The Catalysts vs Occul2us

Target: 2,776 / 2,775

Score: 4,066

Member Count: 12

They have received 1,193 bonus respect, 394 points, Medium Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
LaCampeon [103002] 59 9 29.00
Mazulis [292810] 70 110 685.22
Tsmalls [2015624] 44 1 8.52
-DEACON- [2177035] 40 105 392.50
Contius [2201821] 49 43 336.08
MadMartigan16 [2323784] 64 91 421.48
HONDO [2328554] 50 12 60.99
-TANGO- [2335453] 84 159 685.08
Myioke [2365232] 80 126 689.16
Arvina [2509324] 81 169 758.73
ImpendingBunny [2825921] 7 0 0.00
VladimirPutinRU [2826414] 5 0 0.00

Score: 1,290

Member Count: 14

They have received 1,867 bonus respect, 616 points, Melee Cache x1, Armor Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
LadyMarge [2671731] 25 6 8.04
Jackles [2683257] 50 14 113.18
Steak [2693811] 40 9 64.57
Aguamel [2695522] 51 31 376.18
Hespy [2706760] 45 8 82.47
RookIRL [2725847] 35 4 84.75
Kelvalrogh [2735504] 30 18 151.14
Sockrox [2752642] 23 6 41.82
Eric-Draven [2766066] 35 10 15.90
Achez [2770023] 26 3 160.00
Huamparlo [2796299] 25 4 191.97
SmellyBru [2697493] 51 0 0.00
BlackWolfz [2349198] 22 0 0.00
CaptWinters [2766486] 36 0 0.00
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