22 AM
CZE The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Destructive Anomaly) 06/06/24 07:00:24 AM
MJC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (WTF Healers) 06/06/24 07:00:23 AM
WZD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by Dark X. 06/06/24 06:00:22 AM
WOE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by Dark X. 06/06/24 06:00:22 AM
WOE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by PT-Family. 06/06/24 05:00:23 AM
WZD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by PT-Family. 06/06/24 05:00:22 AM
VPC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. Wolverines Gone Wild has taken over control from Lex Wolverines. 06/06/24 03:15:24 AM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. Wolverines Gone Wild has taken over control from Lex Wolverines. 06/06/24 03:15:23 AM
HZB The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Lex Wolverines has taken over control from Wolverines Gone Wild. 06/06/24 03:15:22 AM
LWB A new Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Droogs) 06/06/24 03:00:23 AM
OAE The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Health Org. 06/06/24 03:00:21 AM
VPC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Lex Wolverines. 06/06/24 01:15:23 AM
LQE The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been taken over by Alley Cats. 06/06/24 01:15:22 AM
BBA The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Killers. 06/06/24 01:00:23 AM
NJC The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by 39th Street Killers. 06/06/24 01:00:22 AM
MBA The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Killers. 06/06/24 01:00:22 AM
BCD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 06/06/24 01:00:22 AM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. Destructive Anomaly has taken over control from Swiss Squad. 06/06/24 01:00:22 AM
LBA The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Killers. 06/06/24 01:00:22 AM
KSD The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Dead or Alive. 06/06/24 01:00:21 AM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. 39th Street Healers has taken over control from 39th Street Killers X. 06/06/24 12:45:23 AM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Lex Wolverines. 06/06/24 12:45:22 AM
XBD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 06/06/24 12:45:22 AM
WSG The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) territory changed hands. 39th Street Healers has taken over control from 39th Street Killers X. 06/06/24 12:45:22 AM
QGC The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) territory changed hands. 39th Street Healers has taken over control from 39th Street Killers X. 06/06/24 12:45:22 AM
NZD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 06/06/24 12:45:22 AM
VPC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Wolverines Gone Wild. 06/06/24 12:30:23 AM
HPE The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) territory changed hands. Underground Nation has taken over control from JFK - Misfits. 06/06/24 12:30:23 AM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Wolverines Gone Wild. 06/06/24 12:30:22 AM
SQE The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) territory changed hands. Underground Nation has taken over control from JFK - Misfits. 06/06/24 12:30:22 AM
LQE The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been dropped by The Drunk Tank. 06/06/24 12:30:22 AM
LBA The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Order Through Chaos. 06/06/24 12:15:23 AM
BBA The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) territory has been dropped by Order Through Chaos. 06/06/24 12:15:23 AM
SKB The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by JFK - Future Killers. 06/06/24 12:15:22 AM
LBC The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) territory changed hands. JFK - Misfits has taken over control from The Drunk Tank. 06/06/24 12:15:22 AM
JQD The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) territory changed hands. Destructive Anomaly has taken over control from JFK 2.1. 06/06/24 12:15:22 AM
MBA The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Order Through Chaos. 06/06/24 12:15:22 AM
OAE The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by JFK 2.1. 06/06/24 12:15:21 AM
UZC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Materia. 06/06/24 12:01:23 AM
SKB The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by JFK - Misfits. 06/06/24 12:01:22 AM
GZD The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Wolf Pack Next Generation. 05/06/24 11:45:23 PM
ZPD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Impulse. 05/06/24 11:45:23 PM
WSD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Damage Inc. 05/06/24 11:15:23 PM
SSD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Damage Inc. 05/06/24 11:15:23 PM
ODD The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Wolf Pack. 05/06/24 11:15:23 PM
ISD The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) territory changed hands. Damage Inc has taken over control from Subversive Alliance. 05/06/24 11:00:23 PM
AVG The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Chromatic) 05/06/24 11:00:23 PM
ZPD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Subversive Alliance. 05/06/24 11:00:23 PM
WSD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Subversive Alliance. 05/06/24 11:00:22 PM
XSD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. Damage Inc has taken over control from Subversive Alliance. 05/06/24 11:00:22 PM
SSD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Subversive Alliance. 05/06/24 11:00:22 PM
VCC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Killers X. 05/06/24 10:45:25 PM
BRC The Money Launderer V ($160,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Carbon has taken over control from Xenon. 05/06/24 10:45:25 PM
BMD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. Carbon has taken over control from Xenon. 05/06/24 10:45:24 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Killers X. 05/06/24 10:45:24 PM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Killers X. 05/06/24 10:45:24 PM
MZE The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 05/06/24 10:30:23 PM
NZD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection II. 05/06/24 10:30:22 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Natural Selection. 05/06/24 10:30:22 PM
BCD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection II. 05/06/24 10:30:22 PM
UZC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Get Stuffed. 05/06/24 10:30:22 PM
XBD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection II. 05/06/24 10:30:21 PM
FLC The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Subversive Alliance. 05/06/24 10:15:22 PM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by JFK - Future Killers. 05/06/24 10:15:22 PM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Destructive Anomaly. 05/06/24 10:15:22 PM
XBD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Carbon. 05/06/24 10:15:21 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) territory has been dropped by JFK - Future Killers. 05/06/24 10:15:21 PM
GZD The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Monarch HQ. 05/06/24 10:00:23 PM
BMD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. Xenon has taken over control from Carbon. 05/06/24 10:00:22 PM
XBD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Carbon. 05/06/24 10:00:22 PM
PXD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by BLACK STATUES. 05/06/24 10:00:22 PM
BRC The Money Launderer V ($160,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Xenon has taken over control from Carbon. 05/06/24 10:00:22 PM
ICF The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Carbon. 05/06/24 10:00:21 PM
HVE The Street Surgeon I (5x Neumune Tablet daily) territory changed hands. BLACK STATUES has taken over control from ODB. 05/06/24 10:00:21 PM
GZD The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Monarch HQ. 05/06/24 09:45:23 PM
RJD The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Monarch Mutation has taken over control from Monarch HQ. 05/06/24 09:45:23 PM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Monarch Mutation has taken over control from Monarch HQ. 05/06/24 09:45:22 PM
XJD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) territory changed hands. Monarch Mutation has taken over control from Monarch HQ. 05/06/24 09:45:22 PM
PXD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 05/06/24 09:45:22 PM
ODD The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by Wolf Pack. 05/06/24 09:45:22 PM
RKD The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Munster daily) territory changed hands. Monarch Mutation has taken over control from Monarch HQ. 05/06/24 09:45:21 PM
ODD The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by Wolf Pack. 05/06/24 09:30:23 PM
GZD The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Wolverines Health Org. 05/06/24 09:30:23 PM
ODD The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been dropped by The Wolverines. 05/06/24 09:15:24 PM
BCD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 05/06/24 09:15:24 PM
GZD The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory changed hands. Wolverines Health Org has taken over control from Wolf Pack Next Generation. 05/06/24 09:15:24 PM
XBD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 05/06/24 09:15:23 PM
UJD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection has taken over control from Natural Selection II. 05/06/24 09:15:23 PM
NZD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 05/06/24 09:15:23 PM
WGD The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by The Pagans. 05/06/24 09:00:23 PM
FLC The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Toxic Reign. 05/06/24 09:00:22 PM
ODD The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) territory changed hands. The Wolverines has taken over control from Wolf Pack. 05/06/24 09:00:22 PM
WOE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by PT-Family. 05/06/24 08:45:26 PM
WZD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by PT-Family. 05/06/24 08:45:25 PM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Gone Wild. 05/06/24 08:45:25 PM
UME The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Triple X. 05/06/24 08:30:24 PM
PAB The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Wolverines Gone Wild has taken over control from Wolverines Health Org. 05/06/24 08:30:24 PM
VPC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Wolverines Gone Wild. 05/06/24 08:30:24 PM
CDE The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by The Sick Bay. 05/06/24 08:30:23 PM
VPC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by The Wolverines. 05/06/24 08:15:23 PM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by The Wolverines. 05/06/24 08:15:22 PM
CDE The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by The Sick Bay. 05/06/24 06:45:23 PM
JWD The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) territory changed hands. Itsi Bitsi Bikini has taken over control from Aquarius. 05/06/24 05:30:25 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Itsi Bitsi Bikini. 05/06/24 05:30:24 PM
HBD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) territory has been taken over by [Redacted]. 05/06/24 05:15:22 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Aquarius. 05/06/24 05:15:21 PM
KKE The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by Chain Reaction. 05/06/24 05:15:21 PM
VCC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Blue Rock Collective. 05/06/24 03:15:22 PM
NAE The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by Destructive Anomaly. 05/06/24 03:15:21 PM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by SA Equilibrium. 05/06/24 02:30:22 PM
WOE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by SA Equilibrium. 05/06/24 02:15:24 PM
WZD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by SA Equilibrium. 05/06/24 02:15:23 PM
KKE The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by SA Equilibrium. 05/06/24 02:15:23 PM
HPD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Lithium) 05/06/24 02:00:21 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 05/06/24 02:00:21 PM
TAE The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Damage Inc. 05/06/24 02:00:21 PM
NAE The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by Sport Club. 05/06/24 01:15:25 PM
TAE The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Sport Club. 05/06/24 01:15:25 PM
MZE The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Sport Club. 05/06/24 01:15:25 PM
HBD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) territory has been dropped by Crime Syndicate. 05/06/24 05:30:23 AM
DTE The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Impulse. 05/06/24 04:45:22 AM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Destructive Anomaly) 05/06/24 04:00:23 AM
DTE The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by DarkHearts. 05/06/24 03:45:24 AM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by The Covenant. 05/06/24 02:45:23 AM
