Zortok's Workshop

Prices here used as a guide, for exact price refer to this Price List.


Description Price
Sheep Plushie $196
Teddy Bear Plushie $200
Cannabis $1,505
Ecstasy $6,209
Ketamine $1,429
LSD $8,025
Opium $6,210
PCP $3,651
Shrooms $1,623
Speed $2,473
Vicodin $271
Xanax $179,495
Kitten Plushie $402
Jaguar Plushie $3,403
Wolverine Plushie $1,575
Nessie Plushie $7,230
Red Fox Plushie $7,753
Monkey Plushie $8,447
Chamois Plushie $1,921
Panda Plushie $14,229
Lion Plushie $14,104
Camel Plushie $18,492
Stingray Plushie $1,561
Love Juice $1,052,587
Box of Chocolate Bars $158
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $5,441
Bag of Bon Bons $148
Box of Bon Bons $151
Box of Extra Strong Mints $149
Morphine $2,768
First Aid Kit $1,694
Small First Aid Kit $887
Bunch of Flowers $128
Parachute $96,194,286
Dozen Roses $124
Pixie Sticks $55,548
Single Red Rose $143
Bunch of Black Roses $151
Box of Sweet Hearts $147
Bag of Chocolate Kisses $142
Grenade $1,477
Stick Grenade $5,685
Flash Grenade $3,961
Smoke Grenade $17,603
Claymore Mine $2,872
Ninja Star $293
HEG $3,183
Fireworks $300
Tear Gas $11,213
Throwing Knife $6,346
Dahlia $475
Crocus $1,497
Orchid $5,148
Heather $8,354
Ceibo Flower $7,585
Edelweiss $493
Peony $14,244
Cherry Blossom $11,732
African Violet $12,504
Lollipop $152
Skateboard $204,364,904
Boxing Gloves $60,722,500
Dumbbells $98,200,294
Neumune Tablet $175,176
Box of Grenades $232,056
Box of Medical Supplies $52,321
Erotic DVD $605,820
Feathery Hotel Coupon $2,616,992
Lawyer's Business Card $84,300
Lottery Voucher $195,921
Drug Pack $887,062
Tribulus Omanense $15,371
Pepper Spray $417
Brick $144
Epinephrine $189,221
Melatonin $63,740
Serotonin $281,421
Bag of Candy Kisses $5,993
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $9,237
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $16,311
Can of Munster $303,686
Can of Red Cow $412,087
Can of Taurine Elite $742,650
Can of Santa Shooters $229,427
Can of Rockstar Rudolph $410,885
Can of X-MASS $722,364
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $16,492
Book of Carols $3,357,586
Gift Card $689,945
Book $6,292,800
Jawbreaker $57,328
Bag of Sherbet $54,914
Goodie Bag $6,868,684
Snowball $3,707
Trout $3,583
Banana Orchid $1,974
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $8,901
Empty Blood Bag $3,398
Blood Bag : A+ $3,344
Blood Bag : A- $4,810
Blood Bag : B+ $4,103
Blood Bag : B- $4,696
Blood Bag : AB+ $4,014
Blood Bag : AB- $7,087
Blood Bag : O+ $3,452
Blood Bag : O- $5,224
Molotov Cocktail $10,877
Tyrosine $126,932
Keg of Beer $1,493,272
Six-Pack of Alcohol $170,640
Six-Pack of Energy Drink $2,745,249
Sand $9,211,300
Nail Bomb $494,373
Daffodil $149
Can of Goose Juice $74,740
Can of Damp Valley $136,599
Can of Crocozade $209,639
Blood Bag : Irradiated $10,613
Birthday Cupcake $438,512
Anniversary Present $78,221,451
Bag of Humbugs $158,519
Concussion Grenade $987,911
Description Price
Sheep Plushie $196
Teddy Bear Plushie $200
Kitten Plushie $402
Jaguar Plushie $3,403
Wolverine Plushie $1,575
Nessie Plushie $7,230
Red Fox Plushie $7,753
Monkey Plushie $8,447
Chamois Plushie $1,921
Panda Plushie $14,229
Lion Plushie $14,104
Camel Plushie $18,492
Stingray Plushie $1,561
Description Price
Cannabis $1,505
Ecstasy $6,209
Ketamine $1,429
LSD $8,025
Opium $6,210
PCP $3,651
Shrooms $1,623
Speed $2,473
Vicodin $271
Xanax $179,495
Love Juice $1,052,587
Description Price
Box of Chocolate Bars $158
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $5,441
Bag of Bon Bons $148
Box of Bon Bons $151
Box of Extra Strong Mints $149
Pixie Sticks $55,548
Box of Sweet Hearts $147
Bag of Chocolate Kisses $142
Lollipop $152
Bag of Candy Kisses $5,993
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $9,237
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $16,311
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $16,492
Jawbreaker $57,328
Bag of Sherbet $54,914
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $8,901
Birthday Cupcake $438,512
Bag of Humbugs $158,519
Description Price
Morphine $2,768
First Aid Kit $1,694
Small First Aid Kit $887
Neumune Tablet $175,176
Empty Blood Bag $3,398
Blood Bag : A+ $3,344
Blood Bag : A- $4,810
Blood Bag : B+ $4,103
Blood Bag : B- $4,696
Blood Bag : AB+ $4,014
Blood Bag : AB- $7,087
Blood Bag : O+ $3,452
Blood Bag : O- $5,224
Blood Bag : Irradiated $10,613
Description Price
Bunch of Flowers $128
Dozen Roses $124
Single Red Rose $143
Bunch of Black Roses $151
Dahlia $475
Crocus $1,497
Orchid $5,148
Heather $8,354
Ceibo Flower $7,585
Edelweiss $493
Peony $14,244
Cherry Blossom $11,732
African Violet $12,504
Tribulus Omanense $15,371
Banana Orchid $1,974
Daffodil $149
Description Price
Parachute $96,194,286
Skateboard $204,364,904
Boxing Gloves $60,722,500
Dumbbells $98,200,294
Erotic DVD $605,820
Feathery Hotel Coupon $2,616,992
Lawyer's Business Card $84,300
Book of Carols $3,357,586
Gift Card $689,945
Description Price
Grenade $1,477
Stick Grenade $5,685
Flash Grenade $3,961
Smoke Grenade $17,603
Claymore Mine $2,872
Ninja Star $293
HEG $3,183
Fireworks $300
Tear Gas $11,213
Throwing Knife $6,346
Pepper Spray $417
Brick $144
Epinephrine $189,221
Melatonin $63,740
Serotonin $281,421
Book $6,292,800
Snowball $3,707
Trout $3,583
Molotov Cocktail $10,877
Tyrosine $126,932
Sand $9,211,300
Nail Bomb $494,373
Concussion Grenade $987,911
Description Price
Box of Grenades $232,056
Box of Medical Supplies $52,321
Lottery Voucher $195,921
Drug Pack $887,062
Goodie Bag $6,868,684
Keg of Beer $1,493,272
Six-Pack of Alcohol $170,640
Six-Pack of Energy Drink $2,745,249
Anniversary Present $78,221,451
Description Price
Can of Munster $303,686
Can of Red Cow $412,087
Can of Taurine Elite $742,650
Can of Santa Shooters $229,427
Can of Rockstar Rudolph $410,885
Can of X-MASS $722,364
Can of Goose Juice $74,740
Can of Damp Valley $136,599
Can of Crocozade $209,639
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