DTE The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. DarkHearts has taken over control from Endless Endeavor. 05/06/24 01:00:24 AM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by The Covenant. 05/06/24 01:00:24 AM
TGC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. DarkHearts has taken over control from Endless Endeavor. 05/06/24 01:00:24 AM
FLC The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Toxic Reign. 05/06/24 12:30:24 AM
FLC The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by The Covenant. 05/06/24 12:15:23 AM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Catch 22. 05/06/24 12:15:23 AM
UME The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Catch 22. 05/06/24 12:15:23 AM
IFC The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. Impulse has taken over control from Endless Endeavor. 05/06/24 12:01:29 AM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Catch 22. 04/06/24 11:15:24 PM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by DarkHearts. 04/06/24 10:00:25 PM
EFE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Monarch Research) 04/06/24 10:00:25 PM
HVE The Street Surgeon I (5x Neumune Tablet daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (ODB) 04/06/24 10:00:24 PM
KVG The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Naughty Souls) 04/06/24 10:00:24 PM
KLE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SA One Punch) 04/06/24 01:00:24 PM
EHF The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Project Nimbus) 04/06/24 12:00:16 PM
KXD The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Nuclear Blast) 04/06/24 05:00:16 AM
WRC A new Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) has spawned. (Xenon) 04/06/24 02:00:18 AM
GHE A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Occultus) 04/06/24 12:01:22 AM
RJD The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Monarch HQ) 03/06/24 08:00:17 PM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Project Nimbus. 03/06/24 05:30:16 PM
BUG The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Rifle Company) 03/06/24 05:00:19 PM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Ruthless Reborn. 03/06/24 04:15:18 PM
JBA The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. Rabid Chihuahuas has taken over control from Ruthless Reborn. 03/06/24 04:15:18 PM
PJB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by -Aurora-. 03/06/24 04:00:17 PM
PJB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Ruthless Reborn. 03/06/24 03:45:17 PM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Ruthless Reborn has taken over control from Project Nimbus. 03/06/24 03:45:17 PM
JBA The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. Ruthless Reborn has taken over control from Rabid Chihuahuas. 03/06/24 03:45:17 PM
BMD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Carbon) 03/06/24 09:00:19 AM
PAB The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Wolverines Health Org) 02/06/24 01:00:21 PM
XVG The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Chromatic) 02/06/24 01:00:21 PM
FHB A new Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) has spawned. (WarDogs HQ) 02/06/24 07:00:22 AM
QCF The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Nuclear Armageddon) 02/06/24 07:00:20 AM
CCA A new Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Retaliation) 01/06/24 11:00:20 PM
IIA The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Droogs) 01/06/24 08:00:21 PM
LHE The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Occultus) 01/06/24 02:00:22 PM
WZD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (SA Equilibrium) 01/06/24 11:00:19 AM
CRG The Illegal Casino IV ($200,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Monarch Cupid) 01/06/24 07:00:21 AM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Collective Resistance) 01/06/24 05:00:21 AM
WCD The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Natural Selection II) 01/06/24 03:00:22 AM
OBD The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Nuclear Blast) 01/06/24 12:01:30 AM
QCD The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Wolf Pack) 31/05/24 11:00:21 PM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Monarch HQ) 31/05/24 10:00:22 PM
ZCE The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (White Rabbits) 31/05/24 10:00:22 PM
JUE The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Nuclear Winter) 31/05/24 09:00:22 PM
JIE The Bordello V (80x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection III) 31/05/24 06:00:22 PM
WAD The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (WIT-Premier) 31/05/24 10:00:20 AM
UJD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection II) 31/05/24 09:00:22 AM
HBD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) territory has been taken over by Crime Syndicate. 31/05/24 01:15:21 AM
HBD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) territory has been dropped by Spawtans. 31/05/24 01:00:20 AM
BRC The Money Launderer V ($160,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Carbon) 30/05/24 08:00:22 PM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. DarkHearts has taken over control from Forged in Fire. 30/05/24 06:30:22 PM
NHE The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (WTF Healers) 30/05/24 01:00:24 PM
PJB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Ruthless Reborn) 30/05/24 12:00:24 PM
CUB The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (New Sith Order II) 30/05/24 06:00:22 AM
HSD A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (HAKA) 30/05/24 01:00:25 AM
SIA The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Vulpes Vulpes) 29/05/24 10:00:22 PM
CKB The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Concord) 29/05/24 08:00:23 PM
UZC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Get Stuffed. 29/05/24 07:00:23 PM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Forged in Fire) 29/05/24 07:00:22 PM
UZC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by Ministry of Mayhem. 29/05/24 06:00:22 PM
HRG The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Nub Navy) 29/05/24 06:00:22 PM
ZDE The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Horizon) 29/05/24 03:00:23 PM
NSC The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Natural Selection IV) 29/05/24 05:00:22 AM
XZC The Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Impulse 13!) 29/05/24 03:00:25 AM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Project Nimbus. 29/05/24 02:15:23 AM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Iron Rose Cartel. 29/05/24 01:00:23 AM
KGF The Street Surgeon IV (40x Tyrosine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Project Nimbus) 28/05/24 11:00:24 PM
DWB The Arms Dealer III (100x Molotov Cocktail daily) territory changed hands. The Almanac has taken over control from FLUX. 28/05/24 07:00:23 PM
CUB The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. New Sith Order II has taken over control from In Memory of the Fallen. 28/05/24 05:45:24 PM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (JFK - Future Killers) 28/05/24 04:00:24 PM
BBA The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Order Through Chaos) 28/05/24 02:00:24 PM
CUB The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) territory changed hands. In Memory of the Fallen has taken over control from New Sith Order II. 28/05/24 01:45:24 PM
YOB The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 28/05/24 12:00:18 PM
UVB The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (New Sith Order) 28/05/24 07:00:17 AM
THC The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Endless Endeavor) 28/05/24 05:00:16 AM
RIA The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (SMTH - Concord) 27/05/24 03:00:19 PM
EQC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Bloodbath and Beyond) 27/05/24 10:00:19 AM
IFE The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Monarch Research) 27/05/24 08:00:18 AM
GNC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Dopeheads on Mopeds) 27/05/24 05:00:19 AM
XJD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Monarch HQ) 26/05/24 11:00:20 PM
OAE The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (JFK 2.1) 26/05/24 05:00:18 PM
PXD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (ODB) 26/05/24 03:00:19 PM
MZE A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (Sport Club) 26/05/24 02:00:20 PM
TZC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Blue Rock Collective) 26/05/24 02:00:20 PM
JND The Street Surgeon IV (40x Melatonin daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Too Sober for this Shit) 26/05/24 01:00:18 PM
GHB The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Vulpes Vulpes) 26/05/24 09:00:21 AM
QGC The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (JFK - Future Killers) 26/05/24 08:00:19 AM
QMC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (WTF Healers) 26/05/24 01:00:22 AM
XVG The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Chromatic. 26/05/24 12:30:22 AM
XVG The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Riot. 25/05/24 06:00:20 PM
JWD The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Aquarius) 25/05/24 05:00:18 PM
YAE The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Damage Inc) 25/05/24 12:00:19 PM
HBD A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (Spawtans) 25/05/24 01:00:23 AM
HFD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Natural Selection II) 25/05/24 12:00:45 AM
XOB The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 24/05/24 11:00:22 PM
LFB The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Iron Retribution) 24/05/24 11:00:21 PM
TGC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Endless Endeavor) 24/05/24 10:00:22 PM
IAA The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (New Sith Order II) 24/05/24 08:00:23 PM
DZC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Tear Gas daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Voodoo) 24/05/24 07:00:22 PM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Occultus) 24/05/24 04:00:24 PM
KFE The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch Research) 24/05/24 07:00:22 AM
PXC A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Black & White) 24/05/24 12:00:44 AM
WZG The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Midnight Plague) 23/05/24 08:00:21 PM
QZE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Next Level) 23/05/24 07:00:20 PM
HPE The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) territory has been taken over by JFK - Misfits. 23/05/24 05:00:21 PM
HJC The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (WTF) 23/05/24 02:00:23 PM
HPE A new Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) has spawned. 23/05/24 10:00:21 AM
LBC The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Drunk Tank) 23/05/24 09:00:20 AM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (The Wolverines) 23/05/24 09:00:20 AM
NZD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection II) 23/05/24 09:00:20 AM
IMB The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SMTH - Trisolary) 23/05/24 05:00:21 AM
UZC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been taken over by Ministry of Mayhem. 23/05/24 04:15:21 AM
DHF The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Iron Rose Cartel) 23/05/24 03:00:22 AM
JDD The Arms Dealer I (25x Tear Gas daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (DP Warriors) 23/05/24 03:00:22 AM
UZC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) territory has been dropped by The Railroad. 23/05/24 01:30:23 AM
MBA The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Order Through Chaos) 22/05/24 10:00:22 PM
CDE The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Sick Bay) 22/05/24 07:00:23 PM
JAA The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (New Sith Order II) 22/05/24 05:00:23 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by HAKA. 22/05/24 03:00:22 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by HAKA. 22/05/24 02:15:22 PM
DWB The Arms Dealer III (100x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (FLUX) 22/05/24 10:00:23 AM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Forged in Fire. 22/05/24 08:45:22 AM
VQC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Bloodbath and Beyond) 22/05/24 08:00:22 AM
WBD The Money Launderer V ($160,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Nuclear Blast) 22/05/24 05:00:23 AM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Catch 22. 22/05/24 04:15:21 AM
VRE The Arms Dealer IV (200x Tear Gas daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Wargasm HQ) 22/05/24 02:00:24 AM
FNB The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Nuclear Armageddon) 22/05/24 01:00:22 AM
KLE The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. SA One Punch has taken over control from Dark X. 22/05/24 12:15:22 AM
KLE The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Dark X has taken over control from Onion Smugglers. 21/05/24 02:45:26 PM
UZC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Railroad) 21/05/24 08:00:17 AM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Natural Selection) 21/05/24 06:00:17 AM
WSG The Street Surgeon II (10x Epinephrine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (39th Street Killers X) 21/05/24 01:00:16 AM
UEC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SA One Punch) 21/05/24 12:00:45 AM
DHF The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Iron Rose Cartel. 20/05/24 02:30:16 PM
DHF The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Iron Rose Cartel. 20/05/24 02:15:15 PM
LXD The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Sick Bay) 20/05/24 12:00:17 PM
LIE The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Evolution) 20/05/24 11:00:20 AM
ODD The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Wolf Pack) 20/05/24 04:00:19 AM
FLC The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by The Covenant. 20/05/24 03:30:19 AM
FLC The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Ministry of Mayhem. 20/05/24 01:15:18 AM
FRE The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Drunk Tank) 19/05/24 11:00:20 PM
TAE The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Sport Club) 19/05/24 08:00:20 PM
JDD The Arms Dealer I (25x Tear Gas daily) territory changed hands. DP Warriors has taken over control from Dystopia. 19/05/24 05:45:18 PM
ZDD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. DP Warriors has taken over control from Dystopia. 19/05/24 05:45:17 PM
NLD The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Legitimate Business) 19/05/24 03:00:19 PM
XVG A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Riot) 19/05/24 10:00:19 AM
KXD The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 19/05/24 06:00:18 AM
CZE A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Destructive Anomaly) 19/05/24 02:00:19 AM
QGE The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 19/05/24 12:00:47 AM
FLC The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Ministry of Mayhem) 18/05/24 10:00:19 PM
APC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Inquisition) 18/05/24 09:00:21 PM
HZD The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Romania Elite Kommando) 18/05/24 08:00:20 PM
TSB The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Nuclear Armageddon) 18/05/24 07:00:20 PM
AVG The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Chromatic) 18/05/24 05:00:18 PM
NXD The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Catalysis) 18/05/24 01:00:20 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Aquarius) 18/05/24 12:00:18 PM
ITE The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (PT-Torntuga) 18/05/24 01:00:21 AM
VPC A new Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) has spawned. (The Wolverines) 17/05/24 09:00:22 PM
YQC A new Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) has spawned. (Natural Selection IV) 17/05/24 02:00:22 PM
JDD The Arms Dealer I (25x Tear Gas daily) territory changed hands. Dystopia has taken over control from DP Warriors. 17/05/24 01:00:22 PM
ZDD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) territory changed hands. Dystopia has taken over control from DP Warriors. 17/05/24 01:00:21 PM
DJC The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (WTF) 17/05/24 07:00:20 AM
PAB The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Wolverines Health Org) 17/05/24 04:00:25 AM
XSD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Subversive Alliance) 17/05/24 04:00:24 AM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Catch 22. 16/05/24 11:00:21 PM
UME The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Catch 22. 16/05/24 11:00:21 PM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by The Brotherhood of War. 16/05/24 10:00:20 PM
UME The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by The Brotherhood of War. 16/05/24 10:00:20 PM
ZWD The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Dystopia) 16/05/24 09:00:20 PM
FDE The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Catalysis) 16/05/24 09:00:21 AM
WGD A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (The Pagans) 16/05/24 05:00:22 AM
ZCE The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (White Rabbits) 16/05/24 04:00:22 AM
GTG The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The ZOO) 16/05/24 04:00:22 AM
GME The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (WTF Resurrection) 15/05/24 11:00:22 PM
ISD The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Subversive Alliance) 15/05/24 07:00:23 PM
LTC A new Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) has spawned. (The Nest) 15/05/24 02:00:22 PM
EOF The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection II) 15/05/24 02:00:21 PM
NHE The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (WTF Healers) 15/05/24 12:00:21 PM
KBD The Arms Dealer IV (200x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Destructive Anomaly) 15/05/24 10:00:22 AM
TVD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Dystopia) 14/05/24 09:00:21 PM
KKE The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (SA Equilibrium) 14/05/24 03:00:23 PM
VCC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Blue Rock Collective) 14/05/24 01:00:24 PM
ZOD A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) has spawned. (Lithium) 14/05/24 09:00:17 AM
NAE The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Sport Club) 14/05/24 08:00:17 AM
UME The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Brotherhood of War) 14/05/24 03:00:16 AM
ZDD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (DP Warriors) 14/05/24 01:00:17 AM
YOB A new Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) has spawned. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 13/05/24 09:00:18 PM
ZHC The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (PT-Penguins) 13/05/24 04:00:20 PM
FFD A new Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) has spawned. (Monarch Chrysalis) 13/05/24 03:00:20 PM
PJB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Ruthless Reborn) 13/05/24 11:00:19 AM
BSC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Little Stompers) 13/05/24 04:00:21 AM
MFD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Monarch Research) 13/05/24 02:00:22 AM
BMD The Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Carbon) 13/05/24 12:00:46 AM
OZE The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Next Level) 12/05/24 07:00:22 PM
HRG A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (Nub Navy) 12/05/24 01:00:21 PM
OGD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection III) 12/05/24 09:00:21 AM
RJD The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Monarch HQ) 11/05/24 11:00:22 PM
RIA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (SMTH - Concord) 11/05/24 10:00:23 PM
BBA The Street Surgeon II (10x Melatonin daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Order Through Chaos) 11/05/24 04:00:26 PM
WAD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (WIT-Premier) 11/05/24 02:00:23 PM
VOC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Dopeheads on Mopeds) 11/05/24 11:00:22 AM
GNC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Dopeheads on Mopeds) 11/05/24 07:00:22 AM
OUD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (White Rabbits) 11/05/24 02:00:27 AM
TZC A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Blue Rock Collective) 11/05/24 01:00:23 AM
MJC The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (WTF Healers) 11/05/24 01:00:22 AM
UAB The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Ravage) 10/05/24 03:00:22 PM
BRC The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Carbon) 10/05/24 11:00:22 AM
NSC The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Natural Selection IV) 10/05/24 11:00:21 AM
CKB The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by SMTH - Concord. 10/05/24 03:45:21 AM
CKB The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by SMTH - Phoenix Nirvana. 10/05/24 01:30:24 AM
TGC The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Endless Endeavor) 10/05/24 12:00:48 AM
HED The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Deja) 09/05/24 11:00:23 PM
VIA The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Disorderly Conduct) 09/05/24 05:00:23 PM
LFB The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Iron Retribution) 09/05/24 03:00:24 PM
CKB The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SMTH - Phoenix Nirvana) 09/05/24 11:00:23 AM
XMB A new Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) has spawned. (Unity) 09/05/24 11:00:23 AM
NJE The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Evolution) 09/05/24 11:00:22 AM
WCD The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Natural Selection II) 09/05/24 10:00:23 AM
GHB The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Vulpes Vulpes) 09/05/24 08:00:22 AM
LBC The Arms Dealer II (50x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Drunk Tank) 09/05/24 04:00:22 AM
RMB The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Unity) 08/05/24 02:00:23 PM
KGF The Street Surgeon III (20x Tyrosine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Project Nimbus) 08/05/24 12:00:22 PM
XJD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch HQ) 08/05/24 10:00:23 AM
IMB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Trisolary) 08/05/24 04:00:24 AM
SSB A new Arms Dealer I (25x HEG daily) has spawned. (Nuclear Armageddon) 08/05/24 01:00:25 AM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Collective Resistance) 08/05/24 12:00:47 AM
RJC The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Black Hand) 07/05/24 08:00:25 PM
QZE The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Next Level) 07/05/24 01:00:25 PM
IIA The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Droogs) 07/05/24 01:00:25 PM
VRE The Arms Dealer V (400x Tear Gas daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Wargasm HQ) 07/05/24 04:00:18 AM
MZB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Lex Wolverines) 07/05/24 01:00:21 AM
HZB The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Wolverines Gone Wild) 06/05/24 06:00:26 PM
BUG The Street Surgeon II (10x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Rifle Company) 06/05/24 06:00:26 PM
MME The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Winter is Coming) 06/05/24 11:00:28 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by HAKA. 06/05/24 10:00:27 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by HAKA. 06/05/24 09:45:20 AM
FAD The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Destructive Anomaly) 06/05/24 06:00:33 AM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch HQ) 06/05/24 01:00:25 AM
ZMB The Arms Dealer I (25x Flash Grenade daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 05/05/24 07:00:54 PM
YCD The Arms Dealer IV (200x HEG daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Evolution) 05/05/24 04:00:43 PM
JND The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Too Sober for this Shit) 05/05/24 12:00:22 PM
HJE The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (WTF) 05/05/24 11:00:20 AM
THC The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Endless Endeavor) 05/05/24 08:00:23 AM
LIE A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Evolution) 05/05/24 07:00:31 AM
NJC The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (39th Street Killers) 05/05/24 02:00:19 AM
AIA The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Iron Retribution) 05/05/24 01:00:35 AM
LQE The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) territory has been taken over by The Drunk Tank. 05/05/24 12:15:32 AM
BEB A new Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) has spawned. (SMTH - Healing Pulse) 04/05/24 11:15:22 PM
NJC The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been taken over by 39th Street Killers. 04/05/24 09:00:59 PM
TAE The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Sport Club) 04/05/24 09:00:59 PM
CUB A new Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) has spawned. (New Sith Order II) 04/05/24 08:01:00 PM
SLE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Black Hand) 04/05/24 12:00:22 PM
JIE The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 04/05/24 05:00:22 AM
TIC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (PT-Penguins) 04/05/24 04:00:22 AM
CDE The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Sick Bay) 04/05/24 04:00:21 AM
LQE A new Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) has spawned. 04/05/24 02:00:23 AM
QKD The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (PT-ShadowRazers) 04/05/24 01:00:22 AM
DTE The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Endless Endeavor) 03/05/24 09:00:22 PM
NJC The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) territory has been dropped by Dark X. 03/05/24 05:30:22 PM
GZD The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 03/05/24 01:00:24 PM
WSG The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (39th Street Killers X) 03/05/24 05:00:22 AM
WYC The Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Railroad) 03/05/24 05:00:22 AM
ICF The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Carbon) 03/05/24 12:00:48 AM
SIA The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Vulpes Vulpes) 02/05/24 10:00:22 PM
ZWD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Dystopia) 02/05/24 06:00:23 PM
WOE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SA Equilibrium) 02/05/24 08:00:22 AM
WZD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (SA Equilibrium) 02/05/24 06:00:21 AM
WYG The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Escensio Incursus) 02/05/24 04:00:23 AM
QGE The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 02/05/24 03:00:22 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (HAKA) 02/05/24 01:00:22 AM
JDD A new Arms Dealer I (25x Tear Gas daily) has spawned. (DP Warriors) 01/05/24 06:00:23 PM
UEC The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SA One Punch) 01/05/24 03:00:23 PM
DWB The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (FLUX) 01/05/24 03:00:23 PM
IFC The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Endless Endeavor) 01/05/24 02:00:22 PM
RIC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (NF Legacy) 01/05/24 11:00:22 AM
MGF The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Reign of Confusion) 01/05/24 12:00:52 AM
BCD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection II) 30/04/24 09:00:24 PM
HCD The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Evolution) 30/04/24 08:00:23 PM
FRE A new Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) has spawned. (The Drunk Tank) 30/04/24 06:00:25 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Natural Selection) 30/04/24 05:00:23 PM
PJE The Illegal Casino V ($400,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection III) 30/04/24 12:00:18 PM
RDF The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 30/04/24 12:00:17 PM
BGF The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Reign of Confusion) 30/04/24 11:00:20 AM
TDF The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Natural Selection IV) 30/04/24 09:00:18 AM
ODD The Arms Dealer III (100x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Wolf Pack) 30/04/24 02:00:19 AM
NHE The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (WTF Healers) 30/04/24 01:00:17 AM
UZC The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Railroad) 29/04/24 09:00:19 PM
GTE A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (PT-Torntuga) 29/04/24 02:00:20 PM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Occultus) 29/04/24 08:00:19 AM
SHD The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Catalysis) 28/04/24 11:00:21 PM
WSD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Subversive Alliance) 28/04/24 11:00:20 PM
CGB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Iron Fist) 28/04/24 07:00:22 PM
JUE The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Nuclear Winter) 28/04/24 03:00:21 PM
JAA The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (New Sith Order II) 28/04/24 11:00:20 AM
GME A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (WTF Resurrection) 28/04/24 06:00:21 AM
WBD The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 28/04/24 06:00:20 AM
DZC The Arms Dealer V (400x Tear Gas daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Voodoo) 28/04/24 03:00:22 AM
XZC A new Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) has spawned. (Impulse 13!) 27/04/24 10:00:24 PM
OZE A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (The Next Level) 27/04/24 08:00:24 PM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Iron Rose Cartel) 27/04/24 06:00:21 PM
MFD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Monarch Research) 27/04/24 05:00:24 PM
HFD The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection II) 27/04/24 05:00:23 PM
TVD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Dystopia) 27/04/24 10:00:21 AM
TSB The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Nuclear Armageddon) 27/04/24 01:00:23 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (ODB) 26/04/24 05:00:23 PM
IME The Street Surgeon I (5x Epinephrine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (HAKA) 26/04/24 04:00:24 PM
SQE The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) territory has been taken over by JFK - Misfits. 26/04/24 12:30:24 PM
SQE A new Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) has spawned. 26/04/24 11:00:23 AM
EFE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Monarch Research) 26/04/24 10:00:23 AM
QGC The Arms Dealer IV (200x HEG daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (JFK - Future Killers) 26/04/24 09:00:23 AM
QCF The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Nuclear Armageddon) 26/04/24 08:00:25 AM
OBD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 26/04/24 04:00:23 AM
PAB A new Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Wolverines Health Org) 25/04/24 09:00:23 PM
ABA The Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Red Knights) 25/04/24 07:00:23 PM
IAA A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (New Sith Order II) 25/04/24 06:00:24 PM
FVD The Arms Dealer I (25x Tear Gas daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Capacity X) 25/04/24 04:00:23 PM
EPB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Monarch Embassy) 25/04/24 06:00:22 AM
UVB The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (New Sith Order) 25/04/24 02:00:23 AM
APC A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (The Inquisition) 25/04/24 02:00:23 AM
BBA A new Street Surgeon I (5x Melatonin daily) has spawned. (Order Through Chaos) 25/04/24 01:00:23 AM
ZCE The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (White Rabbits) 24/04/24 11:00:23 PM
LHE The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) territory changed hands. Occultus has taken over control from Occul2us. 24/04/24 06:15:22 PM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Occultus has taken over control from Occul2us. 24/04/24 06:15:22 PM
UME The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Brotherhood of War) 24/04/24 05:00:23 PM
WCD The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Natural Selection II) 24/04/24 04:00:25 PM
DSD The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (ODB) 24/04/24 03:00:23 PM
FLC The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Ministry of Mayhem) 24/04/24 02:00:24 PM
QMC A new Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) has spawned. (WTF Healers) 24/04/24 12:00:37 PM
RJD The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Monarch HQ) 24/04/24 11:00:22 AM
WZG The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Midnight Plague) 24/04/24 07:00:23 AM
HOF The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Legitimate Business) 24/04/24 06:00:23 AM
MJC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (WTF Healers) 24/04/24 06:00:22 AM
XBD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection II) 24/04/24 12:00:47 AM
ZHC A new Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) has spawned. (PT-Penguins) 24/04/24 12:00:47 AM
QCD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Wolf Pack) 23/04/24 06:00:24 PM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Swiss Squad) 23/04/24 10:00:17 AM
ABD The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (War Crimes) 23/04/24 01:00:18 AM
IMB The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SMTH - Trisolary) 22/04/24 08:00:20 PM
PJB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Ruthless Reborn) 22/04/24 08:00:19 PM
KFE The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Monarch Research) 22/04/24 07:00:20 PM
JWD The Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Aquarius) 22/04/24 06:00:20 PM
RJC The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Black Hand) 22/04/24 03:00:20 PM
RMB The Street Surgeon II (10x Serotonin daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Unity) 22/04/24 09:00:20 AM
AEF The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Nuclear Winter) 21/04/24 10:00:21 PM
TGC A new Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) has spawned. (Endless Endeavor) 21/04/24 09:00:22 PM
PXD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (ODB) 21/04/24 03:00:22 PM
ODC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Collective Resistance) 21/04/24 02:00:21 PM
UIC The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (PT-Calculated) 20/04/24 05:00:22 PM
JGA The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (FREE PALESTINE) 20/04/24 12:00:21 PM
OUD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (White Rabbits) 20/04/24 07:00:21 AM
WRC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Xenon) 20/04/24 07:00:21 AM
BMD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Carbon) 20/04/24 06:00:20 AM
LNC The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (The Wolverines) 20/04/24 02:00:22 AM
NJC The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Dark X) 20/04/24 01:00:22 AM
FDE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Catalysis) 19/04/24 03:00:23 PM
DTE The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Endless Endeavor) 19/04/24 02:00:21 PM
BUG The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Rifle Company) 19/04/24 01:00:22 PM
CRG The Illegal Casino V ($400,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Monarch Cupid) 19/04/24 10:00:21 AM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Destructive Anomaly) 19/04/24 06:00:22 AM
LFB The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Iron Retribution) 19/04/24 04:00:23 AM
ZPD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Subversive Alliance) 18/04/24 10:00:23 PM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Monarch HQ) 18/04/24 04:00:23 PM
KKE The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (SA Equilibrium) 18/04/24 03:00:22 PM
HZB The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Wolverines Gone Wild) 18/04/24 02:00:22 PM
NJE The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Evolution) 18/04/24 02:00:22 PM
GME The Street Surgeon I (5x Melatonin daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (WTF Resurrection) 18/04/24 09:00:41 AM
ZWD The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Dystopia) 18/04/24 03:00:21 AM
TAE The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Sport Club) 17/04/24 06:00:24 PM
WYC A new Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) has spawned. (The Railroad) 17/04/24 01:00:22 PM
TIC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (PT-Penguins) 17/04/24 12:00:22 PM
RIA The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SMTH - Concord) 17/04/24 09:00:22 AM
HPD The Bootleg Distillery V (160x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Lithium) 17/04/24 08:00:21 AM
IFC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Endless Endeavor) 17/04/24 03:00:24 AM
EZC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Collective JTF) 17/04/24 01:00:24 AM
ZMB The Arms Dealer I (25x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 16/04/24 06:00:24 PM
EOF The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection II) 16/04/24 05:00:23 PM
BSC A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Little Stompers) 16/04/24 04:00:28 PM
VCC The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Blue Rock Collective) 16/04/24 10:00:18 AM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Aquarius) 16/04/24 07:00:17 AM
ITC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Little Stompers) 16/04/24 06:00:19 AM
JIE The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Natural Selection III) 16/04/24 05:00:18 AM
NSC The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Natural Selection IV) 16/04/24 04:00:17 AM
HSD The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (HAKA) 16/04/24 03:00:19 AM
UJD The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection II) 16/04/24 03:00:18 AM
ICF The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Carbon) 16/04/24 02:00:18 AM
JND The Street Surgeon II (10x Melatonin daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Too Sober for this Shit) 15/04/24 01:00:19 PM
ITE A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (PT-Torntuga) 15/04/24 10:00:19 AM
LBC The Arms Dealer I (25x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Drunk Tank) 15/04/24 09:00:18 AM
BRC The Money Launderer V ($160,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Carbon) 15/04/24 03:00:19 AM
EQC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Bloodbath and Beyond) 15/04/24 01:00:21 AM
KGF The Street Surgeon IV (40x Tyrosine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Project Nimbus) 14/04/24 11:00:21 PM
VIA A new Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Disorderly Conduct) 14/04/24 09:00:20 PM
IIA The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Droogs) 14/04/24 12:00:20 PM
SSD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Subversive Alliance) 14/04/24 11:00:21 AM
WZD The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SA Equilibrium) 14/04/24 08:00:20 AM
YCD The Arms Dealer III (100x HEG daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Evolution) 14/04/24 04:00:22 AM
NHE The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (WTF Healers) 14/04/24 02:00:21 AM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Occul2us) 13/04/24 11:00:21 PM
ODD The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Wolf Pack) 13/04/24 08:00:22 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection III) 13/04/24 03:00:22 PM
WBD The Money Launderer V ($160,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Nuclear Blast) 13/04/24 07:00:21 AM
LRB The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Nuclear Armageddon) 12/04/24 11:00:22 PM
UZC A new Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) has spawned. (The Railroad) 12/04/24 08:00:23 PM
QZE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Next Level) 12/04/24 08:00:22 PM
WSD The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Subversive Alliance) 12/04/24 06:00:22 PM
XOB The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 12/04/24 01:00:22 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Endless Endeavor) 12/04/24 08:00:22 AM
NBC The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Toxic Reign) 12/04/24 07:00:23 AM
MME The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Winter is Coming) 12/04/24 07:00:22 AM
RKD The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Monarch HQ) 11/04/24 11:00:23 PM
KLE The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Onion Smugglers) 11/04/24 06:00:23 PM
HJE The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (WTF) 11/04/24 08:00:21 AM
KBD The Arms Dealer V (400x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Destructive Anomaly) 10/04/24 04:00:22 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer V (400x HEG daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (JFK - Future Killers) 10/04/24 02:00:22 PM
FLC The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Ministry of Mayhem) 10/04/24 12:00:46 AM
IME A new Street Surgeon I (5x Epinephrine daily) has spawned. (HAKA) 09/04/24 09:00:24 PM
SFC The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (JFK - Future Killers) 09/04/24 06:00:24 PM
WND The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Revenant) 09/04/24 01:00:25 PM
JUE The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Nuclear Winter) 09/04/24 06:00:17 AM
SLE The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Black Hand) 09/04/24 04:00:18 AM
HJC The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (WTF) 09/04/24 01:00:19 AM
MZB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Lex Wolverines) 09/04/24 01:00:18 AM
WSG The Street Surgeon IV (40x Epinephrine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (39th Street Killers X) 09/04/24 12:00:47 AM
KXD The Money Launderer V ($160,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Nuclear Blast) 08/04/24 09:00:18 PM
EHF The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Iron Rose Cartel) 08/04/24 09:00:18 PM
OGD The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 08/04/24 05:00:19 PM
RDF The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection III) 08/04/24 04:00:20 PM
SHD The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Catalysis) 08/04/24 02:00:19 PM
DGC The Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Endless Endeavor) 08/04/24 12:00:54 AM
CKB The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Phoenix Nirvana) 07/04/24 08:00:20 PM
TYG The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Chromatic) 07/04/24 07:00:20 PM
IFE The Bootleg Distillery V (160x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Monarch Research) 07/04/24 05:00:20 PM
SIA The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Vulpes Vulpes) 07/04/24 02:00:19 PM
RJD A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Monarch HQ) 07/04/24 12:00:21 PM
NAE The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Sport Club) 07/04/24 07:00:21 AM
OAE The Arms Dealer II (50x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (JFK 2.1) 07/04/24 12:00:47 AM
BCD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Natural Selection II) 06/04/24 01:00:22 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection) 06/04/24 08:00:21 AM
YEB The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (SMTH - Healing Pulse) 06/04/24 06:00:22 AM
GNC The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Dopeheads on Mopeds) 05/04/24 10:00:23 PM
WCD The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection II) 05/04/24 08:00:22 PM
UVB The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (New Sith Order) 05/04/24 06:00:22 PM
OBD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Nuclear Blast) 05/04/24 03:00:35 AM
EPB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Monarch Embassy) 04/04/24 04:00:24 PM
WZG The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Midnight Plague) 04/04/24 02:00:23 PM
AGC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Onion Smugglers) 04/04/24 01:00:22 PM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Naughty Souls) 04/04/24 07:00:22 AM
NXD The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Catalysis) 03/04/24 04:00:22 PM
DWB The Arms Dealer III (100x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (FLUX) 03/04/24 02:00:23 PM
PXD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (ODB) 03/04/24 10:00:23 AM
HOF A new Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Legitimate Business) 03/04/24 07:00:23 AM
DPD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Swiss Squad) 03/04/24 07:00:22 AM
VQC A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) has spawned. (Bloodbath and Beyond) 03/04/24 05:00:24 AM
JWD The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Aquarius) 03/04/24 02:00:22 AM
NJC The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Dark X) 03/04/24 12:00:48 AM
PJB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Ruthless Reborn) 02/04/24 07:00:23 PM
WAD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (WIT-Premier) 02/04/24 05:00:23 PM
XBD The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection II) 02/04/24 09:00:18 AM
LHE The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Occul2us) 02/04/24 09:00:18 AM
MBA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Order Through Chaos) 02/04/24 09:00:18 AM
IMB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Trisolary) 02/04/24 02:00:19 AM
LFB The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Iron Retribution) 02/04/24 12:00:49 AM
WOE The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by SA Equilibrium. 01/04/24 05:00:19 PM
DTE The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Endless Endeavor) 01/04/24 01:00:18 PM
WOE A new Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) has spawned. 01/04/24 12:00:19 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon IV (40x Epinephrine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (HAKA) 01/04/24 06:00:18 AM
RMB A new Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) has spawned. (Unity) 01/04/24 04:00:20 AM
HKA The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 01/04/24 02:00:20 AM
ZMB The Arms Dealer II (50x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 01/04/24 12:00:46 AM
HFD The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Natural Selection II) 31/03/24 06:00:20 PM
EZC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Collective JTF) 31/03/24 01:00:21 PM
CPD The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Revenant) 31/03/24 09:00:20 AM
ABA The Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Red Knights) 31/03/24 08:00:20 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon I (5x Neumune Tablet daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (ODB) 31/03/24 03:00:21 AM
UOE The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Revenant) 30/03/24 07:00:22 PM
UIC The Arms Dealer III (100x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (PT-Calculated) 30/03/24 05:00:21 PM
AVG The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Chromatic) 30/03/24 02:00:21 PM
HZD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Romania Elite Kommando) 30/03/24 01:00:20 PM
GZD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 30/03/24 11:00:21 AM
DSD A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (ODB) 30/03/24 06:00:21 AM
NLD The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Legitimate Business) 29/03/24 06:00:23 PM
DWB The Arms Dealer IV (200x Molotov Cocktail daily) territory changed hands. FLUX has taken over control from The Almanac. 29/03/24 04:45:22 PM
ZCE The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (White Rabbits) 29/03/24 03:00:21 PM
TDF The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Natural Selection IV) 29/03/24 07:00:20 AM
BMD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Carbon) 29/03/24 03:00:23 AM
CDE The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Sick Bay) 28/03/24 11:00:22 PM
UJD The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection II) 28/03/24 10:00:22 PM
NBC The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Toxic Reign) 28/03/24 10:00:22 PM
JGA A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (FREE PALESTINE) 28/03/24 09:00:22 PM
KFE The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Monarch Research) 28/03/24 08:00:21 PM
OUD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (White Rabbits) 28/03/24 07:00:21 PM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Occul2us) 28/03/24 02:00:22 AM
JQD The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (JFK 2.1) 28/03/24 12:00:45 AM
RIA The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SMTH - Concord) 27/03/24 10:00:22 PM
LRB The Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Nuclear Armageddon) 27/03/24 07:00:22 PM
FAD The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Destructive Anomaly) 27/03/24 02:00:22 PM
BUG The Street Surgeon II (10x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Rifle Company) 27/03/24 09:00:22 AM
TAE The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Sport Club) 27/03/24 07:00:22 AM
XJD The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Monarch HQ) 26/03/24 10:00:22 PM
UME The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Brotherhood of War) 26/03/24 07:00:23 PM
ABD A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (War Crimes) 26/03/24 06:00:25 PM
RKD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Monarch HQ) 26/03/24 01:00:24 PM
HSD A new Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) has spawned. (HAKA) 26/03/24 06:00:19 AM
HZB The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Wolverines Gone Wild) 26/03/24 06:00:18 AM
ODC A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (The Collective Resistance) 26/03/24 05:00:18 AM
WBD The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 26/03/24 02:00:19 AM
WRC A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (Xenon) 26/03/24 12:00:47 AM
FDE The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Catalysis) 25/03/24 11:00:19 PM
MFB The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Iron Retribution) 25/03/24 07:00:20 AM
ODD The Arms Dealer III (100x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Wolf Pack) 25/03/24 07:00:19 AM
VCC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Blue Rock Collective) 25/03/24 04:00:19 AM
KBD The Arms Dealer IV (200x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Destructive Anomaly) 24/03/24 11:00:20 PM
LHE The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) territory changed hands. Occul2us has taken over control from Notorious Crew. 24/03/24 09:15:22 PM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Occul2us has taken over control from Notorious Crew. 24/03/24 09:00:21 PM
TYG The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Chromatic) 24/03/24 03:00:22 PM
PSD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Dystopia) 24/03/24 11:00:21 AM
NAE The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Sport Club) 23/03/24 10:00:22 PM
KLE A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Onion Smugglers) 23/03/24 09:00:24 PM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Brotherhood of War) 23/03/24 03:00:21 PM
KXD The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 23/03/24 09:00:21 AM
EFE The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Monarch Research) 23/03/24 07:00:22 AM
CBD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Catalysis) 23/03/24 02:00:21 AM
JND The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Too Sober for this Shit) 22/03/24 10:00:22 PM
DWB The Arms Dealer IV (200x Molotov Cocktail daily) territory changed hands. The Almanac has taken over control from Winter is Coming. 22/03/24 07:15:24 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection. 22/03/24 06:00:23 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 22/03/24 05:15:23 PM
MJC The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (WTF Healers) 22/03/24 04:00:22 PM
ZDD The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (DP Warriors) 22/03/24 03:00:23 PM
JIE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 22/03/24 01:30:26 PM
PJE The Illegal Casino IV ($200,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 22/03/24 01:30:25 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 22/03/24 01:30:25 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 22/03/24 01:15:22 PM
JIE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 22/03/24 01:15:22 PM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 22/03/24 01:15:21 PM
PJE The Illegal Casino IV ($200,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 22/03/24 01:15:21 PM
PXD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 22/03/24 01:15:21 PM
NME The Arms Dealer I (25x HEG daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Resolute) 22/03/24 01:00:24 PM
RJC The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Black Hand) 22/03/24 09:00:23 AM
PXD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 22/03/24 07:15:22 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 22/03/24 07:15:21 AM
DWB The Arms Dealer IV (200x Molotov Cocktail daily) territory changed hands. Winter is Coming has taken over control from Natural Selection. 22/03/24 06:30:22 AM
DWB The Arms Dealer IV (200x Molotov Cocktail daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection has taken over control from JUX HQ. 22/03/24 06:15:21 AM
IIA A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (Droogs) 22/03/24 12:00:55 AM
TSB The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Nuclear Armageddon) 21/03/24 07:00:24 PM
JBA The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Rabid Chihuahuas) 21/03/24 05:00:23 PM
ZCE The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by White Rabbits. 21/03/24 12:00:23 PM
LBC The Arms Dealer II (50x Flash Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Drunk Tank) 21/03/24 12:00:22 PM
WSD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Subversive Alliance) 21/03/24 11:00:22 AM
ZCE The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by White Rabbits. 21/03/24 09:15:23 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by HAKA. 21/03/24 08:15:22 AM
OGD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 21/03/24 07:15:23 AM
PXD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 21/03/24 07:15:23 AM
JIE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 21/03/24 07:15:23 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 21/03/24 07:15:22 AM
PJE The Illegal Casino IV ($200,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 21/03/24 07:15:22 AM
JIE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 21/03/24 07:00:23 AM
PJE The Illegal Casino IV ($200,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 21/03/24 07:00:22 AM
OGD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 21/03/24 07:00:22 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by HAKA. 21/03/24 06:45:22 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 21/03/24 06:30:23 AM
PXD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 21/03/24 06:30:23 AM
BCD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Natural Selection. 21/03/24 06:15:22 AM
HFD The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Natural Selection. 21/03/24 06:00:25 AM
WCD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Natural Selection. 21/03/24 06:00:25 AM
XBD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Natural Selection. 21/03/24 06:00:24 AM
UJD The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Natural Selection. 21/03/24 06:00:24 AM
NZD The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Natural Selection. 21/03/24 06:00:24 AM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Natural Selection. 21/03/24 06:00:24 AM
EOF The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Red Cow daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from Natural Selection. 21/03/24 06:00:23 AM
DWB The Arms Dealer IV (200x Molotov Cocktail daily) territory changed hands. JUX HQ has taken over control from FLUX. 21/03/24 05:15:21 AM
AIA The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Iron Retribution) 20/03/24 09:00:23 PM
QGC The Arms Dealer IV (200x HEG daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (JFK - Future Killers) 20/03/24 01:00:23 PM
CKB The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SMTH - Phoenix Nirvana) 20/03/24 04:00:24 AM
QCD A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (Wolf Pack) 20/03/24 04:00:24 AM
AGC A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) has spawned. (Onion Smugglers) 19/03/24 07:00:27 PM
NJE The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Evolution) 19/03/24 06:00:26 PM
WND A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (The Revenant) 19/03/24 12:00:18 PM
UEC The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (SA One Punch) 19/03/24 06:00:18 AM
AEF The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Nuclear Winter) 19/03/24 01:00:21 AM
IFC The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Endless Endeavor) 18/03/24 11:00:19 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 18/03/24 09:15:20 PM
JIE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 18/03/24 09:15:20 PM
PJE The Illegal Casino IV ($200,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 18/03/24 09:15:19 PM
OGD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 18/03/24 09:15:19 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 18/03/24 09:00:17 PM
JIE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 18/03/24 09:00:17 PM
PJE The Illegal Casino IV ($200,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 18/03/24 09:00:16 PM
OGD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 18/03/24 09:00:16 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by HAKA. 18/03/24 09:00:16 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Endless Endeavor) 18/03/24 09:00:15 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by HAKA. 18/03/24 08:45:18 PM
QKD The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (PT-ShadowRazers) 18/03/24 05:00:20 PM
TIC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (PT-Penguins) 18/03/24 04:00:23 PM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Swiss Squad) 18/03/24 03:00:26 PM
SIA The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Vulpes Vulpes) 18/03/24 12:00:24 PM
MFD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Monarch Research) 18/03/24 11:00:24 AM
NSC The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection IV) 18/03/24 03:00:24 AM
HKA A new Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) has spawned. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 17/03/24 07:00:26 PM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery V (160x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Monarch HQ) 17/03/24 02:00:25 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 17/03/24 11:00:27 AM
NEG The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Revenant) 17/03/24 09:00:26 AM
CGB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Iron Fist) 17/03/24 05:00:25 AM
ORC The Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Monarch Cupid) 17/03/24 02:00:26 AM
HAC The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (JFK - Misfits) 16/03/24 11:00:25 PM
OBD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Nuclear Blast) 16/03/24 11:00:24 PM
UOE The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Revenant) 16/03/24 06:00:25 PM
ZIF The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Rabid Chihuahuas. 16/03/24 04:00:25 PM
ZIF The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Rabid Chihuahuas. 16/03/24 03:45:26 PM
DHF The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Iron Rose Cartel. 16/03/24 03:30:27 PM
JAA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. New Sith Order II has taken over control from New Sith Order. 16/03/24 03:15:30 PM
DHF The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Iron Rose Cartel. 16/03/24 03:15:29 PM
UVB The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. New Sith Order has taken over control from Natural Selection II. 16/03/24 03:15:29 PM
HPD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Lithium) 16/03/24 10:00:26 AM
SFC The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (JFK - Future Killers) 15/03/24 09:00:28 PM
EQC A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (Bloodbath and Beyond) 15/03/24 12:00:29 PM
MBA The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Order Through Chaos) 15/03/24 07:00:26 AM
VRE The Arms Dealer IV (200x Tear Gas daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Wargasm HQ) 15/03/24 07:00:25 AM
GTG The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The ZOO) 15/03/24 02:00:24 AM
RRE The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Drunk Tank) 15/03/24 02:00:24 AM
KVG The Arms Dealer IV (200x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Naughty Souls) 14/03/24 03:00:25 PM
ZPD The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Subversive Alliance) 14/03/24 03:00:25 PM
TDF The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Natural Selection IV) 14/03/24 03:00:24 PM
AAD The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (SA Equilibrium) 14/03/24 12:00:27 PM
JIE The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection III) 14/03/24 09:00:25 AM
FLC The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Ministry of Mayhem) 14/03/24 05:00:27 AM
RWC The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (JFK) 14/03/24 03:00:28 AM
BGF A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Reign of Confusion) 13/03/24 11:00:29 PM
WZG The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Midnight Plague) 13/03/24 10:00:28 PM
HED The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Deja) 13/03/24 09:00:28 PM
GZD The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 13/03/24 12:00:24 PM
JUE The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Nuclear Winter) 13/03/24 12:00:23 PM
PXD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 13/03/24 11:15:22 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by HAKA. 13/03/24 07:30:22 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 13/03/24 07:15:22 AM
NZD The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection) 13/03/24 06:00:23 AM
EPB The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Monarch Embassy) 13/03/24 06:00:23 AM
GHB The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Vulpes Vulpes) 13/03/24 05:00:22 AM
ZIF The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Rabid Chihuahuas. 13/03/24 04:15:22 AM
BMD The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Carbon) 13/03/24 04:00:23 AM
UJD The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection) 13/03/24 04:00:23 AM
DHF The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Iron Rose Cartel. 13/03/24 01:45:23 AM
LTG The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The ZOO) 13/03/24 01:00:23 AM
PXD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by BLACK STATUES. 13/03/24 12:45:24 AM
ZIF The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Rabid Chihuahuas. 13/03/24 12:45:24 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been dropped by BLACK STATUES. 13/03/24 12:45:23 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by BLACK STATUES. 13/03/24 12:45:23 AM
DHF The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Iron Rose Cartel. 13/03/24 12:45:23 AM
UVB The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection II has taken over control from ODB. 13/03/24 12:30:22 AM
UVB The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. ODB has taken over control from HAKA. 13/03/24 12:15:23 AM
DTE The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Endless Endeavor) 12/03/24 09:00:24 PM
ITC The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Little Stompers) 12/03/24 09:00:24 PM
EZC The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Collective JTF) 12/03/24 08:00:24 PM
ABA The Arms Dealer II (50x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Red Knights) 12/03/24 03:00:25 PM
LNC The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Wolverines) 12/03/24 02:00:23 PM
SHD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Catalysis) 12/03/24 09:00:17 AM
KKE The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (SA Equilibrium) 12/03/24 07:00:17 AM
UVB The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (HAKA) 12/03/24 06:00:18 AM
LHE The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Notorious Crew) 12/03/24 02:00:17 AM
YCD The Arms Dealer IV (200x HEG daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Evolution) 12/03/24 12:00:46 AM
RDF The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 11/03/24 08:00:17 PM
ZIF The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Rabid Chihuahuas) 11/03/24 06:00:20 PM
BBE The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (AQUA-Neptune) 11/03/24 05:00:18 PM
LXD A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (The Sick Bay) 11/03/24 11:00:26 AM
SSD The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Subversive Alliance) 11/03/24 09:00:15 AM
IUC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (~Twisted~) 11/03/24 02:00:27 AM
YBA The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Order Through Chaos) 11/03/24 02:00:27 AM
UVB The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. HAKA has taken over control from JUX HQ. 11/03/24 12:01:20 AM
HJC A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (WTF) 10/03/24 07:00:26 PM
SLE The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Black Hand) 10/03/24 06:00:31 PM
UIC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (PT-Calculated) 10/03/24 05:00:26 PM
IFE The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Monarch Research) 10/03/24 04:00:23 PM
ODD The Arms Dealer IV (200x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Wolf Pack) 10/03/24 11:00:26 AM
VHB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Wolverines Health Org) 10/03/24 08:00:23 AM
UOC The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Dopeheads on Mopeds) 10/03/24 04:00:25 AM
QJE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Natural Selection III) 10/03/24 01:00:26 AM
IKC The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Dark X) 09/03/24 10:00:23 PM
JAA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. New Sith Order has taken over control from The Untouchables. 09/03/24 06:45:22 PM
CDE The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Sick Bay) 09/03/24 04:00:26 PM
DHF The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Iron Rose Cartel) 09/03/24 11:00:20 AM
BCD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Natural Selection) 09/03/24 11:00:20 AM
PSD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Dystopia) 09/03/24 10:00:21 AM
DVG The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Riot) 09/03/24 09:00:22 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory changed hands. BLACK STATUES has taken over control from Medic!!. 09/03/24 04:00:25 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by BLACK STATUES. 09/03/24 04:00:25 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory changed hands. Medic!! has taken over control from BLACK STATUES. 09/03/24 03:45:23 AM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by BLACK STATUES. 09/03/24 03:45:23 AM
DHF The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been taken over by Iron Rose Cartel. 09/03/24 03:00:25 AM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Iron Rose Cartel. 09/03/24 03:00:24 AM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Iron Rose Cartel. 09/03/24 02:30:32 AM
DHF The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) territory has been dropped by Iron Rose Cartel. 09/03/24 02:30:32 AM
MGC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (NPO - Strength) 09/03/24 02:00:31 AM
UME A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (The Brotherhood of War) 08/03/24 11:00:26 PM
RDF The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection III has taken over control from Natural Selection IV. 08/03/24 10:00:26 PM
GTE The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (PT-Family) 08/03/24 08:00:31 PM
RQD The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Aquarius) 08/03/24 05:00:29 PM
WYG The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Escensio Incursus) 08/03/24 03:00:27 PM
RIA The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (SMTH - Concord) 08/03/24 10:00:23 AM
MJC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (WTF Healers) 08/03/24 07:00:23 AM
ZDD The Bordello III (20x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (DP Warriors) 08/03/24 05:00:23 AM
XOB A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 08/03/24 04:00:24 AM
DJC The Street Surgeon IV (40x Melatonin daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (WTF) 08/03/24 02:00:25 AM
ZIF The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Rabid Chihuahuas. 07/03/24 09:00:26 PM
JIE The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 07/03/24 09:00:26 PM
QJE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 07/03/24 09:00:25 PM
PXD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been taken over by BLACK STATUES. 07/03/24 09:00:25 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery V (160x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 07/03/24 09:00:25 PM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Iron Rose Cartel. 07/03/24 09:00:24 PM
OGD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 07/03/24 08:45:31 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been taken over by BLACK STATUES. 07/03/24 08:45:31 PM
UJD The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection. 07/03/24 08:45:31 PM
RDF The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection IV. 07/03/24 08:45:30 PM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been taken over by BLACK STATUES. 07/03/24 08:45:30 PM
PJE The Illegal Casino IV ($200,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection III. 07/03/24 08:45:30 PM
JIE The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 07/03/24 08:00:28 PM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory changed hands. Destructive Anomaly has taken over control from Natural Selection II. 07/03/24 08:00:28 PM
ZIF The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Rabid Chihuahuas. 07/03/24 08:00:27 PM
WCD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection has taken over control from Natural Selection II. 07/03/24 07:45:26 PM
QJE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 07/03/24 07:45:25 PM
PXD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 07/03/24 07:45:25 PM
HFD The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) territory changed hands. Natural Selection has taken over control from Natural Selection II. 07/03/24 07:45:25 PM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery V (160x Bottle of Moonshine daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 07/03/24 07:45:25 PM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Iron Rose Cartel. 07/03/24 07:45:24 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) territory has been dropped by HAKA. 07/03/24 07:45:24 PM
RDF The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 07/03/24 07:30:26 PM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 07/03/24 07:30:26 PM
PJE The Illegal Casino IV ($200,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 07/03/24 07:30:26 PM
OGD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection III. 07/03/24 07:30:26 PM
UJD The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 07/03/24 07:30:26 PM
EOF The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection. 07/03/24 07:30:25 PM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection II. 07/03/24 07:15:30 PM
EOF The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Red Cow daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection II. 07/03/24 07:15:29 PM
XSD The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Subversive Alliance) 07/03/24 07:00:28 PM
WAD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (WIT-Premier) 07/03/24 06:00:25 PM
NHE The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (WTF Healers) 07/03/24 05:00:29 PM
EZC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been taken over by The Collective JTF. 07/03/24 04:15:24 PM
FAD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) territory has been dropped by Destructive Anomaly. 07/03/24 04:15:24 PM
QCF The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Nuclear Armageddon) 07/03/24 03:00:30 PM
EZC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) territory has been dropped by New Sith Order II. 07/03/24 02:30:28 PM
NJC The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Dark X) 07/03/24 01:00:29 PM
CAA The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (JUX HQ) 07/03/24 06:00:24 AM
FVD The Arms Dealer I (25x Tear Gas daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Capacity X) 07/03/24 04:00:24 AM
KXD The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Nuclear Blast) 06/03/24 11:00:22 PM
ZFC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Brotherhood of War) 06/03/24 10:00:28 PM
TYG The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Chromatic) 06/03/24 10:00:27 PM
QZE The Bootleg Distillery III (40x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (The Next Level) 06/03/24 09:00:24 PM
XJD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Monarch HQ) 06/03/24 01:01:39 PM
RJC The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Black Hand) 06/03/24 06:00:27 AM
CBD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Catalysis) 06/03/24 02:00:39 AM
KXE The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Notorious Crew) 05/03/24 11:00:28 PM
WSG The Street Surgeon V (80x Epinephrine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (39th Street Killers X) 05/03/24 06:00:27 PM
TVD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Dystopia) 05/03/24 05:00:27 PM
JBA The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Rabid Chihuahuas) 05/03/24 02:00:28 PM
EHF The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Iron Rose Cartel) 05/03/24 02:00:27 PM
DZC The Arms Dealer IV (200x Tear Gas daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Voodoo) 05/03/24 01:00:28 PM
BRC The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Carbon) 05/03/24 01:00:28 PM
VJC The Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Ministry of Mayhem) 05/03/24 07:00:20 AM
LRB The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Nuclear Armageddon) 05/03/24 02:00:18 AM
WBD The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Nuclear Blast) 04/03/24 11:00:17 PM
OGD The Point Broker V (8,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection III) 04/03/24 08:00:29 PM
NJE The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Evolution) 04/03/24 08:00:28 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Endless Endeavor) 04/03/24 07:00:28 PM
TAE A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) has spawned. (Sport Club) 04/03/24 04:00:23 PM
FDE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Catalysis) 04/03/24 03:00:22 PM
JND The Street Surgeon IV (40x Melatonin daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Too Sober for this Shit) 04/03/24 12:00:20 PM
EFE A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Monarch Research) 04/03/24 09:00:24 AM
ILB The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (SMTH - HoYoverse) 04/03/24 06:00:20 AM
ZDE The Arms Dealer V (400x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Horizon) 03/03/24 11:00:21 PM
HZD The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Romania Elite Kommando) 03/03/24 05:00:29 PM
EDD The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Natural Selection) 03/03/24 08:00:22 AM
UOE The Street Surgeon II (10x Serotonin daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Revenant) 02/03/24 09:00:26 PM
DGC A new Street Surgeon I (5x Tyrosine daily) has spawned. (Endless Endeavor) 02/03/24 08:00:39 PM
YAE The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Damage Inc) 02/03/24 05:00:29 PM
IKE The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Damage Inc) 02/03/24 04:00:30 PM
MME The Cannabis Factory V (400x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Winter is Coming) 02/03/24 02:00:33 PM
AFB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Iron Phoenix) 02/03/24 09:00:28 AM
DWB The Arms Dealer IV (200x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (FLUX) 02/03/24 06:00:30 AM
CPD A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (The Revenant) 02/03/24 06:00:30 AM
OUD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (White Rabbits) 02/03/24 05:00:28 AM
ZMB The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (SMTH - Bright Summit) 02/03/24 04:00:23 AM
UWD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (PT-Family) 02/03/24 02:00:25 AM
JQD The Drug Lab IV (200x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (JFK 2.1) 02/03/24 01:00:27 AM
KGF The Street Surgeon V (80x Tyrosine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Project Nimbus) 01/03/24 06:00:25 PM
ATG The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Vinerri) 01/03/24 05:00:22 PM
WCD The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Natural Selection II) 01/03/24 08:00:25 AM
DPD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Swiss Squad) 01/03/24 08:00:25 AM
NLD The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Legitimate Business) 29/02/24 07:00:32 PM
PJE The Illegal Casino IV ($200,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Natural Selection III) 29/02/24 10:00:26 AM
NME The Arms Dealer I (25x HEG daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Resolute) 29/02/24 10:00:26 AM
BJE The Bootleg Distillery IV (80x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Monarch HQ) 29/02/24 07:00:23 AM
WSD The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Subversive Alliance) 29/02/24 05:00:24 AM
AAD A new Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) has spawned. (SA Equilibrium) 28/02/24 09:00:31 PM
HJE The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (WTF) 28/02/24 09:00:30 PM
HED The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Deja) 28/02/24 09:00:30 PM
JAA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (The Untouchables) 28/02/24 06:00:39 PM
AEF The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Nuclear Winter) 28/02/24 02:00:38 PM
PJB The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Ruthless Reborn) 28/02/24 12:00:32 PM
AHC The Street Surgeon III (20x Epinephrine daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (HAKA) 27/02/24 06:00:29 PM
RRE A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) has spawned. (The Drunk Tank) 27/02/24 02:00:30 PM
PXD The Bordello IV (40x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (ODB) 27/02/24 07:00:19 AM
MEC The Bootleg Distillery II (20x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Brotherhood of War) 26/02/24 10:00:23 PM
ICF The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Carbon) 26/02/24 09:00:26 PM
CGB The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Iron Fist) 26/02/24 05:15:21 PM
TIC A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) has spawned. (PT-Penguins) 26/02/24 03:00:22 PM
HZB The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Wolverines Gone Wild) 26/02/24 03:00:21 PM
EOF The Truck Stop V (160x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection II) 26/02/24 07:00:21 AM
RIC A new Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) has spawned. (NF Legacy) 26/02/24 03:00:21 AM
DTE The Street Surgeon IV (200x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Endless Endeavor) 25/02/24 07:00:21 PM
TGE The Street Surgeon I (5x Serotonin daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Wolf Pack Revival) 25/02/24 06:00:23 PM
JUE The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Nuclear Winter) 25/02/24 11:00:20 AM
MGD The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) racket has disappeared from the map. ([Redacted]) 25/02/24 07:00:21 AM
JHC The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Red Cow daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Endless Endeavor) 25/02/24 12:01:03 AM
IFC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Endless Endeavor) 24/02/24 11:00:24 PM
JWD The Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Aquarius) 24/02/24 10:00:22 PM
NBC The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Toxic Reign) 24/02/24 02:00:22 PM
GME The Street Surgeon I (5x Melatonin daily) territory has been taken over by WTF Resurrection. 24/02/24 01:30:22 AM
TDF The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) territory has been taken over by Natural Selection IV. 24/02/24 01:00:23 AM
TDF The Drug Lab IV (200x Xanax daily) territory has been dropped by Natural Selection IV. 24/02/24 12:45:22 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been taken over by ODB. 24/02/24 12:45:22 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) territory has been dropped by ODB. 24/02/24 12:30:22 AM
UEC The Illegal Casino II ($50,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (SA One Punch) 23/02/24 11:00:22 PM
GME The Street Surgeon I (5x Melatonin daily) territory has been dropped by Happy Vegemites. 23/02/24 08:45:24 PM
GME The Street Surgeon I (5x Melatonin daily) territory has been taken over by Happy Vegemites. 23/02/24 07:00:24 PM
SLE The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Black Hand) 23/02/24 07:00:23 PM
IMB The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Munster daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (SMTH - Trisolary) 23/02/24 06:00:23 PM
UVB The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (JUX HQ) 23/02/24 05:00:25 PM
ZWD The Protection Racket IV ($40,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Dystopia) 23/02/24 06:00:27 AM
GME The Street Surgeon I (5x Melatonin daily) territory has been dropped by WTF Resurrection. 23/02/24 02:15:23 AM
CWE The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Monarch Chrysalis) 22/02/24 09:00:24 PM
BBE The Street Surgeon I (25x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (AQUA-Neptune) 22/02/24 06:00:23 PM
ZTB The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Untouchables) 22/02/24 04:00:24 PM
SFC The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (JFK - Future Killers) 22/02/24 02:00:23 PM
JIE The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Natural Selection III) 22/02/24 10:00:22 AM
WZG The Street Surgeon III (100x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Midnight Plague) 22/02/24 08:00:23 AM
VRE The Arms Dealer V (400x Tear Gas daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Wargasm HQ) 22/02/24 05:00:21 AM
FLC The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Ministry of Mayhem) 22/02/24 02:00:27 AM
ITC The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Little Stompers) 21/02/24 09:00:29 PM
LFB The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Iron Retribution) 21/02/24 06:00:28 PM
VCC The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Blue Rock Collective) 21/02/24 01:00:26 PM
TYG The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Chromatic) 21/02/24 10:00:23 AM
FVD The Arms Dealer II (50x Tear Gas daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Capacity X) 21/02/24 08:00:23 AM
SHD The Drug Lab III (100x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Catalysis) 21/02/24 07:00:22 AM
DJC The Street Surgeon III (20x Melatonin daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (WTF) 21/02/24 04:00:23 AM
DHF The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Iron Rose Cartel) 21/02/24 02:00:27 AM
UJD The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection II) 21/02/24 02:00:27 AM
RWC The Cannabis Factory IV (200x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (JFK) 21/02/24 02:00:27 AM
UAB The Drug Lab V (400x Ecstasy daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Ravage) 21/02/24 01:00:27 AM
NJC The Drug Lab II (50x Ecstasy daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Dark X) 20/02/24 11:00:25 PM
LTG A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (The ZOO) 20/02/24 11:00:25 PM
RIA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (SMTH - Concord) 20/02/24 10:00:27 PM
RDF The Drug Lab V (400x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection III) 20/02/24 08:00:25 PM
ZFC A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) has spawned. (The Brotherhood of War) 20/02/24 07:00:30 PM
VHB The Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Wolverines Health Org) 20/02/24 07:00:29 PM
EPB A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Munster daily) has spawned. (Monarch Embassy) 20/02/24 06:00:25 PM
LNC The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (The Wolverines) 20/02/24 04:00:26 PM
PSD The Truck Stop II (20x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Dystopia) 20/02/24 03:00:26 PM
ZCE The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (White Rabbits) 20/02/24 11:00:20 AM
GME The Street Surgeon I (5x Melatonin daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (WTF Resurrection) 20/02/24 08:00:18 AM
DVG A new Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Riot) 20/02/24 02:00:20 AM
WBD The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 19/02/24 02:00:20 PM
RJC The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (The Black Hand) 19/02/24 07:00:18 AM
QJE The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Natural Selection III) 18/02/24 09:00:26 PM
THC The Cannabis Factory III (100x Cannabis daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Endless Endeavor) 18/02/24 08:00:25 PM
GSE The Street Surgeon I (5x Melatonin daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Materia) 18/02/24 05:00:24 PM
MBA The Protection Racket III ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Order Through Chaos) 18/02/24 02:00:25 PM
YBA A new Point Broker I (500x Points daily) has spawned. (Order Through Chaos) 18/02/24 02:00:25 PM
ORC A new Street Surgeon I (5x Ipecac Syrup daily) has spawned. (Monarch Cupid) 18/02/24 08:00:21 AM
LRB A new Drug Lab I (25x Ecstasy daily) has spawned. (Nuclear Armageddon) 18/02/24 08:00:20 AM
LBA The Money Launderer III ($40,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Order Through Chaos) 18/02/24 07:00:21 AM
ZPD A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (Subversive Alliance) 18/02/24 06:00:22 AM
HVE The Street Surgeon II (10x Neumune Tablet daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (ODB) 18/02/24 03:00:24 AM
KFE The Point Broker IV (4,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Monarch Research) 18/02/24 01:00:22 AM
OAE The Arms Dealer III (100x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (JFK 2.1) 17/02/24 05:00:22 PM
EHF The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Iron Rose Cartel) 17/02/24 04:00:20 PM
TCD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Next Level) 17/02/24 01:00:20 PM
GZD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Wolf Pack Next Generation) 17/02/24 03:00:23 AM
QKD The Point Broker III (2,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (PT-ShadowRazers) 17/02/24 02:00:22 AM
RQD The Cannabis Factory II (50x Cannabis daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Aquarius) 16/02/24 11:00:23 PM
DJE The Protection Racket V ($80,000,000 daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Monarch Chrysalis) 16/02/24 10:00:22 PM
FNB The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Nuclear Armageddon) 16/02/24 10:00:22 PM
ZDD The Bordello II (10x Erotic DVD daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (DP Warriors) 16/02/24 09:00:23 PM
FAD A new Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) has spawned. (Destructive Anomaly) 16/02/24 01:00:20 PM
UOC The Arms Dealer I (25x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Dopeheads on Mopeds) 16/02/24 01:00:19 PM
SKB The Street Surgeon V (400x Morphine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (JFK - Misfits) 16/02/24 06:00:19 AM
CBD The Protection Racket II ($10,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Catalysis) 15/02/24 11:00:23 PM
DWB The Arms Dealer III (100x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (FLUX) 15/02/24 06:00:22 PM
UWD The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (PT-Family) 15/02/24 01:00:19 PM
MFB The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Iron Retribution) 15/02/24 08:00:20 AM
DPD The Truck Stop III (40x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Swiss Squad) 15/02/24 07:00:20 AM
WFD The Bootleg Distillery V (160x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Natural Selection III) 15/02/24 07:00:19 AM
MGC The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (NPO - Strength) 15/02/24 06:00:20 AM
IQD The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Medic!!) 15/02/24 12:01:20 AM
ATG The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Vinerri) 15/02/24 12:01:19 AM
HZD The Point Broker I (500x Points daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Romania Elite Kommando) 14/02/24 09:00:22 PM
XSD The Drug Lab III (100x Xanax daily) racket went down a level from 4 to 3. (Subversive Alliance) 14/02/24 04:00:23 PM
ATB The Drug Lab I (25x Xanax daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (The Untouchables) 14/02/24 01:00:24 PM
IDF The Money Launderer I ($10,000,000 daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Carbon) 14/02/24 05:00:22 AM
JND The Street Surgeon V (80x Melatonin daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Too Sober for this Shit) 14/02/24 02:00:23 AM
ABA The Arms Dealer I (25x Molotov Cocktail daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Red Knights) 13/02/24 07:00:34 PM
ZIF The Money Launderer II ($20,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Rabid Chihuahuas) 13/02/24 02:00:22 PM
IKC The Protection Racket I ($5,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (Dark X) 13/02/24 02:00:21 PM
PXD The Bordello V (80x Erotic DVD daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (ODB) 13/02/24 04:00:17 AM
NLD The Street Surgeon II (50x Morphine daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Legitimate Business) 13/02/24 03:00:19 AM
USC The Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Little Stompers) 12/02/24 10:00:19 AM
VJC A new Cannabis Factory I (25x Cannabis daily) has spawned. (Ministry of Mayhem) 12/02/24 07:00:18 AM
MFD A new Truck Stop I (10x Can of Taurine Elite daily) has spawned. (Monarch Research) 12/02/24 04:00:20 AM
SIA The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went down a level from 3 to 2. (Vulpes Vulpes) 12/02/24 03:00:18 AM
NZD The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Red Cow daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Natural Selection) 12/02/24 12:01:22 AM
KVG The Arms Dealer III (100x Flash Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 2 to 3. (Naughty Souls) 11/02/24 08:00:20 PM
PLE The Bordello I (5x Erotic DVD daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (SA Equilibrium) 11/02/24 07:00:21 PM
MHE The Arms Dealer I (25x Tear Gas daily) racket has disappeared from the map. (Monarch Army of Light) 11/02/24 05:00:22 PM
GTG A new Bootleg Distillery I (10x Bottle of Moonshine daily) has spawned. (The ZOO) 11/02/24 01:00:19 PM
OUD The Drug Lab II (50x Xanax daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (White Rabbits) 11/02/24 08:00:19 AM
ODD The Arms Dealer V (400x Smoke Grenade daily) racket went up a level from 4 to 5. (Wolf Pack) 11/02/24 05:00:19 AM
NEG The Illegal Casino I ($25,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 2 to 1. (The Revenant) 10/02/24 11:00:19 PM
KXD The Money Launderer IV ($80,000,000 daily) racket went down a level from 5 to 4. (Nuclear Blast) 10/02/24 10:00:19 PM
JUE The Truck Stop IV (80x Can of Taurine Elite daily) racket went up a level from 3 to 4. (Nuclear Winter) 10/02/24 10:00:19 PM
HFD The Point Broker II (1,000x Points daily) racket went up a level from 1 to 2. (Natural Selection II) 10/02/24 07:00:19 PM
BUG A new Stre